瑪加伯上 |
1 Maccabees |
1他的兒子猶大又名瑪加伯的,接了他的位。 |
1Then his son Judas, who was called Maccabeus, took his place. |
2他的眾兄弟及附和他父親的人,都來輔佐他,大家都奮勇為以色列作戰。 |
2All his brothers and all who had joined his father supported him, and they carried on Israel's war joyfully. |
3他增加了自己百姓的光榮,身披甲胄,狀似英雄,腰佩兵器,領軍作戰,持刀護陣, |
3He spread abroad the glory of his people, and put on his breastplate like a giant. He armed himself with weapons of war; he planned battles and protected the camp with his sword. |
4着手行事有如壯獅,捕獵怒號好似幼獅。 |
4In his actions he was like a lion, like a young lion roaring for prey. |
5把歹徒搜查追捕,將加害百姓者,以火焚燒。 |
5He pursued the wicked, hunting them out, and those who troubled his people he destroyed by fire. |
6於是違法歹徒,不寒而慄;作惡匪類,驚惶失措;救國大業,賴其成功。 |
6The lawbreakers were cowed by fear of him, and all evildoers were dismayed. By his hand redemption was happily achieved, |
7他使許多君王苦惱,行事卻使雅各伯歡樂,因為他集合了四散的人。 |
7and he afflicted many kings; He made Jacob glad by his deeds, and his memory is blessed forever. |
8他出巡猶太各城,將城中惡徒剷除,從以色列挽回聖怒。 |
8He went about the cities of Judah destroying the impious there. He turned away wrath from Israel |
9他的聲名遍傳地極,他的紀念永受讚美。 |
9and was renowned to the ends of the earth; he gathered together those who were perishing. |
10阿頗羅尼調集異民,又從撒瑪黎雅調來一支勁旅,要進攻以色列。 |
10 Then Apollonius gathered the Gentiles, together with a large army from Samaria, to fight against Israel. |
11猶大一聽說,就出兵迎擊,將阿頗羅尼殺死,敵方傷亡甚眾,殘敵四散逃命, |
11When Judas learned of it, he went out to meet him and defeated and killed him. Many fell wounded, and the rest fled. |
12猶太人奪得了許多物資;猶大取了阿頗羅尼的寶劍,一生用來作戰。 |
12Their possessions were seized and the sword of Apollonius was taken by Judas, who fought with it the rest of his life. |
13敘利亞的軍長色龍,聽說猶大召集了很多軍民,號召一夥忠誠的猶太人,隨他前往作戰, |
13But Seron, commander of the Syrian army, heard that Judas had gathered many about him, an assembly of faithful men ready for war. |
14就說:「我要成名,在國內受光榮,要戰勝猶大和跟隨他而輕視王命的人。」 |
14So he said, "I will make a name for myself and win glory in the kingdom by defeating Judas and his followers, who have despised the king's command." |
15他於是出征,率領一支強大而兇橫軍隊,來向以色列子民復仇。 |
15And again a large company of renegades advanced with him to help him take revenge on the Israelites. |
16當他行近貝特曷龍山坡時,猶大帶着一小隊兵,前去迎擊。 |
16 When he reached the ascent of Beth-horon, Judas went out to meet him with a few men. |
17他們一見大軍迎面而來,便向猶大說:「我們人數少,怎能攻打這麼眾多,強大有力的敵人呢?何況我們今天還未用飯,疲乏無力呢!」 |
17But when they saw the army coming against them, they said to Judas: "How can we, few as we are, fight such a mighty host as this? Besides, we are weak today from fasting." |
18猶大回答說:「多數人困在少數人手裏,是容易的事;用多數或用少數人施救,為上天沒有區別。 |
18But Judas said: "It is easy for many to be overcome by a few; in the sight of Heaven there is no difference between deliverance by many or by few; |
19因為戰爭的勝利,不在乎軍隊的多寡,而在乎由天而來力量。 |
19for victory in war does not depend upon the size of the army, but on strength that comes from Heaven. |
20他們來攻打我們,蠻橫傲慢,無法無天,原為剷除我們和我們的妻子兒女,前來洗劫搶掠。 |
20With great presumption and lawlessness they come against us to destroy us and our wives and children and to despoil us; |
21但是,我們是為保護性命和法律而戰; |
21but we are fighting for our lives and our laws. |
22因此,天主必會親自在我們面前粉碎他們;所以千萬不要害怕!」 |
22 He himself will crush them before us; so do not be afraid of them." |
23他一說完這話,便突然出擊,色龍與他的軍隊不支敗退。 |
23When he finished speaking, he rushed suddenly upon Seron and his army, who were crushed before him. |
24猶大從貝特龍山坡,一直追到平原。敵人陣亡的約有八百,餘下的都逃到培肋舍特人的地方去了。 |
24 He pursued Seron down the descent of Beth-horon into the plain. About eight hundred of their men fell, and the rest fled to the country of the Philistines. |
25從此,眾人對猶大和他的兄弟都害怕起來,四周的異民也都為之震驚。 |
25Then Judas and his brothers began to be feared, and dread fell upon the Gentiles about them. |
26猶大的名聲傳到了君王那裏,異民都稱述他的戰功。 |
26His fame reached the king, and all the Gentiles talked about the battles of Judas. |
27安提約古王一聽這消息,心中大怒,下令調集全國軍隊,編成強有力的大軍。 |
27When Antiochus heard about these events, he was angry; so he ordered a muster of all the forces of his kingdom, a very strong army. |
28打開庫房,給軍隊發了一年的軍餉,且囑咐他們準備應變。 |
28He opened his treasure chests, gave his soldiers a year's pay, and commanded them to be prepared for anything. |
29當時他也發覺國庫銀錢短絀,又因廢棄舊制,國內混亂,各地稅收大減。 |
29He then found that this exhausted the money in his treasury; moreover the income from the province was small, because of the dissension and distress he had brought upon the land by abolishing the laws which had been in effect from of old. |
30他怕一兩次開支和勞軍之後,再不能像從前那樣的闊綽,原來他揮霍無度,超過以前的君王。 |
30He feared that, as had happened more than once, he would not have enough for his expenses and for the gifts that he had previously given with a more liberal hand than the preceding kings. |
31因此心煩意亂,便決意到波斯去向各地徵收捐稅,大量聚歛銀錢。 |
31Greatly perplexed, he decided to go to Persia and levy tribute on those provinces, and so raise a large sum of money. |
32遂留下王族出身的貴人里息雅,託他代理從幼發拉的河直到埃及境界的國政; |
32He left Lysias, a nobleman of royal blood, in charge of the king's affairs from the Euphrates River to the frontier of Egypt, |
33還託他撫育自己的兒子安提約古,直到自己回來。 |
33and commissioned him to take care of his son Antiochus until his own return. |
34又將一半的兵力和象隊交給他,吩咐他執行自己所決定的一切,尤其是關於猶太和耶路撒冷居民的事; |
34He entrusted to him half of the army, and the elephants, and gave him instructions concerning everything he wanted done. As for the inhabitants of Judea and Jerusalem, |
35即要他派遣軍隊攻打以色列,粉碎他們的力量,掃蕩耶路撒冷剩餘的居民,將他們的紀念,由那地上除去; |
35Lysias was to send an army against them to crush and destroy the power of Israel and the remnant of Jerusalem and efface their memory from the land. |
36使外方人移居於他們的全境,將他們的土地拈鬮分給那些人為產業。 |
36He was to settle foreigners in all their territory and distribute their land by lot. |
37然後,王自己帶着其餘一半軍隊,在一四七年,由國都安提約基雅出發,渡過幼發拉的河,向高原進發。 |
37 The king took the remaining half of the army and set out from Antioch, his capital, in the year one hundred and forty-seven; he crossed the Euphrates River and advanced inland. |
38里息雅選派了多黎默乃的兒子仆托肋米、尼加諾爾和哥爾基雅,他們都是國王朋友中最有權勢的人。 |
38 Lysias chose Ptolemy, son of Dorymenes, and Nicanor and Gorgias, capable men among the King's Friends, |
39又特派步兵四萬和騎兵七千,由他們率領出征猶太地,照國王的命令摧毀那地。 |
39and with them he sent forty thousand men and seven thousand cavalry to invade the land of Judah and ravage it according to the king's orders. |
40於是他們便率領軍隊出發,到達靠近厄瑪烏的平原上紮了營。 |
40 Setting out with all their forces, they came and pitched their camp near Emmaus in the plain. |
41那一帶的商人聽說他們來了,就帶着許多金銀和腳鐐,來到營幕,準備收買以色列子民為奴;依杜默雅和培肋舍特的軍隊,也來參戰。 |
41When the merchants of the country heard of their fame, they came to the camp, bringing fetters and a large sum of silver and gold, to buy the Israelites as slaves. A force from Idumea and from Philistia joined with them. |
42猶大和他的兄弟見形勢危急,敵軍已在自己境內紮營;又聽說王已下令,要根除自己的百姓, |
42Judas and his brothers saw that the situation had become critical now that armies were encamped within their territory; they knew of the orders which the king had given to destroy and utterly wipe out the people. |
43就彼此說:「我們要挽救百姓免於滅亡,要為百姓及聖所而戰。」 |
43So they said to one another, "Let us restore our people from their ruined estate, and fight for our people and our sanctuary!" |
44於是集合會眾,準備應戰,且舉行祈禱,懇求仁慈和憐憫。 |
44The assembly gathered together to prepare for battle and to pray and implore mercy and compassion. |
45這時,耶路撒冷好似無人居住的曠野,城中已沒有一人出入;聖所已被人踐踏,城堡已為外方人佔據,成了異民的居所;雅各伯家不再歡樂,琴瑟之聲業已止息, |
45Jerusalem was uninhabited, like a desert; not one of her children entered or came out. The sanctuary was trampled on, and foreigners were in the citadel; it was a habitation of Gentiles. Joy had disappeared from Jacob, and the flute and the harp were silent. |
46於是以色列人集合起來,只有來到耶路撒冷對面的米茲帕;米茲帕原是以色列人昔日祈禱的聖地。 |
46 Thus they assembled and went to Mizpah near Jerusalem, because there was formerly at Mizpah a place of prayer for Israel. |
47那天人人禁食,身穿苦衣,頭上撒灰,撕裂衣服, |
47That day they fasted and wore sackcloth; they sprinkled ashes on their heads and tore their clothes. |
48揭開《法律書》尋問,如同異民尋問他們的偶像一般。 |
48 They unrolled the scroll of the law, to learn about the things for which the Gentiles consulted the images of their idols. |
49他們又帶來司祭的衣服、初熟的果實和什一的獻儀,並叫滿期的「納齊爾」人前來。 |
49 They brought with them the priestly vestments, the first fruits, and the tithes; and they brought forward the nazirites who had completed the time of their vows. |
50他們大聲向上天呼號說:「我們對這些人當怎麼辦?要把他們帶到何處? |
50And they cried aloud to Heaven: "What shall we do with these men, and where shall we take them? |
51你的聖所已被踐踏污辱;你的司祭已蒙難而憂傷。 |
51For your sanctuary has been trampled on and profaned, and your priests are in mourning and humiliation. |
52異民齊來攻擊,要消滅我們!你知道他們對我們所想的是什麼。 |
52Now the Gentiles are gathered together against us to destroy us. You know what they plot against us. |
53除非你援助我們,我們怎能抵抗他們?」 |
53How shall we be able to resist them unless you help us?" |
54他們遂吹號角,大聲呼喊。 |
54Then they blew the trumpets and cried out loudly. |
55此後,猶大派定率領軍人的千夫長、百夫長、五十夫長和十夫長; |
55After this Judas appointed officers among the people, over thousands, over hundreds, over fifties, and over tens. |
56又向修房屋、訂婚、種葡萄與膽怯的人說明,按法律他們可以各回本家。 |
56He proclaimed that those who were building houses, or were just married, or were planting vineyards, and those who were afraid, could each return to his home, according to the law. |
57於是調動軍隊,在厄瑪烏以南安營。 |
57Then the army moved off, and they camped to the south of Emmaus. |
58猶大向他們說:「你們應裝備起來,作勇敢的士兵,應準備停當,明早向前來攻擊我們,毀滅我們和聖所的異民作戰, |
58Judas said: "Arm yourselves and be brave; in the morning be ready to fight these Gentiles who have assembled against us to destroy us and our sanctuary. |
59因為我們在陣上,寧願死,也不願看見我們的民族與聖所遭遇不幸。 |
59It is better for us to die in battle than to witness the ruin of our nation and our sanctuary. Whatever Heaven wills, he will do." |
60上天的旨意怎樣,就怎樣實行罷!」 |
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