瑪加伯下:Chapter 11


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瑪加伯下 2 Maccabees
1此後不久,王的親戚和監護人並國務總理里息雅,對所遭遇的事,異常憤恨, 1 Very soon afterward, Lysias, guardian and kinsman of the king and head of the government, being greatly displeased at what had happened,
2便募集了八萬步兵及所有的騎兵,出發進攻猶太人,企圖將聖城作為希臘人的居所; 2mustered about eighty thousand infantry and all his cavalry and marched against the Jews. His plan was to make Jerusalem a Greek settlement;
3向聖殿徵稅,像對其他各國的寺廟一樣;並且每年高價出售大司祭的職位。 3to levy tribute on the temple, as he did on the sanctuaries of the other nations; and to put the high priesthood up for sale every year.
4他毫不想天主的威能,而只信賴他的幾萬步兵,數千騎兵和八十匹象。 4He did not take God's power into account at all, but felt exultant confidence in his myriads of foot soldiers, his thousands of horsemen, and his eighty elephants.
5侵入猶太之後,逼近離耶路撒冷約三十二公里的一個要塞貝特族爾,傾全力圍攻。 5So he invaded Judea, and when he reached Beth-zur, a fortified place about twenty miles from Jerusalem, launched a strong attack against it.
6瑪加伯與部下聽說他圍攻那堡壘,便與民眾一同歎息流淚,懇求上主派一位好天使來拯救以色列。 6When Maccabeus and his men learned that Lysias was besieging the strongholds, they and all the people begged the Lord with lamentations and tears to send a good angel to save Israel.
7瑪加伯自己首先拿起武器,然後激勵眾人跟他去冒險拯救同胞;眾人都自告奮勇與他前去。 7Maccabeus himself was the first to take up arms, and he exhorted the others to join him in risking their lives to help their kinsmen. Then they resolutely set out together.
8他們離耶路撒冷不遠,有位身穿白衣,手揮金武器的騎兵出現,作他們的前鋒。 8Suddenly, while they were still near Jerusalem, a horseman appeared at their head, clothed in white garments and brandishing gold weapons.
9他們一致稱揚仁慈的天主,個個勇往直前,不但準備衝鋒殺敵,而且還敢與最兇猛的野獸搏鬥,衝破銅牆鐵壁。 9Then all of them together thanked God for his mercy, and their hearts were filled with such courage that they were ready to assault not only men, but the most savage beasts, yes, even walls of iron.
10他們既得上主垂憐,從天上獲得助戰者,就列陣前進, 10Now that the Lord had shown his mercy toward them, they advanced in battle order with the aid of their heavenly ally.
11衝向敵人如猛獅一般,擊殺了步兵一萬一千,騎兵一千六百,迫得其餘的人都望風而逃, 11Hurling themselves upon the enemy like lions, they laid low eleven thousand foot soldiers and sixteen hundred horsemen, and put all the rest to flight.
12大半負傷棄甲逃命,連里息雅自己也得抱頭鼠竄,纔得苟全性命。 12Most of those who got away were wounded and stripped of their arms, while Lysias himself escaped only by shameful flight.
13但他並不是個愚昧人:當他回想自己所遭遇的失敗,便知希伯來人是不可戰勝的,因為有全能的天主與他們共同作戰; 13But Lysias was not a stupid man. He reflected on the defeat he had suffered, and came to realize that the Hebrews were invincible because the mighty God was their ally. He therefore sent a message
14於是派遣使者,去同猶太人說和,立平等的條件,且許下盡力勸國王與他們做朋友。 14persuading them to settle everything on just terms, and promising to persuade the king also, and to induce him to become their friend.
15瑪加伯為顧全公共的利益,就接受了里息雅所提出的一切,王也批准了瑪加伯為猶太人向里息雅書面所要求的各項條件。 15Maccabeus, solicitous for the common good, agreed to all that Lysias proposed; and the king, on his part, granted in behalf of the Jews all the written requests of Maccabeus to Lysias.
16里息雅給猶太人所寫的函件如下:「里息雅祝猶太人民安好! 16These are the terms of the letter which Lysias wrote to the Jews: "Lysias sends greetings to the Jewish people.
17你們的使者若望及阿貝沙隆呈遞下附的函件,請求批准所列的事項。 17John and Absalom, your envoys, have presented your signed communication and asked about the matters contained in it.
18凡應轉呈君王的,我已稟呈;凡是可允准的,他一概允准了。 18Whatever had to be referred to the king I called to his attention, and the things that were acceptable he has granted.
19若你們對政府仍保持友好,今後我必盡力為你們謀求幸福。 19If you maintain your loyalty to the government, I will endeavor to further your interests in the future.
20關於這些及其餘詳細事項,我已吩咐你們的使者和我的特派員與你們會商。 20On the details of these matters I have authorized my representatives, as well as your envoys, to confer with you.
21祝你們健康!一四八年,『彫斯苛洛』月二十四日。」 21 Farewell." The year one hundred and forty-eight, the twenty-fourth of Dioscorinthius.
22王的諭文如下:「安提約古王祝兄弟里息雅安好! 22The king's letter read thus: "King Antiochus sends greetings to his brother Lysias.
23自從先父歸於諸神以後,我們願意所屬人民,自管其國,不受騷擾; 23Now that our father has taken his place among the gods, we wish the subjects of our kingdom to be undisturbed in conducting their own affairs.
24我們也聽說猶太人不滿先父令他們隨從希臘風俗,而願保守自己固有的生活方式,並且要求遵守自己法律的許可。 24We understand that the Jews do not agree with our father's policy concerning Greek customs but prefer their own way of life. They are petitioning us to let them retain their own customs.
25其實,我們很願意這民族不受騷擾,決意將聖殿交還他們,准許他們按照祖先的習例度日。 25Since we desire that this people too should be undisturbed, our decision is that their temple be restored to them and that they live in keeping with the customs of their ancestors.
26所以,你更好派使者到他們那裏去,與他們和好,好使他們認清我們的意思,安心樂意處理自己的事務。」 26Accordingly, please send them messengers to give them our assurances of friendship, so that, when they learn of our decision, they may have nothing to worry about but may contentedly go about their own business."
27王給猶太民族所頒的詔書如下:「安提約古王祝猶太參議院與其他的人民安好! 27The king's letter to the people was as follows: "King Antiochus sends greetings to the Jewish senate and to the rest of the Jews.
28如果你們安康,那正是我們的希望,我們也很平安, 28If you are well, it is what we desire. We too are in good health.
29默乃勞向我們呈報,說你們願意回鄉,從事己業。 29Menelaus has told us of your wish to return home and attend to your own affairs.
30因此,凡在『散提苛』月三十日以前回家的,一概得享平安。 30Therefore, those who return by the thirtieth of Xanthicus will have our assurance of full permission
31並允許猶太人像昔日一樣,享用自己規定的食物,遵守自己的法律;如果有人無意做了什麼錯事,誰也不可干涉。 31to observe their dietary laws and other laws, just as before, and none of the Jews shall be molested in any way for faults committed through ignorance.
32此外,我又派默乃勞前去慰問你們。 32I have also sent Menelaus to reassure you.
33謹此祝你們健康!一四八年『散提苛』月十五日。」 33 Farewell." In the year one hundred and forty-eight, the fifteenth of Xanthicus.
34羅馬人也寄給猶太人一封公函,其原文如下:「羅馬人的使者昆突默米,提突瑪尼祝猶太人民安好! 34The Romans also sent them a letter as follows: "Quintus Memmius and Titus Manius, legates of the Romans, send greetings to the Jewish people.
35王的親人里息雅與你們商定的事,我們也表示贊同。 35Whatever Lysias, kinsman of the king, has granted you, we also approve.
36對於那些他認為應請示國王的事,在你們仔細考慮以後,即刻派一人來,使我們能依照你們的利益去建議,因為我們快要起身到安提約基雅去。 36But the matters on which he passed judgment should be submitted to the king. As soon as you have considered them, send someone to us with your decisions so that we may present them to your advantage, for we are on our way to Antioch.
37請急速派幾個人來,叫我們知道究竟你們有什麼意見。 37Make haste, then, to send us those who can inform us of your intentions.
38謹此祝你們健康!一四八年『散提苛』月十五日。」 38 Farewell." In the year one hundred and forty-eight, the fifteenth of Xanthicus.