約伯傳 |
Job |
1納阿瑪人左法爾發言說: |
1And Zophar the Naamathite spoke out and said: |
2難道喋喋不休,就不需要答覆?難道多嘴多舌的人,就證明有理? |
2Should not the man of many words be answered, or must the garrulous man necessarily be right? |
3你的空談,豈能叫人緘默?你如此謾罵,難道無人使你羞愧? |
3Shall your babblings keep men silent, and shall you deride and no one give rebuke? |
4你說過:「我的品行是純潔的,我在你眼中是清白的。」 |
4Shall you say: "My teaching is pure, and I am clean in your sight"? |
5但願天主講話,開口答覆你! |
5But oh, that God would speak, and open his lips against you, |
6將智慧的秘密,─ 即那難以理解的事 ─ 啟示給你,那麼你便知道,天主還忽略了你的一些罪過。 |
6And tell you that the secrets of wisdom are twice as effective: So you might learn that God will make you answer for your guilt. |
7你豈能探究天主的奧秘,或洞悉全能者的完美? |
7Can you penetrate the designs of God? Dare you vie with the perfection of the Almighty? |
8完美高於諸天,你能作什麼?深於陰府,你能知道什麼? |
8It is higher than the heavens; what can you do? It is deeper than the nether world; what can you know? |
9其量長過大地,闊於海洋。 |
9It is longer than the earth in measure, and broader than the sea. |
10天主若經過,誰能扣留他?他若下了逮捕令,誰能阻擋他? |
10If he seize and imprison or call to judgment, who then can say him nay? |
11他洞悉人的虛偽,明察人的罪行,且無不注意。 |
11For he knows the worthlessness of men and sees iniquity; will he then ignore it? |
12如此,愚蠢者纔可獲得智慧,野性驢駒纔能變為馴良。 |
12Will empty man then gain understanding, and the wild jackass be made docile? |
13你若居心正直,向他伸開你的雙手; |
13If you set your heart aright and stretch out your hands toward him, |
14你若將手中的罪惡除掉,不容不義留在你帳幕內; |
14If you remove all iniquity from your conduct, and let not injustice dwell in your tent, |
15那麼你定能仰首無愧,一定站立穩定,一無所懼; |
15Surely then you may lift up your face in innocence; you may stand firm and unafraid. |
16你必能忘卻痛苦,縱然想起,也必似水流去; |
16For then you shall forget your misery, or recall it like waters that have ebbed away. |
17你的壽命如日中之光華,縱有陰暗,仍如晨曦。 |
17Then your life shall be brighter than the noonday; its gloom shall become as the morning, |
18因有希望,你纔感覺安全;因有保護,你纔坦然躺臥; |
18And you shall be secure, because there is hope; you shall look round you and lie down in safety, |
19你躺臥,無人敢來擾亂你,反而有多人來奉承你。 |
19and you shall take your rest with none to disturb. Many shall entreat your favor, |
20然而惡人的眼必要昏花,他們安身之所必全毀壞,他們的希望只在吐出最後的一口氣。 |
20but the wicked, looking on, shall be consumed with envy. Escape shall be cut off from them, they shall wait to expire. |