約伯傳 |
Job |
1特曼人厄里法次又發言說: |
1Then Eliphaz the Temanite spoke and said: |
2智者豈能以虛言作答?豈能以東風果腹? |
2Should a wise man answer with airy opinions, or puff himself up with wind? |
3豈能以無益的廢話,無濟於事的言詞來辯護? |
3Should he argue in speech which does not avail, and in words which are to no profit? |
4不但如此,而且你還廢除了敬畏天主之情,斷絕了在他面前的默禱。 |
4You in fact do away with piety, and you lessen devotion toward God, |
5其實,是你的罪惡教導你說話,叫你的口舌詭辯。 |
5Because your wickedness instructs your mouth, and you choose to speak like the crafty. |
6定你罪的,是你的口而不是我,是你的口唇作證控告你。 |
6Your own mouth condemns you, not I; you own lips refute you. |
7你豈是第一個出生的人?在山嶽未有之前,你豈已誕生? |
7Are you indeed the first-born of mankind, or were you brought forth before the hills? |
8難道你聽見了天主的秘旨,把持着智慧? |
8Are you privy to the counsels of God, and do you restrict wisdom to yourself? |
9有什麼事,只有你知,而我們不知;只有你明瞭,而我們不明瞭? |
9What do you know that we do not know? What intelligence have you which we have not? |
10我們之中也有白頭老人,年紀比你父親還大。 |
10There are gray-haired old men among us more advanced in years than your father. |
11天主的安慰,和向你說的溫和的話,你以為還太少嗎? |
11Are the consolations of God not enough for you, and speech that deals gently with you? |
12你為何讓你的感情控制着你?你的眼為何冒火, |
12Why do your notions carry you away, and why do your eyes blink, |
13竟向天主發怒,開口說出這樣的話? |
13So that you turn your anger against God and let such words escape your mouth! |
14人算什麼而敢自稱潔淨,婦女所生的敢自稱正直? |
14What is a man that he should be blameless, one born of woman that he should be righteous? |
15他連自己的聖者,還不信賴;在他眼中,連蒼天也不純潔, |
15If in his holy ones God places no confidence, and if the heavens are not clean in his sight, |
16何況一個墮落可憎,飲惡如水的人! |
16How much less so is the abominable, the corrupt: man, who drinks in iniquity like water! |
17我要告訴你,你且聽我說;我要說明我的經驗, |
17I will show you, if you listen to me; what I have seen I will tell-- |
18即賢哲所傳授,和祖先未曾隱瞞的事:─ |
18What wise men relate and have not contradicted since the days of their fathers, |
19這地方原只賜給了他們,尚無一個外方人從他們中間經過。─ |
19To whom alone the land was given, when no foreigner moved among them. |
20惡人一生飽受苦惱,壽數已給暴君限定; |
20The wicked man is in torment all his days, and limited years are in store for the tyrant; |
21恐怖之聲常在他耳中,平靜時匪徒也來侵擾。 |
21The sound of terrors is in his ears; when all is prosperous, the spoiler comes upon him. |
22他不相信還能脫離黑暗,只等待遭受刀劍之害, |
22He despairs of escaping the darkness, and looks ever for the sword; |
23注定作為鷹鳥的食物,自知大難業已臨頭。 |
23A wanderer, food for the vultures, he knows that his destruction is imminent. |
24黑暗的日子使他恐怖,困苦艱難跟隨着他,好像準備廝殺的君王。 |
24By day the darkness fills him with dread; distress and anguish overpower him. |
25因為他曾伸手反抗過天主,向全能者傲慢逞強過; |
25Because he has stretched out his hand against God and bade defiance to the Almighty, |
26以伸直的頸項,以堅厚的盾背攻擊過天主。 |
26One shall rush sternly upon him with the stout bosses of his shield, like a king prepared for the charge. |
27他的臉蓋滿了脂油,他的腰積滿了肥肉。 |
27Because he has blinded himself with his crassness, padding his loins with fat, |
28他住在荒涼的城內,住在無人居留,行將化為廢墟的屋中。 |
28He shall dwell in ruinous cities, in houses that are deserted, That are crumbling into clay |
29他不能富有,所有的財富也不能久存,也決不能向地下生根。 |
29with no shadow to lengthen over the ground. He shall not be rich, and his possessions shall not endure; |
30他脫離不了黑暗,火燄要灼乾他的嫩芽,暴風要吹去他的花朵。 |
30for vain shall be his bartering. |
31別依恃枝椏已長大,應知這都是空虛; |
31A flame shall wither him up in his early growth, and with the wind his blossoms shall disappear. |
32未到時日,已經凋謝,枝葉再不發綠。 |
32His stalk shall wither before its time, and his branches shall be green no more. |
33有如葡萄未熟即被打下,橄欖開花即被搖落, |
33He shall be like a vine that sheds its grapes unripened, and like an olive tree casting off its bloom. |
34因為惡人的家室必要絕嗣,火要燒盡受賄者的帳幕。 |
34For the breed of the impious shall be sterile, and fire shall consume the tents of extortioners. |
35他們所懷的是邪惡,所生的是罪孽;心胸懷念的,無非是欺詐。 |
35 They conceive malice and bring forth emptiness; they give birth to failure. |