約伯傳:Chapter 18



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約伯傳 Job
1叔亞人彼耳達得發言說: 1Then Bildad the Shuhite replied and said:
2你到何時纔停止講話?你且留心,也讓我們說幾句話。 2When will you put an end to words? Reflect, and then we can have discussion.
3你為何以我們為走獸,視我們為畜牲? 3Why are we accounted like the beasts, their equals in your sight?
4因了你的憤怒,你必粉身碎骨!為了你,難道大地要被遺棄,盤石要轉離原處? 4 You who tear yourself in your anger, shall the earth be neglected on your account (or the rock be moved out of its place)?
5惡人的光必要熄滅,他的火炎必不發亮。 5Truly, the light of the wicked is extinguished; no flame brightens his hearth.
6他帳幕內的光必變暗淡,懸在上面的燈必要熄滅。 6The light is darkened in his tent; in spite of him, his lamp goes out.
7他強健的腳步要躊躇不前,他的計謀必使自己顛仆。 7His vigorous steps are hemmed in, and his own counsel casts him down.
8因為他的腳要走入羅網,徘徊於陷阱之上。 8For he rushes headlong into a net, and he wanders into a pitfall.
9圈套要纏住他的腳跟,樊籠要拘禁他。 9A trap seizes him by the heel, and a snare lays hold of him.
10絆他的繩索埋藏在地下,捉他的陷阱暗設在途中。 10A noose for him is hid on the ground, and the toils for him on the way.
11恐怖由四周來恐嚇他,在他腳後緊緊跟蹤他。 11On every side terrors affright him; they harry him at each step.
12饑餓常陪伴着他,災禍不離他身旁。 12Disaster is ready at his side,
13疾病腐蝕他的皮膚,死亡的長子耗盡他的肢體。 13 the first-born of death consumes his limbs.
14他必由所仰仗的帳幕中被拖出,被引到可怕的君王面前。 14 Fiery destruction lodges in his tent, and marches him off to the king of terrors. He is plucked from the security of his tent;
15魑魅要住在他的帳幕中,硫磺散布在他的居所之上。 15over his abode brimstone is scattered.
16他下面的根要枯乾,他上面的枝葉要凋謝。 16Below, his roots dry up, and above, his branches wither.
17他的紀念必由地上消滅,他的名字必不傳於街市。 17His memory perishes from the land, and he has no name on the earth.
18他將由光明被驅入黑暗,他將從世上被趕走。 18He is driven from light into darkness, and banished out of the world.
19他在本族中無子無孫,在他寄居之地沒有留下一人。 19He has neither son nor grandson among his people, nor any survior where once he dwelt.
20他的末日,西方人都為之驚訝,東方人都為之恐怖。 20They who come after shall be appalled at his fate; they who went before are struck with horror.
21的確,這就是惡人的結局,這就是不認識天主者的境遇。 21So is it then with the dwelling of the impious man, and such is the place of him who knows not God!