約伯傳:Chapter 30



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約伯傳 Job
1但現今年紀小於我的人,都嘲笑我;這些人的父親,我都不屑於列在守我羊群的狗中。 1But now they hold me in derision who are younger in years than I; Whose fathers I should have disdained to rank with the dogs of my flock.
2他們的精力已經喪失,他們手臂的力量,對我還有何用? 2Such strength as they had, to me meant nought; they were utterly destitute.
3他們因貧乏和饑饉而消瘦,咀嚼曠野裏的草根,以及荒山野嶺所生的荊棘。 3In want and hunger was their lot, they who fled to the parched wastelands:
4他們由叢莽中採取鹹菜,以杜松根做自己的食物。 4 They plucked saltwort and shrubs; the roots of the broom plant were their food.
5人將他們由人群中逐出,在他們後面喊叫有如追賊; 5They were banished from among men, with an outcry like that against a thief--
6他們只得避居於深谷,住在山洞和巖穴中; 6To dwell on the slopes of the wadies, in caves of sand and stone;
7在荊棘叢中哀歎,在葛藤下蝟縮。 7Among the bushes they raised their raucous cry; under the nettles they huddled together.
8這些人都是流氓的後代,都是無名氏之子孫,由本國驅逐境外的。 8Irresponsible, nameless men, they were driven out of the land.
9但現今我竟成了他們的歌謠,做了他們的話柄。 9Yet now they sing of me in mockery; I am become a byword among them.
10他們因憎惡我而遠離我,竟任意向我臉上吐唾沫。 10They abhor me, they stand aloof from me, they do not hesitate to spit in my face!
11他們解開了韁繩以攻擊我,在我面前除掉了轡頭。 11Indeed, they have loosed their bonds; they lord it over me, and have thrown off restraint in my presence.
12下流之輩在我右邊起來,向我投擲石頭,築成一條使我喪亡的路。 12To subvert my paths they rise up; they build their approaches for my ruin.
13他們破壞了我的道路,使我跌仆,卻沒有人阻止他們。 13To destroy me, they attack with none to stay them;
14他們由寬大的缺口進入,輾轉於廢墟之中。 14as through a wide breach they advance. Amid the uproar they come on in waves;
15恐怖臨於我身,我的尊榮如被風吹散,我的救恩如浮雲逝去。 15over me rolls the terror. My dignity is borne off on the wind, and my welfare vanishes like a cloud.
16現今我的心神已頹廢,憂患的日子不放鬆我。 16My frame takes no rest by night; my inward parts seethe and will not be stilled.
17夜間痛苦刺透我骨,我的脉絡都不得安息。 17 One with great power lays hold of my clothing; by the collar of my tunic he seizes me:
18天主以大力抓住我的衣服,握緊我長衣的領口, 18He has cast me into the mire; I am leveled with the dust and ashes.
19將我投入泥中,使我變成灰土。 19I cry to you, but you do not answer me; you stand off and look at me,
20天主啊!我向你呼號,你不回答我;我立起來,你也不理睬我。 20Then you turn upon me without mercy and with your strong hand you buffet me.
21你對我變成了暴君,用你有力的手迫害我。 21You raise me up and drive me before the wind; I am tossed about by the tempest.
22你將我提起,乘風而去,使我在狂風中飄搖不定。 22Indeed I know you will turn me back in death to the destined place of everyone alive.
23我知道你要導我於死亡,到眾生聚集的家鄉。 23Yet should not a hand be held out to help a wretched man in his calamity?
24若窮人遇到不幸向我求救,我豈不伸手去援助他? 24Or have I not wept for the hardships of others; was not my soul grieved for the destitute?
25人遭難,我豈沒有流淚?人窮乏,我的心豈沒有憐憫? 25Yet when I looked for good, then evil came; when I expected light, then came darkness.
26我希望幸福,來的卻是災禍;我期待光明,黑暗反而來臨。 26My soul ebbs away from me;
27我內心煩惱不安,痛苦的日子常臨於我。 27days of affliction have overtaken me.
28我憂悶而行,無人安慰我,我要在集會中起立喊冤。 28I go about in gloom, without the sun; I rise up in public to voice my grief.
29我成了豺狼的兄弟,成了駝鳥的伴侶。 29I have become the brother of jackals, companion to the ostrich.
30我的皮膚變黑,我的骨頭因熱灼焦, 30My blackened skin falls away from me; the heat scorches my very frame.
31我的琴瑟奏出哀調,我的簫笛發出哭聲。 31My harp is turned to mourning, and my reed pipe to sounds of weeping.