聖詠集:Chapter 101


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聖詠集 Psalms
1達味的聖詠。我要歌頌仁愛與公正,上主,我還要向你吟詠。 1A psalm of David. I sing of love and justice; to you, LORD, I sing praise.
2我要走齊全的路,你何時來我這裏﹖我要在我的家中,以純潔的心度日。 2 I follow the way of integrity; when will you come to me? I act with integrity of heart within my royal court.
3我決不把邪僻的事情,放置在我的眼前;我痛恨為非作歹的人,不讓他與我相聯。 3I do not allow into my presence anyone who speaks perversely. Whoever acts shamefully I hate; no such person can be my friend.
4敗壞的心,我要遠離;邪惡的事,我不認識。 4I shun the devious of heart; the wicked I do not tolerate.
5暗中設計毀謗同僚的人,我要消滅他;高視闊步,心高氣傲的人,我不容忍他。 5Whoever slanders another in secret I reduce to silence. Haughty eyes and arrogant hearts I cannot endure.
6我眼注視國內忠誠的人,讓他們與我同住,在齊全道路上行走的人,才可作我的忠僕。 6 I look to the faithful of the land; they alone can be my companions. Those who follow the way of integrity, they alone can enter my service.
7詭詐欺騙的人,不得住在我的宮內,說謊不實的人,不得在我眼前存在。 7No one who practices deceit can hold a post in my court. No one who speaks falsely can be among my advisors.
8我每日清早要滅絕在國內所有的罪人,我要由上主的城內剷除所有作惡的人。 8 Each morning I clear the wicked from the land, and rid the LORD'S city of all evildoers.