聖詠集:Chapter 104
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聖詠集 | Psalms |
1我的靈魂,請你向上主頌讚!上主我的天主,你偉大無限,你以尊貴威嚴作你的衣冠: | 1 Bless the LORD, my soul! LORD, my God, you are great indeed! You are clothed with majesty and glory, |
2身披光明,好像外氅,展開蒼天,相似棚帳, | 2robed in light as with a cloak. You spread out the heavens like a tent; |
3在水上建築你的宮殿,造了雲彩,作你的車輦,駕御着風翼,馳騁直前; | 3 you raised your palace upon the waters. You make the clouds your chariot; you travel on the wings of the wind. |
4發出暴風,作你的使團,你以火燄,作你的隨員。 | 4You make the winds your messengers; flaming fire, your ministers. |
5你奠定大地於基礎之上,你使大地永遠不再動盪; | 5 You fixed the earth on its foundation, never to be moved. |
6以汪洋作氅衣把大地遮蓋,又以大水把群山峻嶺掩埋。 | 6The ocean covered it like a garment; above the mountains stood the waters. |
7你一呵叱,大水即逃避,你一鳴雷,大水即驚退。 | 7At your roar they took flight; at the sound of your thunder they fled. |
8峻嶺向上突出,山谷向下沉落,各個都停在你那指定的處所。 | 8They rushed up the mountains, down the valleys to the place you had fixed for them. |
9你劃定了界限,都不越過,免得大水再把大地淹沒。 | 9You set a limit they cannot pass; never again will they cover the earth. |
10你使水泉成為溪川,蜿蜒長流於群山間, | 10You made springs flow into channels that wind among the mountains. |
11供給各種走獸水喝,使野驢也得以解渴。 | 11They give drink to every beast of the field; here wild asses quench their thirst. |
12天上飛鳥,在水邊宿臥,在枝葉叢中不斷鳴叫。 | 12Beside them the birds of heaven nest; among the branches they sing. |
13你從高樓宮殿上,灌溉山地,以你出產的果實,飽飫普世; | 13You water the mountains from your palace; by your labor the earth abounds. |
14你使青草和植物生出,餵養牲畜,為給人服務。又使土地產生出五穀, | 14You raise grass for the cattle and plants for our beasts of burden. You bring bread from the earth, |
15美酒,人飲了舒暢心神,膏油,人用來塗面潤身,麵餅,人吃了增強心神。 | 15and wine to gladden our hearts, Oil to make our faces gleam, food to build our strength. |
16上主的喬木飽餐水澤,黎巴嫩香柏,主手所植。 | 16 The trees of the LORD drink their fill, the cedars of Lebanon, which you planted. |
17鳥類在那裏壘窩築巢,鶴群以樹梢為家安臥。 | 17There the birds build their nests; junipers are the home of the stork. |
18高山崚嶺作羚羊的洞府,絕壁岩石作野兔的居處。 | 18The high mountains are for wild goats; the rocky cliffs, a refuge for badgers. |
19你造有月亮以定節季,太陽自知向西邊沉墜。 | 19You made the moon to mark the seasons, the sun that knows the hour of its setting. |
20你造了黑暗,便有了夜晚,林中的野獸遂四出狂竄。 | 20You bring darkness and night falls, then all the beasts of the forest roam abroad. |
21少壯的獅子怒吼覓食,向天主要求食物充饑; | 21Young lions roar for prey; they seek their food from God. |
22太陽升起的時候,牠們各自逃避,回到自己的洞穴,安然臥下休息; | 22When the sun rises, they steal away and rest in their dens. |
23於是人們外出謀生,各去勞動,直到黃昏。 | 23People go forth to their work, to their labor till evening falls. |
24上主,你的化工,是何其浩繁,全是你以智慧所創辦,你的受造物遍地充滿。 | 24How varied are your works, LORD! In wisdom you have wrought them all; the earth is full of your creatures. |
25看,汪洋大海,一望無際,其中水族,不可數計,大小生物,浮游不息。 | 25Look at the sea, great and wide! It teems with countless beings, living things both large and small. |
26在那裏有舟有船,往來航行,還有你造的鱷魚,戲遊其中。 | 26 Here ships ply their course; here Leviathan, your creature, plays. |
27這一切生物都瞻仰着你,希望你按時給牠們飲食。 | 27All of these look to you to give them food in due time. |
28你一賜給牠們,牠們便會收集,你一伸你的手,牠們便得飽食。 | 28When you give to them, they gather; when you open your hand, they are well filled. |
29你若隱藏你的面容,牠們便要恐懼,你若停止牠們呼吸,牠們就要死去,就再回到牠們所由出的灰土裏去。 | 29 When you hide your face, they are lost. When you take away their breath, they perish and return to the dust from which they came. |
30你一噓氣,萬物創成,你使地面,更新復興。 | 30When you send forth your breath, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth. |
31願上主的光榮永世無窮,願上主喜樂自己的化工! | 31May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD be glad in these works! |
32他一垂視大地,大地抖顫,他一觸摸群山,群山冒煙。 | 32If God glares at the earth, it trembles; if God touches the mountains, they smoke! |
33只要我活着,我要歌頌上主,只要我存在,我要詠讚上主。 | 33I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God while I live. |
34願我的頌辭使他樂意,我要常在上主內歡喜。 | 34May my theme be pleasing to God; I will rejoice in the LORD. |
35願罪人由地上滅跡,惡人不再存留人世!我的靈魂,頌讚上主!亞肋路亞。 | 35 May sinners vanish from the earth, and the wicked be no more. Bless the LORD, my soul! Hallelujah! |