聖詠集:Chapter 10



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聖詠集 Psalms
1上主,你為什麼站在遠處!在困苦之時竟隱藏不露? 1Why, LORD, do you stand at a distance and pay no heed to these troubled times?
2惡人蠻橫地難為弱小的人,叫他陷於預設的陰謀之中。 2Arrogant scoundrels pursue the poor; they trap them by their cunning schemes.
3惡人因隨心所欲而自慶,匪徒因輕慢上主而自幸; 3The wicked even boast of their greed; these robbers curse and scorn the LORD.
4惡人心高氣傲說:「他決不會追究!也決沒有天主!」這就是他的企圖。 4In their insolence the wicked boast: "God doesn't care, doesn't even exist."
5他的道路時時彎曲錯謬;常把你的懲罰拋諸腦後,對一切私仇常怒氣詛咒。 5Yet their affairs always succeed; they ignore your judgment on high; they sneer at all who oppose them.
6心下自語:「我永遠不會動搖!我永永遠遠不會遭受災禍!」 6They say in their hearts, "We will never fall; never will we see misfortune."
7他滿口是欺詐與辱罵,舌下盡是惡毒與謊話。 7Their mouths are full of oaths, violence, and lies; discord and evil are under their tongues.
8他在村邊隱密處埋伏,他暗地裏要殺害無辜,他對不幸者窺伺注目, 8They wait in ambush near towns; their eyes watch for the helpless. to murder the innocent in secret.
9他在暗處伺伏,有如獅子蹲在洞口,要把貧困的人伺機刮搜,將貧困者拖入網中劫走。 9They lurk in ambush like lions in a thicket, hide there to trap the poor, snare them and close the net.
10他俯下身子,蹲伏在地下,不幸者便陷入他的爪牙; 10The helpless are crushed, laid low; they fall into the power of the wicked,
11心下自語:「天主忘了,他掩了面,永不再看。」 11Who say in their hearts, "God pays no attention, shows no concern, never bothers to look."
12上主天主,求你起來將手舉起,不要把窮苦人忘記。 12Rise up, LORD God! Raise your arm! Do not forget the poor!
13為何讓惡人們輕慢天主,心下自語,「他決不會追究?」 13Why should the wicked scorn God, say in their hearts, "God doesn't care"?
14其實你已看見欺壓與暴行,正考慮如何親手加以嚴懲;因此不幸的人向你投奔,惟有你是孤兒們的救星。 14But you do see; you do observe this misery and sorrow; you take the matter in hand. To you the helpless can entrust their cause; you are the defender of orphans.
15願你打斷罪犯與惡人的臂膊,報復他的罪孽直至不再發作。 15Break the arms of the wicked and depraved; make them account for their crimes; let none of them survive.
16上主為王,直至於萬世無疆;野蠻人必由他領域中喪亡。 16The LORD is king forever; the nations have vanished from God's land.
17上主,你垂允了謙卑者的心願,堅固他們的心靈,也側耳俯聽。 17You listen, LORD, to the needs of the poor; you encourage them and hear their prayers.
18護衛孤兒和受壓迫者的特權,使塵世的人不再施恐怖手段。 18You win justice for the orphaned and oppressed; no one on earth will cause terror again.