聖詠集:Chapter 118


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聖詠集 Psalms
1請你們向上主讚頌,因為他是美善寬仁,他的仁慈永遠常存。 1 Give thanks to the LORD, who is good, whose love endures forever.
2願以色列家讚美說:他的仁慈永遠常存。 2Let the house of Israel say: God's love endures forever.
3願亞郎的家讚美說:他的仁慈永遠常存。 3Let the house of Aaron say, God's love endures forever.
4願敬畏主者讚美說:他的仁慈永遠常存。 4Let those who fear the LORD say, God's love endures forever.
5我在急難中呼求上主,他即垂允我,將我救出。 5In danger I called on the LORD; the LORD answered me and set me free.
6上主偕同我,我不怕什麼,世人對待我,究竟能如何? 6The LORD is with me; I am not afraid; what can mortals do against me?
7上主偕同我,作我的助佑,我必看見我的仇人受辱。 7The LORD is with me as my helper; I shall look in triumph on my foes.
8投奔到上主的懷抱,遠遠勝過信賴同夥。 8Better to take refuge in the LORD than to put one's trust in mortals.
9投奔到上主的懷抱,遠遠勝過信賴官僚。 9Better to take refuge in the LORD than to put one's trust in princes.
10萬民雖然齊來將我圍困,奉上主名我將他們滅盡。 10All the nations surrounded me; in the LORD'S name I crushed them.
11他們從各處來將我圍困,奉上主名我將他們滅盡。 11They surrounded me on every side; in the LORD'S name I crushed them.
12雖然如同黃蜂將我圍困,又好像烈火把荊棘燒焚,奉上主名我將他們滅盡。 12They surrounded me like bees; they blazed like fire among thorns; in the LORD'S name I crushed them.
13人雖推撞我,叫我跌倒,然而上主卻扶持了我。 13I was hard pressed and falling, but the LORD came to my help.
14上主是我的力量與勇敢,他也始終作了我的救援。 14The LORD, my strength and might, came to me as savior.
15在義人居住的帳幕中,響起了勝利的歡呼聲:上主的右手大顯威能, 15The joyful shout of deliverance is heard in the tents of the victors: "The LORD'S right hand strikes with power;
16上主的右手將我舉擎,上主的右手大顯威能。 16the LORD'S right hand is raised; the LORD'S right hand strikes with power."
17我不至於死,必要生存,我要宣揚上主的工程。 17I shall not die but live and declare the deeds of the LORD.
18上主懲罰我雖嚴厲非常,但卻沒有把我交於死亡。 18The LORD chastised me harshly, but did not hand me over to death.
19請給我敞開正義的門,我要進去向上主謝恩; 19Open the gates of victory; I will enter and thank the LORD.
20正義的門就是上主的門,惟獨義人才能進入此門。 20 This is the LORD'S own gate, where the victors enter.
21我感謝你,因為你應允了我,你也將你的救恩賜給了我。 21I thank you for you answered me; you have been my savior.
22匠人棄而不用的廢石,反而成了屋角的基石; 22 The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
23那是上主的所行所為,在我們眼中神妙莫測。 23By the LORD has this been done; it is wonderful in our eyes.
24這是上主所安排的一天,我們應該為此鼓舞喜歡。 24This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice in it and be glad.
25上主!我們求你救助,上主!我們求你賜福。 25 LORD, grant salvation! LORD, grant good fortune!
26奉上主之名而來的應該受讚頌,我們要由上主的殿內祝福你們。 26Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD. We bless you from the LORD'S house.
27天主是上主,他給我們光明;隆重列隊向祭壇角前進行。 27The LORD is God and has given us light. Join in procession with leafy branches up to the horns of the altar.
28你是我的天主,我感謝你,我的天主,我高聲頌揚你。 28You are my God, I give you thanks; my God, I offer you praise.
29請你們向上主讚頌,因為他是美善寬仁,他的仁慈永遠常存。 29Give thanks to the LORD, who is good, whose love endures forever.