聖詠集:Chapter 12



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聖詠集 Psalms
1達味詩歌,交與樂官,八度低音。 1 For the leader; "upon the eighth." A psalm of David.
2上主,求你拯救,因為熱心者已缺少,忠誠的人在人間也已絕跡不見了。 2Help, LORD, for no one loyal remains; the faithful have vanished from the human race
3人們彼此言談虛偽,嘴唇圓滑,口是心非, 3Those who tell lies to one another speak with deceiving lips and a double heart.
4願上主將一切欺詐的口唇除去。把大言不慚的舌頭剪除! 4May the LORD cut off all deceiving lips, and every boastful tongue,
5他們揚言說:「我們以口以舌取勝;有口有唇護衛我們,誰能作我們的主人?」 5Those who say, "By our tongues we prevail; when our lips speak, who can lord it over us?"
6「為了貧苦者的委屈,為了窮困者的歎息,我要立刻站起──上主說:將渴望救援的人救起。」 6"Because they rob the weak, and the needy groan, I will now arise," says the LORD; "I will grant safety to whoever longs for it."
7上主的聖言是真誠的聖言,如同純銀經過七次的鍛鍊。 7 The promises of the LORD are sure, silver refined in a crucible, silver purified seven times.
8上主,懇求你護佑我們,由這一代常拯救我們。 8LORD, protect us always; preserve us from this generation.
9惡人在四周往來追蹤,實如令人生厭的毒蟲。 9On every side the wicked strut; the shameless are extolled by all.