聖詠集:Chapter 148



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聖詠集 Psalms
1亞肋路亞!請你們在天上讚美上主,請你們在高處讚美上主! 1Hallelujah! Praise the LORD from the heavens; give praise in the heights.
2他的諸位天使,請讚美他,他的一切軍旅,請讚美他! 2Praise him, all you angels; give praise, all you hosts.
3太陽和月亮,請讚美他,燦爛的諸星,請讚美他! 3Praise him, sun and moon; give praise, all shining stars.
4天上的諸天,請讚美他,天上的大水,請讚美他! 4 Praise him, highest heavens, you waters above the heavens.
5願它們齊來讚美上主的名號!因為上主一命,它們立刻受造。 5Let them all praise the LORD'S name; for the LORD commanded and they were created,
6他確定的位置,留至永恒,他頒佈的規律,永不變更。 6Assigned them duties forever, gave them tasks that will never change.
7請你們在地上讚美上主:海怪和海深處的眾水族, 7Praise the LORD from the earth, you sea monsters and all deep waters;
8還有電火與冰雹,白雪和雲霧,以及遵行他命令的狂風暴雨。 8You lightning and hail, snow and clouds, storm winds that fulfill his command;
9山嶽和一切丘陵,果樹與各種柏松, 9You mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars;
10野獸和一切畜牲,各種爬蟲和鳥類, 10You animals wild and tame, you creatures that crawl and fly;
11世上的列王和萬民,地上的元首與公卿, 11You kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all who govern on earth;
12少年人和童貞女,老年人與兒童侶, 12Young men and women too, old and young alike.
13請你們讚美上主的名字,因為只有他的名字高貴,他的尊嚴遠遠超越天地, 13Let them all praise the LORD'S name, for his name alone is exalted, majestic above earth and heaven.
14上主使自己百姓的頭角高聳,他是他自己一切聖徒的讚頌,即接近他的以色列民的光榮。 14 The LORD has lifted high the horn of his people; to the glory of all the faithful, of Israel, the people near to their God. Hallelujah!