聖詠集:Chapter 21


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聖詠集 Psalms
1達味詩歌,交與樂官。 1 For the leader. A psalm of David.
2上主,君王因你的威能而欣喜,因你的救助狂歡而快樂無比。 2LORD, the king finds joy in your power; in your victory how greatly he rejoices!
3你滿全了他心中的渴想,沒有拒絕他口中的盼望。(休止) 3You have granted him his heart's desire; you did not refuse the prayer of his lips. Selah
4因為你已賜給了他超卓的福寵,且以純金的冠冕加在他的頭頂; 4For you welcomed him with goodly blessings; you placed on his head a crown of pure gold.
5他雖只向你乞求確保性命,你卻賜他萬世無疆的長生。 5He asked life of you; you gave it to him, length of days forever.
6你協助他獲得了偉大的光榮,你加給他無比的榮耀與尊崇; 6Great is his glory in your victory; majesty and splendor you confer upon him.
7你使他成了萬世的福源,使他在你面前踴躍喜歡。 7You make him the pattern of blessings forever, you gladden him with the joy of your presence.
8君王既已全心對上主信賴,憑至高者的慈愛不再移改。 8For the king trusts in the LORD, stands firm through the love of the Most High.
9願你的手將你的一切仇敵搜羅,願你的右手將憎恨你的人捕捉! 9Your hand will reach all your enemies; your right hand will reach your foes!
10當你顯示你尊容的時候,處置他們有如放在火爐;願上主以震怒消滅他們,讓火焰也盡情吞滅他們! 10At the time of your coming you will drive them into a furnace. Then the LORD'S anger will consume them, devour them with fire.
11願你從地上滅盡他們的子女,使他們的後裔全絕跡於人世! 11Even their descendants you will wipe out from the earth, their offspring from the human race.
12他們雖為陷害你而設計,策劃的陰謀卻無濟於事; 12Though they intend evil against you, devising plots, they will not succeed,
13因為你朝他們張弓搭箭,已使他們嚇得轉身逃竄。 13For you will put them to flight; you will aim at them with your bow.
14上主,請起來,顯示你的英勇,讓我們歌頌稱揚你的威能。 14Arise, LORD, in your power! We will sing and chant the praise of your might.