聖詠集:Chapter 31



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聖詠集 Psalms
1達味詩歌,交與樂官。 1 For the leader. A psalm of David.
2上主,我投靠你,總不會受辱,求你憑你的公義將我救出; 2In you, LORD, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame. In your justice deliver me;
3求你側你的耳聽我,速來救我:作我避難的磐石,獲救的城堡。 3incline your ear to me; make haste to rescue me! Be my rock of refuge, a stronghold to save me.
4因為你是我的磐石,我的城堡,為你的名,求你引導我指教我。 4You are my rock and my fortress; for your name's sake lead and guide me.
5求你救我脫免暗佈的網羅,因為惟有你是我的避難所。 5Free me from the net they have set for me, for you are my refuge.
6我將我的靈魂託於你的掌握,上主,忠實的天主,你必拯救我。 6 Into your hands I commend my spirit; you will redeem me, LORD, faithful God.
7拜虛無偶像的人,你深惡痛絕。上主,然而我卻對你全心信賴。 7You hate those who serve worthless idols, but I trust in the LORD.
8我要因你的慈愛喜樂歡暢,因為你曾俯視了我的慘狀,體會了我心靈所受的悲傷; 8I will rejoice and be glad in your love, once you have seen my misery, observed my distress.
9你沒有將我交於仇敵之手,反而使我穩立於廣闊之處。 9You will not abandon me into enemy hands, but will set my feet in a free and open space.
10上主,求你可憐我,因為我陷入困苦狀況,我的眼睛、心靈和肺腑,全因憂傷而頹喪。 10Be gracious to me, LORD, for I am in distress; with grief my eyes are wasted, my soul and body spent.
11我的生命因憂傷而耗盡,我的歲月在涕泣中消逝,我的精力因悲傷而衰退,我的骸骨也已枯槁腐蝕。 11My life is worn out by sorrow, my years by sighing. My strength fails in affliction; my bones are consumed.
12我的仇敵都辱罵我,我的四鄰都恥笑我,我的知己憎恨我,路上的行人都遠避我。 12To all my foes I am a thing of scorn, to my neighbors, a dreaded sight, a horror to my friends. When they see me in the street, they quickly shy away.
13我被人全心忘掉,有如死人,活像一個破舊拋棄的瓦盆。 13 I am forgotten, out of mind like the dead; I am like a shattered dish.
14當我聽到許多人在呼嘯,恐怖瀰漫四境,他們在群集商議攻擊我,謀奪我的性命; 14 I hear the whispers of the crowd; terrors are all around me. They conspire against me; they plot to take my life.
15我仍舊依靠你,上主,我說:「你是我的天主!」 15But I trust in you, LORD; I say, "You are my God."
16我的命運全掌握於你手,求你救我脫離我的敵手,擺脫一切迫害我的仇讎。 16My times are in your hands; rescue me from my enemies, from the hands of my pursuers.
17求以你的慈容,光照你僕,求以你的仁慈把我救出。 17Let your face shine on your servant; save me in your kindness.
18上主,因為我呼號了你,求你莫讓我蒙羞;願惡人備受恥辱,默默然歸入陰府! 18Do not let me be put to shame, for I have called to you, LORD. Put the wicked to shame; reduce them to silence in Sheol.
19願那些驕傲自大,口出妄言,說謊攻擊義人的唇舌啞瘖! 19Strike dumb their lying lips, proud lips that attack the just in contempt and scorn.
20上主,你為敬畏你的人所保留的恩澤,是何等豐盛!你在人前施予投奔於你者的慈惠,又是何等寬宏! 20How great is your goodness, Lord, stored up for those who fear you. You display it for those who trust you, in the sight of all the people.
21你將他們掩護在你儀容的影下,免遭世人的重創;又將他們隱藏在你帳幕的裏面,免遭口舌的中傷。 21You hide them in the shelter of your presence, safe from scheming enemies. You keep them in your abode, safe from plotting tongues.
22願上主受讚美,因為他在堅固的城內,向我特別顯出他那奇妙無比的慈愛, 22Blessed be the LORD, who has shown me wondrous love, and been for me a city most secure.
23我雖在惶恐中曾說:「我已被驅逐離開你前。」但我一呼求你,你即刻俯允我的呼聲哀嘆。 23Once I said in my anguish, "I am shut out from your sight." Yet you heard my plea, when I cried out to you.
24眾聖徒!你們應愛慕上主,因他保佑信徒,但是他對蠻橫的人,必加以嚴厲的報復。 24Love the LORD, all you faithful. The LORD protects the loyal, but repays the arrogant in full.
25凡一切信賴上主的人們,請勇敢鼓起你們的心神。 25Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD.