聖詠集:Chapter 48


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聖詠集 Psalms
1科辣黑後裔的詩歌。 1 A psalm of the Korahites. A song.
2在我們天主的城池中,上主至大,應受到讚頌。 2Great is the LORD and highly praised in the city of our God: The holy mountain,
3他的聖山巍峨高聳,是普世的歡喜,北方中心熙雍聖山,是大王的城邑。 3 fairest of heights, the joy of all the earth, Mount Zion, the heights of Zaphon, the city of the great king.
4天主居於堡壘的中央,顯自己為穩固的保障。 4God is its citadel, renowned as a stronghold.
5請看,眾王紛紛相聚,他們蜂擁走向前去, 5See! The kings assembled, together they invaded.
6他們一見,驚魂喪膽,張皇失措,抱頭鼠竄。 6 When they looked they were astounded; terrified, they were put to flight!
7他們在那裡惶懼恐怖,苦痛有如臨盆的孕婦; 7Trembling seized them there, anguish, like a woman's labor,
8好像塔爾史士的船隻,為強烈的東風所襲擊。 8 As when the east wind wrecks the ships of Tarshish!
9在萬軍上主的城裡,即我們天主的城堡,我們所見正如所聞:天主必使城堡永固。(休止) 9 What we had heard we now see in the city of the LORD of hosts, In the city of our God, founded to last forever. Selah
10天主,我們在你的殿裡,沉思默念着你的仁慈; 10O God, within your temple we ponder your steadfast love.
11天主,你的名號遠達地極,你受的讚美亦應該如此。你的右手全充滿了正義, 11Like your name, O God, your praise reaches the ends of the earth. Your right hand is fully victorious.
12願熙雍山因你的公正而喜樂;猶大女子也要因此歡欣踴躍。 12Mount Zion is glad! The cities of Judah rejoice because of your saving deeds!
13你們環繞熙雍巡遊,你們數點她的城樓, 13Go about Zion, walk all around it, note the number of its towers.
14觀察她的城廓,巡視她的碉堡,是為叫你們向後代子孫陳述: 14Consider the ramparts, examine its citadels, that you may tell future generations:
15他的確是偉大的天主,也永遠是我們的天主,始終領導我們的天主。 15 "Yes, so mighty is God, our God who leads us always!"