聖詠集:Chapter 64


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聖詠集 Psalms
1達味詩歌,交與樂官。 1 For the leader. A psalm of David.
2天主,求你傾聽我哀訴的聲音,從仇敵的恐嚇中保全我生命。 2O God, hear my anguished voice; from the foes I dread protect my life.
3求你掩護我遠離惡人的陰險,使我脫免作奸犯科者的暴亂; 3Hide me from the malicious crowd, the mob of evildoers.
4他們磨礪自己的舌頭有如刀劍,他們吐出有毒的語言有如弓箭: 4They sharpen their tongues like swords, ready their bows for arrows of poison words.
5暗地裏向無辜的人擊撾,肆無忌憚,突然將他刺殺。 5 They shoot at the innocent from ambush, shoot without risk, catch them unawares.
6他們彼此激勵行惡,互相商議暗佈網羅;說:「看見我們的究竟是誰? 6They resolve on their wicked plan; they conspire to set snares; they say: "Who will see us?"
7誰能查出我們的邪思?我們已作成精密陰謀,走近的人必墮入深溝。」 7They devise wicked schemes, conceal the schemes they devise; the designs of their hearts are hidden.
8但是,天主必要用箭射擊他們,他們必要突然身受創痕。 8But God will shoot arrows at them and strike them unawares.
9他們的舌頭必使自己跌仆,凡見到他們的人都必搖頭。 9They will be brought down by their own tongues; all who see them will shake their heads.
10眾人要恐懼,要傳述天主的作為,他們也都要細心默思他的事跡。 10Then all will fear and proclaim God's deed, pondering what has been done.
11義人必要喜樂於上主,向他投靠,心地正直的人,必要因此而歡躍。 11The just will rejoice and take refuge in the LORD; all the upright will glory in their God.