聖詠集 |
Psalms |
1阿撒夫的詩歌,交與樂官。調寄「見證的百合」。 |
1 For the leader; according to "Lilies." Eduth. A psalm of Asaph. |
2以色列的牧養者,懇求你留心細聽,你率領若瑟的子孫有如率領羊群。坐於革魯賓之上者,求你大顯光榮。 |
2Shepherd of Israel, listen, guide of the flock of Joseph! From your throne upon the cherubim reveal yourself |
3於厄弗辣因、本雅明和默納協之中;求你發顯你的威能,快來作我們的救星! |
3to Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh. Stir up your power, come to save us. |
4天主,求你使我們能以復興,顯示你的慈顏,好拯救我們。 |
4O LORD of hosts, restore us; Let your face shine upon us, that we may be saved. |
5萬軍的天主,何時消除向你祈禱的百姓發怒? |
5LORD of hosts, how long will you burn with anger while your people pray? |
6你給他們吃的是含淚的食物,你用汪汪淚水,作他們的飲料。 |
6You have fed them the bread of tears, made them drink tears in abundance. |
7你使我們四鄰因我們而爭吵,你讓我們的仇人向我們嘲笑。 |
7You have left us to be fought over by our neighbors; our enemies deride us. |
8萬軍的天主,求你復興我們,顯示你的慈顏,好拯救我們。 |
8O LORD of hosts, restore us; let your face shine upon us, that we may be saved. |
9你從埃及移來一棵葡萄樹,你把異民趕走,而種植這樹。 |
9 You brought a vine out of Egypt; you drove away the nations and planted it. |
10給這樹準備了肥沃土質,這樹深深扎根,滿佈大地。 |
10You cleared the ground; it took root and filled the land. |
11它的蔭影遮蔽着群山峻嶺,它的枝幹與參天松柏相等; |
11The mountains were covered by its shadow, the cedars of God by its branches. |
12它的枝蔓伸展到海涯、它的根苗綿延到河壩。 |
12 It sent out boughs as far as the sea, shoots as far as the river. |
13你為何拆毀了它的籬笆,任憑過路的人去砍伐, |
13Why have you broken down the walls, so that all who pass by pluck its fruit? |
14使森林的野豬去踐踏,使田間的野獸去吃它? |
14The boar from the forest strips the vine; the beast of the field feeds upon it. |
15萬軍的天主,求你領我們回去,求你從高天之上垂視而憐恤! |
15Turn again, LORD of hosts; look down from heaven and see; Attend to this vine, |
16求你常看顧這葡萄樹,和你右手種植的園圃,保護你所培養的小樹。 |
16the shoot your right hand has planted. |
17願那放火焚燒它,砍伐它的人,因懍於你怒容的威嚇而沈淪。 |
17Those who would burn or cut it down-- may they perish at your rebuke. |
18願你右手扶持你右邊的人。並扶助為你所堅固的子民! |
18 May your help be with the man at your right hand, with the one whom you once made strong. |
19從此,我們再不願意離開你,賜我們生存,為能傳揚你名。 |
19Then we will not withdraw from you; revive us, and we will call on your name. |
20上主萬軍的天主,求你復興我們,顯示你的慈顏,好拯救我們! |
20LORD of hosts, restore us; let your face shine upon us, that we may be saved. |