聖詠集 |
Psalms |
1則辣黑人厄堂的訓誨詩。 |
1 A maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite. |
2我要永永遠遠歌詠上主的恩寵,要世世代代親口稱揚你的忠誠。 |
2The promises of the LORD I will sing forever, proclaim your loyalty through all ages. |
3你原說過:「我的恩寵已永遠奠定!」就如你在天上確定了你的忠誠。 |
3 For you said, "My love is established forever; my loyalty will stand as long as the heavens. |
4「我同我揀選的人立了約契,向我的僕人達味起了盟誓, |
4I have made a covenant with my chosen one; I have sworn to David my servant: |
5我直到永遠鞏固你的後裔,世世代代將你的寶座建立。」(休止) |
5I will make your dynasty stand forever and establish your throne through all ages." Selah |
6上主,願蒼天稱讚你的奇事,聖者的集會讚美你的忠義! |
6The heavens praise your marvels, LORD, your loyalty in the assembly of the holy ones. |
7在雲彩之中,誰可與上主相比,天主的眾子,誰能同上主相似? |
7 Who in the skies ranks with the LORD? Who is like the LORD among the gods? |
8在聖者的集會中,天主令人驚恐,他偉大可怕,超過他四週的神聖。 |
8A God dreaded in the council of the holy ones, greater and more awesome than all who sit there! |
9上主萬軍的天主,有誰能夠相似你?上主,你是全能的,你的忠信環繞你。 |
9LORD, God of hosts, who is like you? Mighty LORD, your loyalty is always present. |
10你統治洶湧的海嘯,你平抑翻騰的波濤。 |
10You rule the raging sea; you still its swelling waves. |
11你曾踐踏辣哈布,好像踐踏屍體,你以大能的手臂驅散你的仇敵。 |
11 You crushed Rahab with a mortal blow; your strong arm scattered your foes. |
12高天是屬你的,厚土也是屬你的,寰宇及其中的一切是你奠定的。 |
12Yours are the heavens, yours the earth; you founded the world and everything in it. |
13你創造了南方,創造了北方,大博爾,赫爾孟因你而歡暢。 |
13 Zaphon and Amanus you created; Tabor and Hermon rejoice in your name. |
14你的臂膀孔武而有力,你雙手堅強,右手舉起。 |
14Mighty your arm, strong your hand, your right hand is ever exalted. |
15正義和公理是你寶座的基礎,仁愛和忠信在你的前面開路。 |
15Justice and judgment are the foundation of your throne; love and loyalty march before you. |
16會歡樂歌唱的百姓,的確有福,上主,他們在你慈顏光中行走, |
16Happy the people who know you, LORD, who walk in the radiance of your face. |
17他們常常因你的名而歡躍,你的正義使他們引以自豪。 |
17In your name they sing joyfully all the day; at your victory they raise the festal shout. |
18因為你是他們權勢的光明,因你慈惠,我們的威能提升。 |
18 You are their majestic strength; by your favor our horn is exalted. |
19因為在上主內有我們的庇護,以色列的聖者是我們的君主。 |
19Truly the LORD is our shield, the Holy One of Israel, our king! |
20你曾在異像中向你的聖者說:「我已經給那有能者加了冕,由百姓中將我所選者舉薦。 |
20Once you spoke in vision; to your faithful ones you said: "I have set a leader over the warriors; I have raised up a hero from the army. |
21我揀選達味做我的忠僕,也給他傅抹了聖油。 |
21I have chosen David, my servant; with my holy oil I have anointed him. |
22我的雙手必常扶持他,我的臂膀必常堅固他, |
22My hand will be with him; my arm will make him strong. |
23仇敵不能欺騙他,惡人不能壓伏他。 |
23No enemy shall outwit him, nor shall the wicked defeat him. |
24我要在他前擊破他的仇敵,凡仇恨他的人,我必要打擊。 |
24I will crush his foes before him, strike down those who hate him. |
25我的忠信與仁慈常與他共處,他的頭角因我的名而得高舉。 |
25My loyalty and love will be with him; through my name his horn will be exalted. |
26我使他的手伸到海上,使他的右手伸到河上。 |
26 I will set his hand upon the sea, his right hand upon the rivers. |
27他要稱讚我說:『你是我的大父,是我救恩的磐石,是我的天主。』 |
27He shall cry to me,'You are my father, my God, the Rock that brings me victory!' |
28我也要立定他為首生子,他高出世上所有的君主。 |
28 I myself make him firstborn, Most High over the kings of the earth. |
29我同他永遠保持我的慈愛,我同他立的約,永不得破壞, |
29Forever I will maintain my love for him; my covenant with him stands firm. |
30使他的後裔,永世不替,使他的寶位,與天日齊。 |
30I will establish his dynasty forever, his throne as the days of the heavens. |
31若他的子孫放棄我的法令,不照我的命令行, |
31If his descendants forsake my law, do not follow my decrees, |
32若是他們違犯了我的章程,不遵守我的誡命, |
32If they fail to observe my statutes, do not keep my commandments, |
33我必用棍杖懲罰他們的罪過,也必用鞭子責打他們的邪惡。 |
33I will punish their crime with a rod and their guilt with lashes. |
34但我不將我的慈愛撤退,我也不使我的忠誠作廢, |
34But I will not take my love from him, nor will I betray my bond of loyalty. |
35也不放棄我的盟約,也不改變我的許諾。 |
35I will not violate my covenant; the promise of my lips I will not alter. |
36我一次指我的聖善起誓,我也絕對不會欺騙達味。 |
36By my holiness I swore once for all: I will never be false to David. |
37他的後裔必定要永遠興隆,他的御座在我前,如日永恆; |
37 His dynasty will continue forever, his throne, like the sun before me. |
38又如月亮循環不停,做空中忠實的見證。」(休止) |
38Like the moon it will stand eternal, forever firm like the sky!" Selah |
39但是你已經拒絕和擯棄,對你的受傅者憤怒大起。 |
39But now you have rejected and spurned, been enraged at your anointed. |
40將你僕人的盟約撕毀,將他的冠冕拋擲於地。 |
40You renounced the covenant with your servant, defiled his crown in the dust. |
41蕩平了他所有的城垣,使他的堡壘化為荒原。 |
41You broke down all his defenses, left his strongholds in ruins. |
42凡過路的人都劫掠他,他為鄰人所嘲笑辱罵。 |
42All who pass through seize plunder; his neighbors deride him. |
43你高舉了他仇人的右手,使他的敵人們滿心歡愉。 |
43You have exalted the right hand of his foes, have gladdened all his enemies. |
44使他的刀刃遲鈍不利,上陣時使他不能站立; |
44You turned back his sharp sword, did not support him in battle. |
45使他的光輝消失滅跡,把他的寶座推翻於地。 |
45You brought to an end his splendor, hurled his throne to the ground. |
46縮短他青春的時日,要使他去蒙受羞恥。(休止) |
46You cut short the days of his youth, covered him with shame. Selah |
47上主,你不斷地隱避,要到何時,上主,你的怒火如焚,何時才熄? |
47How long, LORD? Will you stay hidden forever? Must your wrath smolder like fire? |
48求你懷念我的性命何其短暫,你所創造的世人是多麼虛幻! |
48Remember how brief is my life, how frail the race you created! |
49有那一個人能夠常生不死,有誰能自救於陰府的權勢?(休止) |
49What mortal can live and not see death? Who can escape the power of Sheol? Selah |
50吾主,你從前憑着你的忠義,向達味許的仁愛,今在哪裏? |
50Where are your promises of old, Lord, the loyalty sworn to David? |
51上主,求你記念你僕人所受的恥辱。在我胸中所承擔異民的一切憎惡: |
51Remember, Lord, the insults to your servants, how I bear all the slanders of the nations. |
52就是你的那些反對者所加給你的恥辱,上主,他們也淩辱了你的受傅者的腳步。 |
52Your enemies, LORD, insult your anointed; they insult my every endeavor. |
53願上主永永遠遠受讚美!阿們,阿們! |
53 Blessed be the LORD forever! Amen and amen! |