聖詠集:Chapter 92



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聖詠集 Psalms
1安息日的詩歌。 1 A psalm. A sabbath song.
2至高者!最幸福的事情,是讚美上主,歌頌主名, 2It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praise to your name, Most High,
3是清晨傳揚你的仁慈,是夜間宣講你的忠義, 3To proclaim your love in the morning, your faithfulness in the night,
4彈奏十絃和七絃的琴瑟,隨着琵琶的旋律而詠詩。 4With the ten-stringed harp, with melody upon the lyre.
5上主,你既以你的化工使我喜悅,我就因你雙手的一切工程歡樂。 5For you make me jubilant, LORD, by your deeds; at the works of your hands I shout for joy.
6上主,你的工程是多麼偉大微妙,你的計劃是多麼神秘玄奧! 6How great are your works, LORD! How profound your purpose!
7無理性的人,不會明白這事,愚昧的人,也不能領略這事。 7A senseless person cannot know this; a fool cannot comprehend.
8歹徒雖然一時茂盛有如青草,作奸犯科的人雖然一時顯耀,然而他們終必滅亡,永遠沉消, 8Though the wicked flourish like grass and all sinners thrive, They are destined for eternal destruction;
9上主,惟有你永遠是至尊至高。 9for you, LORD, are forever on high.
10上主,請看你的仇人,你的仇人必要沉淪;作惡的人無處棲身。 10Indeed your enemies, LORD, indeed your enemies shall perish; all sinners shall be scattered.
11你高舉我的角似野牛的角,用極新鮮的油膏傅抹了我, 11You have given me the strength of a wild bull; you have poured rich oil upon me.
12因而我的眼目輕視我的仇人,我耳歡樂聽見制服我的惡人。 12My eyes look with glee on my wicked enemies; my ears delight in the fall of my foes.
13正義的人像棕櫚茂盛,似黎巴嫩的香柏高聳。 13The just shall flourish like the palm tree, shall grow like a cedar of Lebanon.
14他們被栽植在上主的殿中,在我們天主的庭院裏繁榮。 14 Planted in the house of the LORD, they shall flourish in the courts of our God.
15雖已年老,仍然結果,枝葉繁盛,依舊綠茂; 15They shall bear fruit even in old age, always vigorous and sturdy,
16為宣揚上主是多麼正直:我的磐石,他毫沒有不義。 16As they proclaim: "The LORD is just; our rock, in whom there is no wrong."