箴言:Chapter 2

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箴言 Proverbs
1我兒,你若接受我的話,把我的誡命存在心中, 1My son, if you receive my words and treasure my commands,
2側耳細聽智慧,專心尋求睿智; 2Turning your ear to wisdom, inclining your heart to understanding;
3你若呼求明哲,揚聲召尋睿智; 3Yes, if you call to intelligence, and to understanding raise your voice;
4你若尋求她如尋求銀子,搜索她如搜索寶藏, 4If you seek her like silver, and like hidden treasures search her out:
5你必能領悟什麼是敬畏上主,也能明白什麼是認識天主。 5Then will you understand the fear of the LORD; the knowledge of God you will find;
6因為,恩賜智慧的是上主,知識和睿智都出自他的口。 6For the LORD gives wisdom, from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;
7他給正直人保留了救援,又是行止成全者的護盾。 7He has counsel in store for the upright, he is the shield of those who walk honestly,
8他護守正直人的行徑,他保衛虔誠者的道路; 8Guarding the paths of justice, protecting the way of his pious ones.
9這樣,你必能明瞭仁義和公平,明瞭正直和一切向善的道路。 9Then you will understand rectitude and justice, honesty, every good path;
10如果智慧進入了你的心,智識成了你的喜樂, 10For wisdom will enter your heart, knowledge will please your soul,
11慎思就必監護你,睿智也必防守你, 11Discretion will watch over you, understanding will guard you;
12使你遠離邪道,遠離言詞荒謬的人: 12Saving you from the way of evil men, from men of perverse speech,
13即那些離棄正道,走上黑暗之途, 13Who leave the straight paths to walk in the way of darkness,
14喜愛行惡,在邪惡中喜樂的人。 14Who delight in doing evil, rejoice in perversity;
15他們的道路彎曲不直,他們的行徑邪僻不正。 15Whose ways are crooked, and devious their paths;
16智慧將救你脫離淫婦,脫離甘言蜜語的娼妓。 16Saving you from the wife of another, from the adulteress with her smooth words,
17她離棄了少年時的良友,忘記了她的天主的盟約; 17Who forsakes the companion of her youth and forgets the pact with her God;
18為此,她的家屬趨向死亡,她的行徑通往黃泉; 18For her path sinks down to death, and her footsteps lead to the shades;
19凡行近她的人,沒有一個返回,再不會走上生路。 19None who enter thereon come back again, or gain the paths of life.
20為此,你應走善人的道路,持守義人的行徑, 20Thus you may walk in the way of good men, and keep to the paths of the just.
21因為只有正直的人纔能住在地上,只有成全的人方得在那裏居留。 21For the upright will dwell in the land, the honest will remain in it;
22但是,作惡的人必由地上剷除,違法的人必由其中拔除。 22But the wicked will be cut off from the land, the faithless will be rooted out of it.




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