雅歌:Chapter 3

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雅歌 Song of Songs
1夜間我在床上,尋覓我心愛的;我尋覓,卻沒有找着。 1B On my bed at night I sought him whom my heart loves - I sought him but I did not find him.
2我遂起來,環城巡行,在街上,在廣場,尋覓我心愛的;我尋覓,卻沒有找着。 2I will rise then and go about the city; in the streets and crossings I will seek Him whom my heart loves. I sought him but I did not find him.
3城裏巡夜的衛兵,遇見了我,我便問道:「你們看見我心愛的嗎?」 3The watchmen came upon me as they made their rounds of the city: Have you seen him whom my heart loves?
4我剛離開他們,就找着了我心愛的;我拉住他不放,領他到我母親家中,到懷孕我者的內室。 4I had hardly left them when I found him whom my heart loves. I took hold of him and would not let him go till I should bring him to the home of my mother, to the room of my parent.
5耶路撒冷女郎!我指着田間的羚羊或牝鹿懇求你們,不要驚醒,不要喚醒我的愛,讓她自便罷! 5I adjure you, daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles and hinds of the field, Do not arouse, do not stir up love before its own time.
6那從曠野上來,狀如煙柱,發放沒藥、乳香以及各種舶來香料香氣的,是什麼? 6D What is this coming up from the desert, like a column of smoke Laden with myrrh, with frankincense, and with the perfume of every exotic dust? .
7看,撒羅滿的御轎,有六十勇士環繞,全是以色列的精旅, 7Ah, it is the litter of Solomon; sixty valiant men surround it, of the valiant men of Israel:
8個個手持利刃,善於戰鬥,腰間各佩刀劍,以防夜襲。 8All of them expert with the sword, skilled in battle, Each with his sword at his side against danger in the watches of the night.
9撒羅滿王用黎巴嫩香柏,製造了一個寶座, 9King Solomon made himself a carriage of wood from Lebanon.
10銀柱金頂,紫錦墊褥,中間繡花,是耶路撒冷女子愛情的結晶。 10He made its columns of silver, its roof of gold, Its seat of purple cloth, its framework inlaid with ivory.
11熙雍女郎!出來觀看撒羅滿王,他頭戴王冠,是他母親在他新婚心靈歡樂之日,給他戴上的。 11Daughters of Jerusalem, come forth and look upon King Solomon In the crown with which his mother has crowned him on the day of his marriage, on the day of the joy of his heart.


第二幕分兩場:第一場(2:8-16)又描寫新郎通知自己的愛卿,恩寵的時期已臨近。當時新娘還關在屋內(9節),或如鴿子隱居在岩石隙中(14節),即謂還在充軍之地。新郎請她離開巴比倫回歸聖地。但因有「狐狸」──即臨居的敵人,如撒瑪黎雅、厄東、阿孟、摩阿布等民族──毀壞「葡萄園」巴力斯坦,敵對回國的人,因此以民大部分還猶疑不決,不敢回歸聖地(厄上4:2; 厄下2:19; 3:34)新娘所祈求的,是願天主重新與自己的百姓結約,居住在「百合花」,即選民中間。見偽經「厄斯德拉卷四」5:23, 24。第二場(2:17-3:5)描繪新娘(以民)重新所受的試探。她的凈配好似又離開了她。詩人在此以寓言描寫『厄上下』所記以民所處的環境。第一批選民回到聖地以後,因遭遇困難,多半灰心失望,就忽略了宗教的義務,尤其忽略了重建聖殿的大業(蓋1; 匝8:6-17)。在困難中,新娘再求天主顧念給亞巴郎所應許的恩賜(17節 ; 創15)。在「城」裏,即在耶路撒冷城內。城內的「衛兵」似乎指當時征服聖地的波斯國士兵。她以悔改的心再找着她的愛人──天主,便領他到「母親家」及「內室」,即新建聖殿的聖所內;在那裏將自己奉獻給他,為永遠作他忠信的凈配。





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