雅歌:Chapter 5

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雅歌 Song of Songs
1我的妹妺,我的新娘!我進入了我的花園,採了我的沒藥和香草,吃了我的蜂巢和蜂蜜,喝了我的酒和奶。我的朋友!請你們吃,請你們喝,我親愛的,請你們痛飲! 1G I have come to my garden, my sister, my bride; I gather my myrrh and my spices, I eat my honey and my sweetmeats, I drink my wine and my milk. D Eat, friends; drink! Drink freely of love!
2我身雖睡,我心卻醒;聽,我的愛人在敲門。我的妹妹,我的愛卿,我的鴿子,我的完人,請給我開門!我的頭上滿了露水,我的髮辮滿了露珠。 2B I was sleeping, but my heart kept vigil; I heard my lover knocking: "Open to me, my sister, my beloved, my dove, my perfect one! For my head is wet with dew, my locks with the moisture of the night."
3我已脫下長衣,怎能再穿!我已洗了腳,怎能再污? 3I have taken off my robe, am I then to put it on? I have bathed my feet, am I then to soil them?
4我的愛人從門孔中伸進手來,我的五內大為感動。 4My lover put his hand through the opening; my heart trembled within me, and I grew faint when he spoke
5我起來給我的愛人開門,一摸門閂,我的手就滴下沒藥,手指滴下純正的沒藥。 5I rose to open to my lover, with my hands dripping myrrh: With my fingers dripping choice myrrh upon the fittings of the lock.
6我給我的愛人開了門,我的愛人卻轉身走了;一見他走了,我好不傷心。我尋覓,卻沒有找着;我呼喚,他卻不答應。 6I opened to my lover - but my lover had departed, gone. I sought him but I did not find him; I called to him but he did not answer me.
7巡行城市的守衛遇見了我;打傷了我;看守城牆的人,奪去了我身上的外衣。 7The watchmen came upon me as they made their rounds of the city; They struck me, and wounded me, and took my mantle from me, the guardians of the walls.
8耶路撒冷女郎!你們若遇見了我的愛人,你們要告訴他什麼?我懇求你們告訴他:「我因愛成疾。」 8I adjure you, daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my lover - What shall you tell him?- that I am faint with love.
9你這女中極美麗的啊!你的愛人有什麼勝過其他的愛人?你的愛人有什麼勝過其他的愛人,致使你這樣懇求我們? 9D How does your lover differ from any other, O most beautiful among women? How does your lover differ from any other, that you adjure us so?
10我的愛人,皎潔紅潤,超越萬人。 10B My lover is radiant and ruddy; he stands out among thousands.
11他的頭顱金碧輝煌,他的髮辮有如棕枝,漆黑有如烏鴉。 11His head is pure gold; his locks are palm fronds, black as the raven.
12他的眼睛,有如站在溪畔的鵓鴿的眼;他的牙齒在奶中洗過,按在牙床上。 12His eyes are like doves beside running waters, His teeth would seem bathed in milk, and are set like jewels.
13他的兩頰有如香花畦,又如芳草台;他的嘴唇有如百合花,滴流純正的沒藥。 13His cheeks are like beds of spice with ripening aromatic herbs. His lips are red blossoms; they drip choice myrrh.
14他的手臂有如金管,鑲有塔爾史士寶石;他的軀幹是一塊象牙,鑲有碧玉。 14His arms are rods of gold adorned with chrysolites. His body is a work of ivory covered with sapphires.
15他的兩腿像一對大理石柱,置於純金座上;他的容貌彷彿黎巴嫩,壯麗如同香柏樹。 15His legs are columns of marble resting on golden bases. His stature is like the trees on Lebanon, imposing as the cedars.
16他滿面香甜,全然可愛。耶路撒冷女郎!這就是我的愛人,這就是我的良友。 16His mouth is sweetness itself; he is all delight. Such is my lover, and such my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.


好像在耶京,從那裡看到由巴比倫歸來的同胞(依52:7-12);領導他們的,是上主自己(煙柱);其後看到撒羅滿(默西亞),和平的君王,坐轎登上熙雍山。依照先知的預言(依54:5,6; 61:10; 62:3-5等),充軍時期一結束,默西亞就立即要來作上主的代表,主定新約(耶31),與自己的民眾舉行新的神婚(詠45)。──在4:8新郎請新娘離開那壓迫她的暴君(獅子、豹子)的地域(巴比倫),並且請她由從前去充軍之地時所走過的道路歸來,(黎巴嫩即北方的領域,由此進入巴力斯坦)。元祖在犯罪以前所住的樂園(創2),象徵默西亞給人類帶來鴻恩的教會(詠87)。新娘新郎的這段對話(4:16; 5:1),頗類似默22:17,20:「聖神和新娘都說:你來罷!是的,我快來!」





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