雅歌:Chapter 7

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雅歌 Song of Songs
1歸來,歸來!叔拉米特!歸來,歸來!讓我們看看你!你們要看叔拉米特什麼?看她在兩隊中舞蹈。 1D Turn, turn, O Shulammite, turn, turn, that we may look at you! B Why would you look at the Shulammite as at the dance of the two companies?
2公主!你的腳穿上涼鞋,是多麼美麗! 2D How beautiful are your feet in sandals, O prince's daughter! Your rounded thighs are like jewels, the handiwork of an artist.
3你的兩腿,圓潤似玉,是藝術家手中的傑作。你的肚臍,有如圓樽,總不缺少調香的美酒。你的肚腹,有如一堆麥粒,周圍有百合花圍繞。 3Your navel is a round bowl that should never lack for mixed wine. Your body is a heap of wheat encircled with lilies.
4你的兩個乳房,猶如羚羊一對孿生的小羚羊。 4Your breasts are like twin fawns, the young of a gazelle.
5你的頸項,猶如象牙寶塔。你的兩眼,好似赫市朋城巴特辣賓城門旁的池塘。你的鼻子,彷彿黎巴嫩山上面對大馬士革的高塔。 5Your neck is like a tower of ivory. Your eyes are like the pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bath-rabbim. Your nose is like the tower on Lebanon that looks toward Damascus.
6你的頭顱聳立,好像加爾默耳山。你頭上的髮辮有如紫錦。君王就為這鬈髮所迷。 6You head rises like Carmel; your hair is like draperies of purple; a king is held captive in its tresses.
7極可愛的,悅人心意的女郎,你是多麼美麗,多麼可愛! 7G How beautiful you are, how pleasing, my love, my delight!
8你的身材修長如同棕櫚樹,你的乳房猶如棕櫚樹上的兩串果實。 8Your very figure is like a palm tree, your breasts are like clusters.
9我決意要攀上棕櫚樹,摘取樹上的果實。你的乳房,的確像兩串葡萄;你噓氣芬芳,實如蘋果的香味。 9I said: I will climb the palm tree, I will take hold of its branches. Now let your breasts be like clusters of the vine and the fragrance of your breath like apples,
10你的口腔滴流美酒,直流入我口內,直流到我唇齒間。 10And your mouth like an excellent wine - B that flows smoothly for my lover, spreading over the lips and the teeth.
11我屬於我的愛人,他醉心戀慕着我。 11I belong to my lover and for me he yearns.
12我的愛人!你來,我們往田野去,在鄉間過夜。 12Come, my lover, let us go forth to the fields and spend the night among the villages.
13清晨起來,我們到葡萄園去,看看葡萄是否發芽,花朵是否怒放,石榴樹是否已開花;在那裏我要將我的愛獻給你。 13Let us go early to the vineyards, and see if the vines are in bloom, If the buds have opened, if the pomegranates have blossomed; There will I give you my love.
14蔓陀羅花香氣四溢,我們的門旁有各種美果,新的舊的都有;我心愛的,我都為你留下。 14The mandrakes give forth fragrance, and at our doors are all choice fruits; Both fresh and mellowed fruits, my lover, I have kept in store for you.




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