智慧篇 |
Wisdom |
1上主,你的裁判的確高深難明,因此,不願受教的靈魂走入了迷途。 |
1For great are your judgments, and hardly to be described; therefore the unruly souls were wrong. |
2不法的人自以為能壓服聖民,反而被黑暗所束縛,為長夜所桎梏,囚禁在斗室中,被棄於永遠照顧之外。 |
2For when the lawless thought to enslave the holy nation, shackled with darkness, fettered by the long night, they lay confined beneath their own roofs as exiles from the eternal providence. |
3他們原想在人不留意的黑幕下,可以掩藏隱密的罪惡,自己反為黑暗所侵襲,大起恐慌為鬼怪所驚擾, |
3For they who supposed their secret sins were hid under the dark veil of oblivion Were scattered in fearful trembling, terrified by apparitions. |
4以致連掩護他們的內室,也不能保護他們不受驚惶,使人恐怖的聲音環繞在他們四周,哭喪著臉的憂戚怪物,出現在他們面前。 |
4For not even their inner chambers kept them fearless, for crashing sounds on all sides terrified them, and mute phantoms with somber looks appeared. |
5火沒有一點能力供給他們光亮,星辰的光輝,也無法照明這可怕的黑夜, |
5No force, even of fire, was able to give light, nor did the flaming brilliance of the stars succeed in lighting up that gloomy night. |
6只有忽然自動燃起的極為可怕的火炬,顯示給他們,嚇得他們不知所措;在幻像不見之後,他們幻想之所見,比所見的實物更為可怕。 |
6 But only intermittent, fearful fires flashed through upon them; And in their terror they thought beholding these was worse than the times when that sight was no longer to be seen. |
7他們的邪術盡失效力,他們誇耀的學識,全蒙恥受辱: |
7And mockeries of the magic art were in readiness, and a jeering reproof of their vaunted shrewdness. |
8他們曾應許,為患精神病者驅除恐懼與慌亂,自己卻患了可笑的膽怯病; |
8For they who undertook to banish fears and terrors from the sick soul themselves sickened with a ridiculous fear. |
9即使沒有可怕的事來恐嚇,連走獸經過,或毒蛇嗤嗤一聲,他們也大為驚慌,嚇得魂不附體,以致連這無可逃避的空氣也不願再看。 |
9For even though no monstrous thing frightened them, they shook at the passing of insects and the hissing of reptiles, |
10邪惡的心本來就膽怯,自證自己有罪,受著天良的催迫,時常向壞處著想。 |
10And perished trembling, reluctant to face even the air that they could nowhere escape. |
11恐懼不是別的,只是將理性的助力,棄而不用; |
11For wickedness, of its nature cowardly, testifies in its own condemnation, and because of a distressed conscience, always magnifies misfortunes. |
12人對內心的依賴越薄弱,越難明瞭遇難的原因。 |
12For fear is nought but the surrender of the helps that come from reason; |
13在那來自毫無生力的陰府深處,使人無法工作的黑夜裏,仍照樣去睡覺的人, |
13and the more one's expectation is of itself uncertain, the more one makes of not knowing the cause that brings on torment. |
14有的因魑魅的怪狀而驚惶,有的因心志絕望而沮喪,因為,突然而意外的驚懼,忽臨到他們身上。 |
14 So they, during that night, powerless though it was, that had come upon them from the recesses of a powerless nether world, while all sleeping the same sleep, |
15因此,不拘誰倒在那裏,就在那裏被囚,幽禁在沒有鐵閂的囹圄中; |
15Were partly smitten by fearsome apparitions and partly stricken by their souls' surrender; for fear came upon them, sudden and unexpected. |
16不論他是農夫,或是牧人,或是在偏僻鄉野操作的工人,都得驟然忍受這不可逃避的厄運,因為人人都被一條黑暗的鎖鏈束縛住了; |
16Thus, then, whoever was there fell into that unbarred prison and was kept confined. |
17不論是呼嘯的風聲,或是密枝間鳥雀的吱喳叫聲,或是溪水的急流聲, |
17For whether one was a farmer, or a shepherd, or a worker at tasks in the wasteland, Taken unawares, he served out the inescapable sentence; |
18或是岩石崩裂的強烈響聲,或是走獸隱約的跳躍聲,或是猛獸的吼叫聲,或是山谷間的響徹回聲,都能使他們膽戰心驚。 |
18for all were bound by the one bond of darkness. And were it only the whistling wind, or the melodious song of birds in the spreading branches, Or the steady sound of rushing water, |
19其時,整個世界正為輝煌的光明所照耀,進行工作毫無阻礙; |
19or the rude crash of overthrown rocks, Or the unseen gallop of bounding animals, or the roaring cry of the fiercest beasts, Or an echo resounding from the hollow of the hills, these sounds, inspiring terror, paralyzed them. |
20沉重的黑暗,只籠罩著他們,這是未來要接收他們的黑暗的預像;其實,他們為他們自己,比黑暗還更為沈重。 |
20For the whole world shone with brilliant light and continued its works without interruption; |