德訓篇 |
Sirach |
1若子女不敬畏上主,雖然眾多,你也不要因此而喜歡。 |
1 Desire not a brood of worthless children, nor rejoice in wicked offspring. |
2不要依賴他們的生命,也不要依靠他們的後裔; |
2Many though they be, exult not in them if they have not the fear of the LORD. |
3因為,有一個敬畏天主的兒子,勝過一千個不虔敬的兒女。 |
3Count not on their length of life, have no hope in their future. For one can be better than a thousand; rather die childless than have godless children! |
4沒有兒子而死,比留下不虔敬的兒子更好。 |
4Through one wise man can a city be peopled; through a clan of rebels it becomes desolate. |
5因為一位智慧人,就能使一城人煙稠密,而罪人的家族,卻可使城池荒涼。 |
5Many such things has my eye seen, even more than these has my ear heard. |
6我親眼見許多這樣的事,我親耳聽到的比此更多。 |
6 Against a sinful band fire is enkindled, upon a godless people wrath flames out. |
7烈火在罪人的集會中燃燒,義怒向背信的民族怒吼。 |
7 He forgave not the leaders of old who rebelled long ago in their might; |
8對那些倚仗己力而背叛的古代巨人,上主沒有息怒; |
8 He spared not the neighbors of Lot whom he detested for their pride; |
9與羅特同城的人,天主也沒有寬恕,因為他們的驕傲招了天主的厭惡。 |
9 Nor did he spare the doomed people who were uprooted because of their sin; |
10他沒有憐憫喪亡的子民,即那些因罪惡,而自高自大的人; |
10 Nor the six hundred thousand foot soldiers who perished for the impiety of their hearts. |
11也同樣對待了六十萬步兵,即那些因心硬,而齊集反抗的人。如果有一個倔強的人而未受罰,纔是奇事。 |
11And had there been but one stiffnecked man, it were a wonder had he gone unpunished. For mercy and anger alike are with him who remits and forgives, though on the wicked alights his wrath. |
12因為,憐憫和義怒全屬於上主;他大施寬恕,但也傾注義怒。 |
12Great as his mercy is his punishment; he judges men, each according to his deeds. |
13他的仁慈大,他的懲罰也同樣大;他依照每人的行為審判人。 |
13A criminal does not escape with his plunder; a just man's hope God does not leave unfulfilled. |
14罪犯及其贓物,逃遁不了;虔敬人的忍耐,不會落空。 |
14Whoever does good has his reward, which each receives according to his deeds. |
15凡施捨行善的人,必會獲得賞報;各人按自己的行為,及其旅行時所有的明智,必會得到酬報。上主曾硬了法郎的心,致令他不認識上主,和他在天下顯示的工程。萬物都見到了他的仁慈,他賜給了人光明和黑暗。 |
15Say not: "I am hidden from God; in heaven who remembers me? Among so many people I cannot be known; what am I in the world of spirits? |
16不要說:「我能逃避上主,在至高處,還有誰會想到我? |
16Behold, the heavens, the heaven of heavens, the earth and the abyss tremble at his visitation; |
17在廣大的人民中,必然無人認識我;我的性命,在這無量的造物中,又算得什麼?」 |
17The roots of the mountains, the earth's foundations, at his mere glance, quiver and quake. |
18請看天,天外天,深淵,大地和地上的一切所有,當他視察時,都要動搖; |
18Of me, therefore, he will take no thought; with my ways who will concern himself? |
19山岳和大地的基礎,天主一觀看,都要顫慄搖撼。 |
19If I sin, no eye will see me; if all in secret I am disloyal, who is to know? |
20對於這些事,人心怎麼還不領悟?對眾人的心,天主是洞悉的。 |
20Who tells him of just deeds and what could I expect for doing my duty?" |
21誰能洞察他的道路?正如風暴,人難預見。 |
21Such are the thoughts of senseless men, which only the foolish knave will think. |
22同樣,天主的許多作為,也是隱而不見的。「誰能傳述他正義的作為?誰能等待那事?因為,他的盟約離一些人尚遠。」到末日他纔審問眾人。 |
22 Hearken to me, my son, take my advice, apply your mind to my words, |
23心中愚蒙的人,是如此設想;不明智而自欺的人,只思慮狂妄的事。 |
23While I propose measured wisdom, and impart accurate knowledge. |
24我兒,你要聽從我,你要學習智慧的教訓,你要留心注意我的話: |
24When at the first God created his works and, as he made them, assigned their tasks, |
25我要指出思量過的道理,我要詳細陳述智慧;所以,你要在心留意我的話,我要公正地,述說天主從起初就賦與萬有的神力:我要真實地,陳述他的智慧。 |
25He ordered for all time what they were to do and their domains from generation to generation. They were not to hunger, nor grow weary, nor ever cease from their tasks. |
26太初,上主造化了萬物;在創造時,分別了萬物的種類。 |
26Not one should ever crowd its neighbor, nor should they ever disobey his word. |
27永遠把自己的化工佈置就序,連續給它們派定了統帥。它們不感覺飢餓,也不感覺疲勞,因為統帥總不停頓自己的工作。 |
27Then the LORD looked upon the earth, and filled it with his blessings. |
28它們彼此不相侵犯, |
28Its surface he covered with all manner of life which must return into it again. |
29永遠不違背他的安排。 |
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30此後,上主俯視大地,將自己的美善,充滿世界; |
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31用各種生物,遮蓋了地面;但它們仍要歸於塵土。 |
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