德訓篇 |
Sirach |
1永生的天主,一舉而創造了萬物,惟有上主堪稱是正義的,永遠是常勝的君王。 |
1 The Eternal is the judge of all things without exception; the LORD alone is just. |
2無人能詳述他的化工; |
2Whom has he made equal to describing his works, and who can probe his mighty deeds? |
3誰能窮究他的偉大? |
3Who can measure his majestic power, or exhaust the tale of his mercies? |
4誰能述盡他威嚴的權力?誰能說完他的仁慈? |
4One cannot lessen, nor increase, nor penetrate the wonders of the LORD. |
5上主的奇妙化工,人不能增損,也無法窮究。 |
5When a man ends he is only beginning, and when he stops he is still bewildered. |
6當人以為完畢時,他卻正在開始;當人以為停止時,卻仍感到迷惑。 |
6What is man, of what worth is he? the good, the evil in him, what are these? |
7人是什麼,他有什麼用途?對於天主,他有什麼好處,有什麼害處? |
7The sum of a man's days is great if it reaches a hundred years: |
8人的年齡,至多一百歲,就像海水的一滴,沙中的一粒,在永遠的日子裏,連一千年,也不過如此。 |
8Like a drop of sea water, like a grain of sand, so are these few years among the days of eternity. |
9為此,上主忍耐他們,在他們身上傾注自己的仁慈。 |
9That is why the LORD is patient with men and showers upon them his mercy. |
10他明見而且深知,他們的結局是兇惡的,知道他們的滅亡是悲慘的。 |
10He sees and understands that their death is grievous, and so he forgives them all the more. |
11為此,天主對他們大加寬恕,給他們指出正義的途徑。 |
11Man may be merciful to his fellow man, but the LORD'S mercy reaches all flesh, |
12人的慈愛只朝向自己的近人,而上主的憐愛,卻臨於一切有血肉的人。 |
12Reproving, admonishing, teaching, as a shepherd guides his flock; |
13懷有仁慈的上主,勸告、懲戒、教訓世人,領他們回來,正如牧人領回自己的羊群。 |
13Merciful to those who accept his guidance, who are diligent in his precepts. |
14領受他的教導,和渴慕他判斷的人,他必加以憐憫。 |
14 My son, to your charity add no reproach, nor spoil any gift by harsh words. |
15我兒,你救濟時,不要加以責斥;你施惠時,不要說使人傷心的話。 |
15Like dew that abates a burning wind, so does a word improve a gift. |
16露水不是可以消除炎熱嗎?同樣,一句好話比恩惠更快人心。 |
16Sometimes the word means more than the gift; both are offered by a kindly man. |
17一句好話,不是勝過恩惠嗎?但是,只有仁愛的人,纔能作到這兩點。 |
17Only a fool upbraids before giving; a grudging gift wears out the expectant eyes. |
18愚人只會無禮責斥人;慳吝人的恩惠,使人目光消沉。 |
18Be informed before speaking; before sickness prepare the cure. |
19在審判以前,你要具備正義感,在講話以前,應先學習。 |
19 Before you are judged, seek merit for yourself, and at the time of visitation you will have a ransom. |
20在未病以前,應善自珍重。在審判以前,應審察自己,這樣,當天主來視察你的時候,你必能尋獲寬恕。 |
20Before you have fallen, humble yourself; when you have sinned, show repentance. |
21在未病之先,你要謙卑自下;在有罪的時候,要表示懺悔。 |
21Delay not to forsake sins, neglect it not till you are in distress. |
22不要讓什麼阻礙你指定的時期還願,也不要等到臨死纔行義,因為天主的賞報永遠存在。 |
22 Let nothing prevent the prompt payment of your vows; wait not to fulfill them when you are dying. |
23在許願以前,你應善自準備,免得你像是一個試探上主的人。 |
23Before making a vow have the means to fulfill it; be not one who tries the LORD. |
24你要思念天主在末日的震怒,和他報復時,轉面不顧。 |
24Think of wrath and the day of death, the time of vengeance when he will hide his face. |
25豐收時,要記得饑荒時;富裕時,要想到窮困時。 |
25Remember the time of hunger in the time of plenty, poverty and want in the day of wealth. |
26從早到晚,時辰更替,在上主面前,一切都要迅速過去。 |
26Between morning and evening the weather changes; before the LORD all things are fleeting. |
27明智人凡事謹慎,在易犯罪的日子,必然小心而不犯罪。 |
27A wise man is circumspect in all things; when sin is rife he keeps himself from wrongdoing. |
28凡是智慧的人,都認識智慧;找着她的人,智慧必加以稱許。 |
28 Any learned man should make wisdom known, and he who attains to her should declare her praise; |
29明白箴言的,就是智慧人,他們懂得真理與正義,並且流露出卓絕的格言。 |
29Those trained in her words must show their wisdom, dispensing sound proverbs like life-giving waters. |
30不要順從你的慾情,要抑制你的慾望。 |
30 Go not after your lusts, but keep your desires in check. |
31假使你滿足你的情慾,它必使你成為你敵人的笑柄。 |
31If you satisfy your lustful appetites they will make you the sport of your enemies. |
32不要喜愛奢侈的生活,也不要加入這樣的集會。在集會中,不拘人多少,你也不要找尋快樂,因為在那裏,人總不免沾染罪惡。 |
32Have no joy in the pleasures of a moment which bring on poverty redoubled; |
33幾時你囊中一無所有,不要借貸設宴,而使你陷於窮困;否則,便是苦害你的生命。 |
33Become not a glutton and a winebibber with nothing in your purse. |