德訓篇:Chapter 26


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德訓篇 Sirach
1有賢妻的丈夫,是有福的!他的壽數必要增加一倍。 1 Happy the husband of a good wife, twice-lengthened are his days;
2有才能的婦人,是丈夫的喜樂,使他在平安中終其天年。 2 A worthy wife brings joy to her husband, peaceful and full is his life.
3有賢婦為妻,是一種福份;但是,只有敬畏上主的人,因自己的善行,纔能得到她。 3A good wife is a generous gift bestowed upon him who fears the LORD;
4她不論是富是貧,心神總是快樂,時常面帶笑容。 4Be he rich or poor, his heart is content, and a smile is ever on his face.
5有三件事,我心中恐懼,對第四件事,我更害怕,那就是: 5There are three things at which my heart quakes, a fourth before which I quail: Though false charges in public, trial before all the people, and lying testimony are harder to bear than death,
6市民的控告,暴徒的集會, 6 A jealous wife is heartache and mourning and a scourging tongue like the other three.
7誣妄的誹謗:這一切比死亡更為不幸; 7A bad wife is a chafing yoke; he who marries her seizes a scorpion.
8但是,娭妒別的婦女的女人,令人心痛悲傷; 8A drunken wife arouses great anger, for she does not hide her shame.
9她向眾人傳話的舌頭,是一條鞭子。 9By her eyelids and her haughty stare an unchaste wife can be recognized.
10惡婦有如擺動的牛軛,誰要管治她,無異是用手去捉蠍子。 10Keep a strict watch over an unruly wife, lest, finding an opportunity, she make use of it;
11好醉酒的婦女,是大怒的原因;她的恥辱和醜態,不能隱藏。 11Follow close if her eyes are bold, and be not surprised if she betrays you:
12眼波流動,是婦女淫蕩的表示;從她的眉毛,可以認出。 12As a thirsty traveler with eager mouth drinks from any water that he finds, So she settles down before every tent peg and opens her quiver for every arrow.
13對無恥的女兒,你應嚴加管束,怕她有機可乘,就放縱起來。 13A gracious wife delights her husband, her thoughtfulness puts flesh on his bones;
14你要留心,不要順從無恥的眼睛;否則,她若冒犯你,你就不用驚奇。 14A gift from the LORD is her governed speech, and her firm virtue is of surpassing worth.
15就如渴了的旅客,一到了水旁,不管遇到的是什麼水,就張口去喝;同樣,淫婦坐在任何木樁前,向射來的箭,張開箭袋,直到她疲乏為止。 15Choicest of blessings is a modest wife, priceless her chaste person.
16勤謹婦女的溫柔,使自己的丈夫歡樂;她的明智,使丈夫的骨骼豐滿。 16Like the sun rising in the LORD'S heavens, the beauty of a virtuous wife is the radiance of her home.
17沉默寡言而明智的婦女,是上主的恩賜。 17 Like the light which shines above the holy lampstand, are her beauty of face and graceful figure.
18受過好教養的人,是無價之寶。 18 Golden columns on silver bases are her shapely limbs and steady feet.
19聖潔而知恥的婦女,乃無上的恩賜。 19These two bring grief to my heart, and the third arouses my horror: A wealthy man reduced to want; illustrious men held in contempt; And the man who passes from justice to sin, for whom the LORD makes ready the sword.
20貞潔的靈魂,實尊貴無比。 20 A merchant can hardly remain upright, nor a shopkeeper free from sin;
21在秩序井然的家庭裏,賢婦的美麗,有如在上主的至高之天,上升的太陽; 21
22她那健康身材上所襯托的美貌,有如神聖燈台上發光的燈; 22
23她那雙在結實腳跟上的美腿,有如銀座上的金柱。 23
24聖婦心裏的天主誡命,有如堅固磐石上的永久基礎。 24
25有兩件事,我心中憂傷,而對第三件事,我更憤怒,那就是: 25
26戰士為窮苦所困,明智人被人輕視, 26
27離棄正義而偏向罪惡的人,上主為他準備了刀劍。 27
28有兩件事,依我看來,又難又危險,那就是:商人很難不犯罪,店員難免不失言。 28