德訓篇 |
Sirach |
1凡報仇的,必要遭遇到上主的報復,上主必要保留他的罪。 |
1The vengeful will suffer the LORD'S vengeance, for he remembers their sins in detail. |
2你要寬恕你近人的過錯;這樣,當你祈求時,你的罪惡也會得到赦免。 |
2Forgive your neighbor's injustice; then when you pray, your own sins will be forgiven. |
3人若對人懷怒,怎能向上主求饒? |
3Should a man nourish anger against his fellows and expect healing from the LORD? |
4對自己同類的人沒有慈愛,怎能為自己的罪過求赦? |
4Should a man refuse mercy to his fellows, yet seek pardon for his own sins? |
5他既是血肉之人,竟然懷怒,而向天主求赦罪之恩,誰能赦免他的罪? |
5If he who is but flesh cherishes wrath, who will forgive his sins? |
6你要記得最後的結局,而停止仇恨; |
6Remember your last days, set enmity aside; remember death and decay, and cease from sin! |
7你要記得腐爛與死亡,而遵照誡命生活。 |
7Think of the commandments, hate not your neighbor; of the Most High's covenant, and overlook faults. |
8你要記得天主的誡命,不要向人發怒; |
8Avoid strife and your sins will be fewer, for a quarrelsome man kindles disputes, |
9你要記得至高者的盟約,寬恕別人的過錯。 |
9Commits the sin of disrupting friendship and sows discord among those at peace. |
10你要避免爭論,如此,你就可以減少罪過; |
10The more wood, the greater the fire, the more underlying it, the fiercer the fight; The greater a man's strength, the sterner his anger, the greater his power, the greater his wrath. |
11因為容易發怒的人,能激起爭論;犯罪的人,使朋友不安;他在安享和平的人中散佈讒言。 |
11Pitch and resin make fires flare up, and insistent quarrels provoke bloodshed. |
12根據燃料,可知火勢如何;爭吵若是激烈,可見鬥爭的情形;人的怒氣,是因他的勢力而起;他的憤怒,是隨他的財富而升。 |
12 If you blow upon a spark, it quickens into flame, if you spit on it, it dies out; yet both you do with your mouth! |
13激烈的口角,容易惹起怒火;激烈的爭辯,容易流血;妄證的口舌,致人死命。 |
13Cursed be gossips and the double-tongued, for they destroy the peace of many. |
14你若在火星上吹氣,火就燃起;你若在火星上吐唾沫,火就熄滅;二者都來自口中。 |
14A meddlesome tongue subverts many, and makes them refugees among the peoples; It destroys walled cities, and overthrows powerful dynasties. |
15搬弄是非的,和一口兩舌的人,是可咒罵的,因為他們使許多安享和平的人喪亡。 |
15A meddlesome tongue can drive virtuous women from their homes and rob them of the fruit of their toil; |
16挑撥的舌頭擾亂許多人,使他們從這一國流亡到那一國; |
16Whoever heeds it has no rest, nor can he dwell in peace. |
17傾覆了堅固的城池,推翻了貴族人的家庭; |
17A blow from a whip raises a welt, but a blow from the tongue smashes bones; |
18使民族的力量衰弱,使強盛的人民流亡。 |
18Many have fallen by the edge of the sword, but not as many as by the tongue. |
19挑撥的舌頭,從家庭中遂出了英勇的婦女,掠奪了她們勞力所得的利益。 |
19Happy he who is sheltered from it, and has not endured its wrath; Who has not borne its yoke nor been fettered with its chain; |
20誰聽從這樣的舌頭,就不得安息;在他的家裏,再也沒有平安。 |
20For its yoke is a yoke of iron and its chains are chains of bronze! |
21鞭打存青痕,舌擊碎人骨。 |
21Dire is the death it inflicts, besides which even the nether world is a gain; |
22劍刺死的人雖多,還不如舌害死的人多。 |
22It will not take hold among the just nor scorch them in its flame, |
23凡躲避了惡舌,沒有經過它的怒氣,沒有負過它的重軛,沒有受過它的鎖鏈捆綁的人,是有福的! |
23But those who forsake the LORD will fall victims to it, as it burns among them unquenchably! It will hurl itself against them like a lion; like a panther, it will tear them to pieces. |
24因為,它的軛是鐵軛,它的鏈是銅鏈。 |
24As you hedge round your vineyard with thorns, set barred doors over your mouth; |
25它造成的死亡,是悲慘的,陰府也比它好受。 |
25As you seal up your silver and gold, so balance and weigh your words. |
26但是,它決不能控制虔敬的人,卻能把住不義之人的路徑,它的火焰不能焚燒虔敬的人。 |
26Take care not to slip by your tongue and fall victim to your foe waiting in ambush. |
27凡離棄上主的,就落在它手裏,它必燃燒他們,總不止熄;它如同被放出來的獅子,襲擊他們;又如豹子,撕裂他們。 |
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28請看,你要用荊棘圍住你的田園,不要聽從邪惡的脣舌;你要給你的口,安上門和鎖。 |
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29你要把你的金銀收藏起來。你要作一個天秤,來權衡你的言語;要為你的口,安上門和門閂。 |
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30你要小心,不要因口舌而失足,免得你在暗算你的敵人面前跌倒,怕你這一跌,成了不治的死症。 |
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