德訓篇 |
Sirach |
1疼愛自己兒子的,應當時常鞭打他,好能因他的將來而喜悅,免得他將來沿門乞食。 |
1 He who loves his son chastises him often, that he may be his joy when he grows up. |
2訓導自己兒子的,必會因他而得幸福;在自己親屬相識前,也必會因他而自豪。 |
2He who disciplines his son will benefit from him, and boast of him among his intimates. |
3教訓自己兒子的,會激起仇人的嫉妒;但在朋友前,必會因他而高興。 |
3He who educates his son makes his enemy jealous, and shows his delight in him among his friends. |
4他的父親雖然死了,卻像沒有死一樣,因為他留下了一個相似自己的人。 |
4At the father's death, he will seem not dead, since he leaves after him one like himself, |
5他在生時,一見自己的兒子,心裏就喜歡;在臨終時,不會憂慮,在仇人前,也不會蒙羞。 |
5Whom he looks upon through life with joy, and even in death, without regret: |
6對於仇人,他留下了一個報仇的人;對於朋友他留下了一個報恩的人。 |
6The avenger he leaves against his foes, and the one to repay his friends with kindness. |
7至於那放縱兒子的,日後他必包紮兒子的創傷;每聽到他的叫聲,心裏就苦惱。 |
7He who spoils his son will have wounds to bandage, and will quake inwardly at every outcry. |
8不馴服的馬,是難以駕馭的;任性的兒子,必然魯莽執拗。 |
8A colt untamed turns out stubborn; a son left to himself grows up unruly. |
9姑息孩子,日後他必會使你驚駭;同他開玩笑,日後他必會使你悲傷。 |
9Pamper your child and he will be a terror for you, indulge him and he will bring you grief. |
10不要和他戲笑,免得將來同他一起悲傷;最後切齒痛恨。 |
10Share not in his frivolity lest you share in his sorrow, when finally your teeth are clenched in remorse. |
11在他年輕時,不要讓他放任自由;對他的過失,不可忽略不顧。 |
11Give him not his own way in his youth, and close not your eyes to his follies. |
12在他年輕時,要使他低首下心;趁他還小時,要叫他屈己服從,以免他轉為倔強,不服從你,使你傷心。 |
12Bend him to the yoke when he is young, thrash his sides while he is still small, Lest he become stubborn, disobey you, and leave you disconsolate. |
13要教訓你的兒子,叫他勤勞,免得你因他的無恥,絆倒受辱。 |
13Discipline your son, make heavy his yoke, lest his folly humiliate you. |
14強健而有力的窮人,勝過受疾病折磨,而虛弱的富人。 |
14 Better a poor man strong and robust, than a rich man with wasted frame. |
15健康和強壯的體格,尤其靈魂在正義的聖德上,所享的健康,比一切黃金更有價值;健全的身體比無數的財富更好。 |
15More precious than gold is health and well-being, contentment of spirit than coral. |
16沒有一種財富,能勝過身體的健康;也沒有一種快樂,能超過內心的喜悅。 |
16No treasure greater than a healthy body; no happiness, than a joyful heart! |
17死亡比辛酸的人生更好;永久的安息,勝於不斷的病苦。 |
17 Preferable is death to a bitter life, unending sleep to constant illness. |
18對有口不能下嚥的人,端來的美味,等於設在墓旁的祭筵。 |
18Dainties set before one who cannot eat are like the offerings placed before a tomb. |
19祭祀對偶像有什麼用處?既不能吃,又不能聞: |
19What good is an offering to an idol that can neither taste nor smell? |
20被上主懲罰,承擔自己罪孽報應的人,正是如此。 |
20So it is with the afflicted man who groans at the good things his eyes behold! |
21他用眼一看,就喟然長嘆,正如一個閹人,擁抱着處女,而喟然長嘆一樣。 |
21Do not give in to sadness, torment not yourself with brooding; |
22不要使你的心靈沉陷在憂愁裏,也不要因無謂的思慮,而自尋苦惱。 |
22Gladness of heart is the very life of man, cheerfulness prolongs his days. |
23心中喜樂是人的生命,是聖德的無盡寶藏;人心愉快,可享長壽。 |
23Distract yourself, renew your courage, drive resentment far away from you; For worry has brought death to many, nor is there aught to be gained from resentment. |
24對你的靈魂要有愛情,又要悅樂天主,克制自己,以上主的聖德,安慰你的心,使憂愁遠離你。 |
24Envy and anger shorten one's life, worry brings on premature old age. |
25因為憂愁害死了許多人,憂愁對人毫無益處。 |
25One who is cheerful and gay while at table benefits from his food. |
26嫉妒和忿怒,能使壽命縮短;苦心積慮,使人未老先衰。 |
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27心中喜樂而善良的人,必殷勤做好自己餐桌上的食物。 |
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