德訓篇:Chapter 32


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德訓篇 Sirach
1別人推選你當主席麼?你不要自高;你在賓客中間,要與同席的一樣。 1If you are chosen to preside at dinner, be not puffed up, but with the guests be as one of themselves; Take care of them first before you sit down;
2招待了他們,你纔可入座;盡完你的義務,纔可入席, 2when you have fulfilled your duty, then take your place, To share in their joy and win praise for your hospitality.
3好同他們一起歡樂;因你禮貌週到,你必能獲得榮冠,和眾賓客的敬意。 3Being older, you may talk; that is only your right, but temper your wisdom, not to disturb the singing.
4年長的人,請你發言,因為此事於你是相宜的, 4When wine is present, do not pour out discourse, and flaunt not your wisdom at the wrong time.
5你應以老練的學識發言,但不要防礙音樂。 5Like a seal of carnelian in a setting of gold is a concert when wine is served.
6別人不聽的時候,你就不要勞叨;不合時機,也不要顯露你的智慧。 6Like a gold mounting with an emerald seal is string music with delicious wine.
7酒席間伴奏的音樂,有如金飾上的紅玉印章。 7Young man, speak only when necessary, when they have asked you more than once;
8歡樂有節的宴會中,音樂家的合奏曲,有如金器上的翡翠印章。 8Be brief, but say much in those few words, be like the wise man, taciturn.
9你要靜靜地聽,因為你謙恭,別人對你必有好感。 9When among your elders be not forward, and with officials be not too insistent.
10青年人,人若一再追問你, 10Like the lightning that flashes before a storm is the esteem that shines on modesty.
11假使你必須說,你就說罷! 11When it is time to leave, tarry not; be off for home! There take your ease,
12但說話時,要把握要點,言簡意賅,現出你是一位明智,而沈默的人。 12And there enjoy doing as you wish, but without sin or words of pride.
13在大人物中,不要想你也是大人物;有長老在前,你不應多說話。 13Above all, give praise to your Creator, who showers his favors upon you.
14雷鳴以前,先有閃電;端莊的人,先受歡迎。有了這番敬意,你纔能取得人的愛戴。 14 He who would find God must accept discipline; he who seeks him obtains his request.
15到了散席的時候,不要落後;及早回家,不要拖延。 15He who studies the law masters it, but the hypocrite finds it a trap.
16在那裏你可以散心,作你想作的事,但不要因言語傲慢而犯罪。 16His judgment is sound who fears the LORD; out of obscurity he draws forth a clear plan.
17為這一切,你要讚頌上主,他造生了你,又用他的美物,使你滿足。 17The sinner turns aside reproof and distorts the law to suit his purpose.
18凡敬畏上主的,必能接受他的教訓;凡尋找他的,必能討他的歡心。 18The thoughtful man will not neglect direction; the proud and insolent man is deterred by nothing.
19尋求法律的,必為法律所滿足;冒充善人的,必因法律而失足。 19Do nothing without counsel, and then you need have no regrets.
20凡敬畏上主的,必獲得正義的審判;他們要使正直的行為,照耀如光。 20Go not on a way that is set with snares, and let not the same thing trip you twice.
21犯罪的人,不理會譴責,卻找尋藉口,作自己願意的事。明智人不掩藏智慧。譏笑人的,不謹守自己的口舌;明智人不接受禮物;驕傲和譏笑人的,不遵守法律。 21Be not too sure even of smooth roads,
22明智人不輕視別人的意見;不虔敬和驕傲的人,卻無所畏懼。 22be careful on all your paths.
23人不徵求意見,冒昧從事,事後必對自己的輕率,感到慚愧。 23Whatever you do, be on your guard, for in this way you will keep the commandments.
24我兒,不加考慮,什麼事也不要作;如此,事成以後,你就不至於後悔。 24He who keeps the law preserves himself; and he who trusts in the LORD shall not be put to shame.
25你不要行崎嶇的道路,怕你碰在石頭上,因而跌倒;也不要自信所走的路,是平坦的路,怕你給自己放上絆腳石。 25
26要管束你的子女,應留意你的家人;在你的一切行徑上,要持守你的心神;因為凡這樣作的人,就是遵守誡命。 26
27在你所作的一切事上,應信賴你的良知,因為這就是遵守誡命。 27
28凡信賴法律的,必注重誡命;凡倚賴上主的,決不會受害。 28