德訓篇 |
Sirach |
1愚人的希望,是虛幻而妄誕的;夢境使無知的人想入非非。 |
1 Empty and false are the hopes of the senseless, and fools are borne aloft by dreams. |
2迷信幻夢的人,與捕風捉影的人無異。 |
2Like a man who catches at shadows or chases the wind, is the one who believes in dreams. |
3夢裏看到的,與照鏡所見的相同。 |
3What is seen in dreams is to reality what the reflection of a face is to the face itself. |
4污穢裏能有什麼潔淨呢?虛偽中能有什麼真實呢? |
4Can the unclean produce the clean? can the liar ever speak the truth? |
5占卜、算命、測夢,都是虛妄的。 |
5Divination, omens and dreams all are unreal; what you already expect, the mind depicts. |
6人心如臨產婦女的心,容易遭受幻想的襲擊;夢境若不是出於至高者,你就不用介意; |
6Unless it be a vision specially sent by the Most High, fix not your heart on it; |
7因為,夢使許多人誤入迷途,他們寄望於夢,卻大失所望。 |
7For dreams have led many astray, and those who believed in them have perished. |
8履行法律,並不賴虛偽;出自忠信人口的智言,必見諸實行。 |
8The law is fulfilled without fail, and perfect wisdom is found in the mouth of the faithful man. |
9沒有受過考驗的人,知道什麼?旅行的人,知道的事情纔多;經驗多的人,富於思想;閱歷深的人,談吐明智。 |
9A man with training gains wide knowledge; a man of experience speaks sense. |
10未受過考驗的人,知道的少;但旅行的人,見聞很廣。 |
10One never put to the proof knows little, whereas with travel a man adds to his resourcefulness. |
11沒有受過考驗的人,知道什麼?凡受過欺騙的人,必富於智巧。 |
11I have seen much in my travels, learned more than ever I could say. |
12我旅行時,見過許多事情,有好多事,我雖然明白,卻不能用言語形容出來。 |
12Often I was in danger of death, but by these attainments I was saved. |
13我多次遇到死亡的危險,但賴天主的寵佑,憑着昔日的經驗,我終能脫險獲救。 |
13Lively is the courage of those who fear the LORD, for they put their hope in their savior; |
14敬畏上主之人的精神必然常存,在上主回顧下,必蒙祝福。 |
14He who fears the LORD is never alarmed, never afraid; for the LORD is his hope. |
15因為他們的希望指向拯救他們的主,天主的眼常注視愛慕他的人。 |
15Happy the soul that fears the LORD! In whom does he trust, and who is his support? |
16敬畏上主的人,無所畏懼,無所恐怖,因為上主是他的希望。 |
16The eyes of the LORD are upon those who love him; he is their mighty shield and strong support, A shelter from the heat, a shade from the noonday sun, a guard against stumbling, a help against falling. |
17敬畏上主的人,他的靈魂是有福的! |
17He buoys up the spirits, brings a sparkle to the eyes, gives health and life and blessing. |
18他所仰望的是誰?誰又是他的扶助? |
18 Tainted his gifts who offers in sacrifice ill-gotten goods! Mock presents from the lawless win not God's favor. |
19上主的眼常注視愛慕他的人,他是大能的保障,是強有力的後盾,是隔除熱氣的屏風,是遮蓋正午太陽的涼棚。 |
19The Most High approves not the gifts of the godless, nor for their many sacrifices does he forgive their sins. |
20是失足時的護衛,是跌倒時的救援;他鼓舞精神,開明眼目,賜與健康、生命和幸福。 |
20Like the man who slays a son in his father's presence is he who offers sacrifice from the possessions of the poor. |
21奉獻不義之財,乃是凌辱的祭品,惡人的供物,上主決不會悅納。 |
21The bread of charity is life itself for the needy; he who withholds it is a man of blood. |
22上主只善待那些在真理和正義的路上,期望他的人。 |
22He slays his neighbor who deprives him of his living: he sheds blood who denies the laborer his wages. |
23至高者不悅納不虔敬者的祭品,不垂顧惡人的獻儀,決不因為他們的祭品多,而寬恕他們的罪惡。 |
23If one man builds up and another tears down, what do they gain but trouble? |
24用窮人的財物來做祭品的人,就如在父親前,殺害他兒子的人。 |
24If one man prays and another curses, whose voice will the LORD hear? |
25貧乏人的糧食,是窮人的生命;奪取他們食糧的,就是流人血的罪犯。 |
25If a man again touches a corpse after he has bathed, what did he gain by the purification? |
26奪取別人由血汗賺來的食糧的,就是殺人的劊子手。 |
26So with a man who fasts for his sins, but then goes and commits them again: Who will hear his prayer, and what has he gained by his mortification? |
27剝奪傭工的勞資的,就是流人血的兇手。 |
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28一人建築,一人拆毀,除勞苦外,為他們有什麼好處! |
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29一人祈福,一人詛咒,天主究竟要俯聽誰的呼聲? |
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30人摸了死屍就去沐浴,以後再去摸它,他的沐浴有什麼用處? |
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31守齋贖罪,而再去犯罪的人,也是如此:有誰聽他的祈求?他謙卑自下,又有什麼益處? |
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