德訓篇 |
Sirach |
1自從人出離母胎那一天,直到埋葬,回到眾生之母的懷中那一天,天主為每人指定了一項重大的職務;在亞當的子孫身上,放下了一付重擔: |
1 A great anxiety has God allotted, and a heavy yoke, to the sons of men; From the day one leaves his mother's womb to the day he returns to the mother of all the living, |
2各自焦慮,心中恐懼,擔心將來和末日。 |
2His thoughts, the fear in his heart, and his troubled forebodings till the day he dies-- |
3上自坐在光榮寶座上的,下至躺在灰土中的; |
3Whether he sits on a lofty throne or grovels in dust and ashes, |
4上自穿紫衣戴冠冕的,下至穿粗麻布的,都有忿怒、嫉妒、煩惱、不安、怕死、憤懣和爭論的事; |
4Whether he bears a splendid crown or is wrapped in the coarsest of cloaks-- |
5就是在床上安息的時候,夜夢也來擾亂他的意念。 |
5Are of wrath and envy, trouble and dread, terror of death, fury and strife. Even when he lies on his bed to rest, his cares at night disturb his sleep. |
6他很少休息,幾乎沒有,連在睡覺時,也像白天值班的哨兵。 |
6So short is his rest it seems like none, till in his dreams he struggles as he did by day, Terrified by what his mind's eye sees, like a fugitive being pursued; |
7他因可怕的異像,而心中震驚,像一個從戰場上逃回來的人;若在得救的那一刻醒來了,他又驚奇自己無謂的怕情。 |
7As he reaches safety, he wakes up astonished that there was nothing to fear. |
8凡有肉軀的,從人到禽獸,都是如此;但為罪人卻加重七倍。 |
8So it is with all flesh, with man and with beast, but for sinners seven times more. |
9此外還有死亡、流血、鬥爭、刀劍、壓迫、饑饉、困苦和鞭笞: |
9Plague and bloodshed, wrath and the sword, plunder and ruin, famine and death: |
10這一切都是為罪犯而設的,而且為了他們的緣故,曾發生過洪水之患。 |
10For the wicked, these were created evil, and it is they who bring on destruction. |
11凡是從土來的,都要歸於土;凡是從水來的,都要歸於海。 |
11 All that is of earth returns to earth, and what is from above returns above. |
12一切賄賂與不義之財,都要喪失;而忠誠卻永存不滅。 |
12All that comes from bribes or injustice will be wiped out, but loyalty remains for ages. |
13不義之人的財富,有如溪水,必要乾涸,又如雨中大雷,一鳴即逝。 |
13Wealth out of wickedness is like a wadi in spate: like a mighty stream with lightning and thunder, |
14為富不仁的人,正當興高采烈時,忽然滅亡,因為為惡人並沒有其他命運。 |
14Which, in its rising, rolls along the stones, but suddenly, once and for all, comes to an end. |
15不虔敬者的後裔,枝葉不昌盛;不潔者的根子,只生在硬石上。 |
15The offshoot of violence will not flourish, for the root of the godless is on sheer rock; |
16生在水旁及河岸上的蘆葦,必在其他一切青草以前被人拔除。 |
16Or they are like reeds on the riverbank, withered before all other plants; |
17仁愛有如蒙受祝福的花園,慈善永遠常存。 |
17 But goodness will never be cut off, and justice endures forever. Wealth or wages can make life sweet, but better than either is finding a treasure. |
18自給自足的人和艱苦工作的人,生活是甜蜜的,然而比這兩等人更幸福的,還是找到寶貝的人。 |
18A child or a city will preserve one's name, but better than either, attaining wisdom. |
19兒女及建設城市的事業,使人久享盛名;然而比這兩件事更有價值的,還是純潔無瑕的婦女。 |
19Sheepfolds and orchards bring flourishing health; but better than either, a devoted wife; |
20美酒與音樂能悅樂人心,然而二者都不如愛好智慧。 |
20Wine and music delight the soul, but better than either, conjugal love. |
21簫笛和琴瑟發出幽雅的聲調,然而誠實的唇舌,更好過它們。 |
21The flute and the harp offer sweet melody, but better than either, a voice that is true. |
22優雅美麗,固然悅目,然而決比不上嫩綠的禾苗。 |
22Charm and beauty delight the eye, but better than either, the flowers of the field. |
23朋友和伴侶固然能隨時相會,然而他們遠不如常與丈夫相偕的婦女。 |
23A friend, a neighbor, are timely guides, but better than either, a prudent wife. |
24兄弟們患難相助,然而還不如救人的仁愛。 |
24A brother, a helper, for times of stress; but better than either, charity that rescues. |
25金銀使人腳步穩定,然而還不如一個好主意。 |
25Gold and silver make one's way secure, but better than either, sound judgment. |
26財產和勢力,能使人心安定,然而還不如敬畏上主。 |
26Wealth and vigor build up confidence, but better than either, fear of God. Fear of the LORD leaves nothing wanting; he who has it need seek no other support: |
27有了敬畏上主之心,就一無所缺,也不需要什麼援助。 |
27The fear of God is a paradise of blessings; its canopy, all that is glorious. |
28敬畏上主,好比一座蒙受祝福的花園,使人蒙受一切光榮。 |
28 My son, live not the life of a beggar, better to die than to beg; |
29我兒,在世上不要以行乞為生;與其行乞,還不如死去。 |
29When one has to look to another's table, his life is not really a life. His neighbor's delicacies bring revulsion of spirit to one who understands inward feelings: |
30凡對別人的飯桌有所期待的人,他的生活,不能算是生活,因為他是用人家的飯,來污辱自己的靈魂; |
30In the mouth of the shameless man begging is sweet, but within him it burns like fire. |
31但是有修養和有知識的人,決不這樣作。 |
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32在無廉恥之人的口裏,乞食也許是甘甜的;然而在他的肚子裏,卻有如火燒。 |
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