德訓篇:Chapter 42


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德訓篇 Sirach
1應為重述聽來的閒話而羞愧。應為洩漏別人秘密的話而羞愧。你若真有羞惡之心,就必能受到眾人的愛戴。 1But of these things be not ashamed, lest you sin through human respect:
2對於至高者的法律和盟約;對於不虔敬者所下的判斷; 2Of the law of the Most High and his precepts, or of the sentence to be passed upon the sinful;
3同伴侶和旅客算賬;分產業與親友; 3Of sharing the expenses of a business or a journey, or of dividing an inheritance or property;
4論天秤和斤量的準碓;釐定利潤的多寡; 4Of accuracy of scales and balances, or of tested measures and weights;
5講求貿易的獲利;嚴厲管教兒女;鞭打惡僕腰部流血; 5Of acquiring much or little, or of bargaining in dealing with a merchant; Of constant training of children, or of beating the sides of a disloyal servant;
6對邪惡的婦女妥加幽禁; 6Of a seal to keep an erring wife at home, or of a lock placed where there are many hands;
7在人手眾多的地方,門上安鎖;你交給別人什麼物件,事前數一數,量一量;出入的款項,詳細記賬; 7Of numbering every deposit, or of recording all that is given or received;
8懲戒無知和遲鈍的人,或與少年人吵嘴的老年人:在這些事上,都不該害羞,因為如此,你纔真是知禮的人,必能贏得眾人的敬重。 8Of chastisement of the silly and the foolish, or of the aged and infirm answering for wanton conduct. Thus you will be truly cautious and recognized by all men as discreet.
9女兒雖不知,卻使父親不寐,因為掛慮她,而不能安眠:怕她誤了青春的年華,又怕她結婚之後,為丈夫所憎惡; 9 A daughter is a treasure that keeps her father wakeful, and worry over her drives away rest: Lest she pass her prime unmarried, or when she is married, lest she be disliked;
10怕她失去童貞,而在父親家中懷孕;出嫁之後,又怕她不忠於丈夫,或同居之後,而不能懷孕。 10While unmarried, lest she be seduced, or, as a wife, lest she prove unfaithful; Lest she conceive in her father's home, or be sterile in that of her husband.
11任性的女兒,你應嚴加監視,免得你為了她,而成為敵人的笑柄,遭受本城人的非議,招致人民的譏笑,當眾蒙羞。 11Keep a close watch on your daughter, lest she make you the sport of your enemies, A byword in the city, a reproach among the people, an object of derision in public gatherings. See that there is no lattice in her room, no place that overlooks the approaches to the house.
12你不要讓她對任何人顯示自己的美麗;不要讓她與婦女閒談; 12Let her not parade her charms before men, or spend her time with married women;
13因為,蠹蟲來自衣服,婦女的邪惡也是來自婦女。 13For just as moths come from garments, so harm to women comes from women:
14男人的邪惡,勝於施惠的婦女,因為不名譽的女人,能給人帶來恥辱。 14Better a man's harshness than a woman's indulgence, and a frightened daughter than any disgrace.
15現在,我要提念上主的化工,要稱述我見過的事跡:上主的化工因自己的話而完成,他的教訓是他的恩寵的作為。 15 Now will I recall God's works; what I have seen, I will describe. At God's word were his works brought into being; they do his will as he has ordained for them.
16光輝的太陽照耀萬物,上主的化工,也充滿了他的光榮。 16As the rising sun is clear to all, so the glory of the LORD fills all his works;
17上主並未允許聖者講論他的一切奇事,全能的上主建立了這些奇事,為叫天地萬物愈發顯揚自己的光榮。 17Yet even God's holy ones must fail in recounting the wonders of the LORD, Though God has given these, his hosts, the strength to stand firm before his glory.
18他窮究深淵和人心,看透眾人的詭計。 18He plumbs the depths and penetrates the heart; their innermost being he understands. The Most High possesses all knowledge, and sees from of old the things that are to come:
19因為,至高者通達各種學問,明察時代的徵兆,陳述過去和未來的世事,揭露隱秘的事跡; 19He makes known the past and the future, and reveals the deepest secrets.
20任何思想不能逃過他,連一句話也不能隱瞞他。 20No understanding does he lack; no single thing escapes him.
21他井然佈置了自己智慧的偉業,他從永遠直到永遠常常存在; 21Perennial is his almighty wisdom; he is from all eternity one and the same,
22對他,什麼也不能增加,什麼也不能減少;他不需要任何人的計謀。 22With nothing added, nothing taken away; no need of a counselor for him!
23他的一切化工,是多麼美妙!所能見到的,只是一點火花。 23How beautiful are all his works! even to the spark and the fleeting vision!
24這一切都要生活,且永遠存在,任何環境下,都服從他。 24The universe lives and abides forever; to meet each need, each creature is preserved.
25一切都是成雙而相對的,他所造的圓滿無缺。 25All of them differ, one from another, yet none of them has he made in vain, For each in turn, as it comes, is good; can one ever see enough of their splendor?
26物各有所長,互成其美;天主的光榮,誰能看夠? 26