德訓篇 |
Sirach |
1農的兒子若蘇厄,是一位作戰的英雄,他繼承梅瑟執行先知的任務;聞其名,可知其為人, |
1 Valiant leader was JOSHUA, son of Nun, assistant to Moses in the prophetic office, Formed to be, as his name implies, the great savior of God's chosen ones, To punish the enemy and to win the inheritance for Israel. |
2即選民偉大的拯救者;他報復了敵抗他的敵人,領以色列人獲得產業。 |
2What glory was his when he raised his arm, to brandish his javelin against the city! |
3當他舉手向城揮動刀劍時,何其光榮! |
3 And who could withstand him when he fought the battles of the LORD? |
4因為他是為上主作戰,誰能敵抗他? |
4Did he not by his power stop the sun, so that one day became two? |
5太陽不是因他一揮手而即刻停住,一天變成兩天嗎? |
5He called upon the Most High God when his enemies beset him on all sides, And God Most High gave answer to him in hailstones of tremendous power, |
6當敵人四面圍困基貝紅時,他呼求了全能的至高者,偉大神聖的上主就俯聽了他,大降冰雹,猛烈非常; |
6Which he rained down upon the hostile army till on the slope he destroyed the foe; That all the doomed nations might know that the LORD was watching over his people's battles. And because he was a devoted follower of God |
7他衝破了敵對的民族,在山的下坡處殲滅了敵人, |
7 and in Moses' lifetime showed himself loyal, He and CALEB, son of Jephunneh, when they opposed the rebel assembly, Averted God's anger from the people and suppressed the wicked complaint-- |
8使外邦人知道他的武力,知道他是替上主作戰。他時常順從全能者的旨意, |
8Because of this, they were the only two spared from the six hundred thousand infantry, To lead the people into their inheritance, the land flowing with milk and honey. |
9當梅瑟在世時,他就行了濟世的事業:他與耶孚乃的兒子加肋布,反對全會眾,阻止人民犯罪,平息不義的怨聲。 |
9And the strength he gave to Caleb remained with him even in his old age Till he won his way onto the summits of the land; his family too received an inheritance, |
10六十萬步兵中,只有他們二人活着,為引領百姓進入為產業的地方,進入流乳流蜜的地方。 |
10That all the people of Jacob might know how good it is to be a devoted follower of the LORD. |
11上主賜給加肋布力量,至老不衰,使他能登上高地,這高地,他的子孫至今仍據為產業, |
11 The JUDGES, too, each one of them, whose hearts were not deceived, Who did not abandon God: may their memory be ever blessed, |
12為使以色列子民知道:隨從聖者上主,何其美善! |
12Their bones return to life from their resting place, and their names receive fresh luster in their children! |
13凡為民長的,若心術不壞,未曾離棄上主,個個都應依照名次受到讚揚。 |
13Beloved of his people, dear to his Maker, dedicated from his mother's womb, Consecrated to the LORD as a prophet, was SAMUEL, the judge and priest. At God's word he established the kingdom and anointed princes to rule the people. |
14願他們的記念,常受祝福;願他們的骨骸,從自己的墓穴中,再欣欣向榮; |
14By the law of the LORD he judged the nation, when he visited the encampments of Jacob. |
15願他們的名聲,再留於子孫之中。聖人們的光榮,存留在子孫身上。 |
15As a trustworthy prophet he was sought out and his words proved him true as a seer. |
16撒慕爾是上主他的天主所愛的人,是上主的先知;他建立了王國,以油祝聖了人民的君王; |
16He, too, called upon God, and offered him a suckling lamb; |
17他根據上主的法律,審判了議會,上主遂垂顧了雅各伯。因他的忠信,公認他確是一位先知; |
17Then the LORD thundered forth from heaven, and the tremendous roar of his voice was heard. |
18由他的言語,得知他是一位信實的先見者,因為他曾見過光明的天主。 |
18He brought low the rulers of the enemy and destroyed all the lords of the Philistines. |
19當敵人四面脅迫他時,他懇求了全能的上主,奉獻了一隻尚未斷乳的羔羊, |
19When Samuel approached the end of his life, he testified before the LORD and his anointed prince, "No bribe or secret gift have I taken from any man!" and no one dared gainsay him. |
20上主就從天上,發出迅雷,一聲巨嚮,使人聽見他的聲音, |
20Even when he lay buried, his guidance was sought; he made known to the king his fate, And from the grave he raised his voice as a prophet, to put an end to wickedness. |
21敵人的首領,遂被征服,培肋舍特人的眾將領,遂被殲滅。 |
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22他在長眠以前,在上主和他的受傅者面前,作證說:「我從未拿過任何人的東西,連一雙鞋也沒有拿過;」果然沒有人能控訴他。 |
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23他逝世以後,還說了預言,警告君王的死期;他從地下高聲預言,為消除民眾的罪惡。 |
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