德訓篇:Chapter 7


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德訓篇 Sirach
1不要作惡,惡便不會勝過你; 1 Do no evil, and evil will not overtake you;
2遠離不義,不義也必遠離你。 2avoid wickedness, and it will turn aside from you.
3我兒,不要在不義的犁溝中撒種,你就不會收七倍的災禍。 3Sow not in the furrows of injustice, lest you harvest it sevenfold.
4不要向上主求做大官,也不要向君王求榮位。 4Seek not from the LORD authority, nor from the king a place of honor.
5不要在上主面前,自以為義人,因為他認透人心;也不要在君王面前,自顯為明智。 5Parade not your justice before the Lord, and before the king flaunt not your wisdom.
6不要謀求做判官,怕你無力拔除不義,而在有權勢的人前,恐懼畏縮,因而傷損你的廉潔。 6Seek not to become a judge if you have not strength to root out crime, Or you will show favor to the ruler and mar your integrity.
7不要得罪城中的民眾,免得你在民間,聲名掃地。 7Be guilty of no evil before the city's populace, nor disgrace yourself before the assembly.
8不要存心再次犯罪,因為就是一次,你都不免要受懲罰。 8Do not plot to repeat a sin; not even for one will you go unpunished.
9祈求的時候,不要膽怯; 9Say not: "He will appreciate my many gifts; the Most High will accept my offerings."
10也不要忽略施捨。 10Be not impatient in prayers, and neglect not the giving of alms.
11不要說:天主必垂視我這許多的禮品;當我向至高者天主奉獻禮物時,他必會悅納。 11 Laugh not at an embittered man; be mindful of him who exalts and humbles.
12心裏苦悶的人,你不要嘲笑他,因為,有一位貶抑和舉揚人的,鑒臨萬事的天主。 12Plot no mischief against your brother, nor against your friend and companion.
13不要捏造謊言,陷害你的兄弟;對你的朋友,也不要有類似的行為。 13Delight not in telling lie after lie, for it never results in good.
14任何謊話都不要說,因為慣於說謊,不會有好結果。 14 Thrust not yourself into the deliberations of princes, and repeat not the words of your prayer.
15在權貴的集會中,不要多言;你祈禱時,言語不要重複。 15Hate not laborious tasks, nor farming, which was ordained by the Most High.
16不要厭惡勞力的工作,和至高者制定的農業。 16Do not esteem yourself better than your fellows; remember, his wrath will not delay.
17不要參與罪人的集團; 17More and more, humble your pride; what awaits man is worms.
18應記住:義怒是不會遲延的。 18 Barter not a friend for money, nor a dear brother for the gold of Ophir.
19你當極力謙卑你的心靈,因為,不虔敬人的罪罰,就是烈火與蟲子。 19Dismiss not a sensible wife; a gracious wife is more precious than corals.
20不可為了錢財而出賣朋友,也不可為了敖非爾的金子,而離棄你最親愛的兄弟。 20Mistreat not a servant who faithfully serves, nor a laborer who devotes himself to his task.
21不要離棄因敬畏上主所得到的,明智而有德行的妻子,因為她的可愛,貴於黃金。 21 Let a wise servant be dear to you as your own self; refuse him not his freedom.
22不要虐待忠誠工作的僕役,和為你犧牲性命的傭工。 22If you have livestock, look after them; if they are dependable, keep them.
23你當愛護明智的僕役,如你自己的性命;不可剝奪他的自由,也不可讓他依然窮苦。 23 If you have sons, chastise them; bend their necks from childhood.
24你有羊群麼?就該照顧;若為你有益,就該保存。 24If you have daughters, keep them chaste, and be not indulgent to them.
25你有兒子麼?就該教訓他們:從幼年,就該使他們的頸項屈服。 25Giving your daughter in marriage ends a great task; but give her to a worthy man.
26你有女兒麼?就該保護他們的身體,不要對她們常露笑容。 26If you have a wife, let her not seem odious to you; but where there is ill-feeling, trust her not.
27叫你的女兒出嫁,你算是做了一件大事;但應把她嫁給一個明智的人。 27With your whole heart honor your father; your mother's birthpangs forget not.
28一個婦女若合你的心意,你不要離棄她;若是一個可惱恨的,切不可信賴她。 28Remember, of these parents you were born; what can you give them for all they gave you?
29你要全心孝敬你的父親,不要忘掉你母親的痛苦。 29With all your soul, fear God, revere his priests.
30你要記住:沒有他們便沒有你;他們對你的恩惠,你如何報答呢? 30With all your strength, love your Creator, forsake not his ministers.
31你當全心敬畏上主,並尊敬他的司祭。 31 Honor God and respect the priest; give him his portion as you have been commanded: First fruits and contributions, due sacrifices and holy offerings.
32你當全力愛慕你的創造者,不要拋棄他的臣僕。 32To the poor man also extend your hand, that your blessing may be complete;
33你當全靈恭敬上主,尊敬司祭, 33 Be generous to all the living, and withhold not your kindness from the dead.
34並依照定例,給他所應得的一分:即首批成熟的出產,贖罪的祭品,平安犧牲的右腿,聖潔的祭物,和高尚的獻儀。你要用少許祭品,洗淨你無心的過犯。 34Avoid not those who weep, but mourn with those who mourn;
35你應將平安犧牲的一切胳臂,聖潔的祭品,與貴重的獻儀,都獻給上主。 35Neglect not to visit the sick-- for these things you will be loved.
36應向窮人伸手施惠,好使你的祝福和憐憫,完備無缺。 36In whatever you do, remember your last days, and you will never sin.
37對一切活人,要施與恩惠;對於死者,不要禁止哀悼。 37
38不要中止哭弔的人,要同哀悼的人一同哀悼。 38
39看望病人,不可怠慢;惟其如此,你纔能受人愛戴。 39
40你在一切事上,要記得你的末日;這樣,你就永遠不會犯罪。 40