依撒意亞 |
Isaiah |
1看啊!主,萬軍的上主,將奪去耶路撒冷和猶大的支柱和依靠,【各種食糧的供應和水的供應:】 |
1 The Lord, the LORD of hosts, shall take away from Jerusalem and from Judah support and prop (all supplies of bread and water): |
2勇將和戰士,判官和先知,占卜者和長老, |
2Hero and warrior, judge and prophet, fortune-teller and elder, |
3五十夫長和顯貴,謀士、機警的術士和巧言的咒師。 |
3The captain of fifty and the nobleman, counselor, skilled magician, and expert charmer. |
4他將使青年人作他們的首領,使頑童管治他們; |
4I will make striplings their princes; the fickle shall govern them, |
5百姓將互相壓搾,彼此殘害;幼童欺凌老翁,賤者虐待貴人。 |
5And the people shall oppress one another, yes, every man his neighbor. The child shall be bold toward the elder, and the base toward the honorable. |
6那時,人要抓住自己家族裏的一個弟兄說:「你還有一件外衣,你可作我們的領袖,這廢墟即屬於你手下。」 |
6When a man seizes his brother in his father's house, saying, "You have clothes! Be our ruler, and take in hand this ruin!"-- |
7那一日,這人必要大聲回答說:「我不是個醫生,我家裏沒有糧食,也沒有外衣,不要立我作百姓的首領!」 |
7Then shall he answer in that day: "I will not undertake to cure this, when in my own house there is no bread or clothing! You shall not make me ruler of the people." |
8耶路撒冷傾覆了,猶大崩潰了,因為他們的口舌和行為都與上主作對,使他光輝的眼目冒火。 |
8Jerusalem is crumbling, Judah is falling; for their speech and their deeds are before the LORD, a provocation in the sight of his majesty. |
9他們的厚顏已在指責他們,他們像索多瑪人一樣揭示了自己的邪惡,而毫不隱瞞;這些人是有禍的,因為他們為自己招致了災禍。 |
9Their very look bears witness against them; their sin like Sodom they vaunt, They hide it not. Woe to them! they deal out evil to themselves. |
10你們要說:「義人是有福的,因為他們必享受自己行為的善果。 |
10Happy the just, for it will be well with them, the fruit of their works they will eat. |
11禍哉作惡的人!他必遭災禍,因為他手中的作為必回報於他!」 |
11Woe to the wicked man! All goes ill, with the work of his hands he will be repaid. |
12至於我的百姓:孩童要壓搾他們,婦女要管轄他們。我的百姓啊!領導你的,領你走錯了路,混亂了你行徑的路途。 |
12My people--a babe in arms will be their tyrant, and women will rule them! O my people, your leaders mislead, they destroy the paths you should follow. |
13上主要站起來審判,立着審判他的百姓。 |
13The LORD rises to accuse, standing to try his people. |
14上主要開庭審訊他百姓的長老和領袖:「是你們侵吞了我的葡萄園,窩藏了由窮人那裏勒索來的物件; |
14The Lord enters into judgment with his people's elders and princes: It is you who have devoured the vineyard; the loot wrested from the poor is in your houses. |
15你們為什麼壓搾我的百姓,折磨窮人的臉面?」──吾主,萬軍上主的斷語。 |
15What do you mean by crushing my people, and grinding down the poor when they look to you? says the Lord, the GOD of hosts. |
16上主說:因為熙雍的女子趾高氣揚,走路挺直頸項,媚眼惑人,行路裝腔作勢,腳步鈴鈴作響, |
16The LORD said: Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with necks outstretched Ogling and mincing as they go, their anklets tinkling with every step, |
17吾主必使熙雍女子的頭頂生長毒瘡,上主必揭露她們的恥辱。 |
17 The Lord shall cover the scalps of Zion's daughters with scabs, and the LORD shall bare their heads. |
18那一日,吾主必要剝奪她們的妝飾:踝環、圓環、月牙環、 |
18On that day the LORD will do away with the finery of the anklets, sunbursts, and crescents; |
19耳環、手鐲和面紗, |
19the pendants, bracelets, and veils; |
20帽巾、腳鍊、領帶、香盒、符籐、 |
20the headdresses, bangles, cinctures, perfume boxes, and amulets; |
21戒指、鼻環、 |
21 the signet rings, and the nose rings; |
22禮服、斗蓬、披肩、手袋、 |
22the court dresses, wraps, cloaks, and purses; |
23面罩、襯衫、頭巾和夏衣。 |
23the mirrors, linen tunics, turbans, and shawls. |
24必有腥臭代替馨香,繩索代替腰帶,禿頭代替髮髻,苦衣代替胸衣,烙印代替美麗。 |
24Instead of perfume there will be stench, instead of the girdle, a rope, And for the coiffure, baldness; for the rich gown, a sackcloth skirt. Then, instead of beauty: |
25你的男丁要倒於刀下,你的勇士要死於戰場! |
25Your men will fall by the sword, and your champions, in war; |
26熙雍的城門將慟哭哀悼,熙雍將悽涼地坐在地上。 |
26Her gates will lament and mourn, as the city sits desolate on the ground. |