耶肋米亞:Chapter 15


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耶肋米亞 Jeremiah
1上主對我說:「縱使梅瑟和撒慕爾立在我面前,我的心仍不轉向這人民;你由我面前將他們驅逐,叫他們離去。 1The LORD said to me: Even if Moses and Samuel stood before me, my heart would not turn toward this people. Send them away from me.
2假如人對你說:我們往那裏去?你就對他們說:上主這樣說:該死的就死,該殺的就殺,該挨餓的就挨餓,該被擄去的就被擄去。 2If they ask you where they should go, tell them, Thus says the LORD: Whoever is marked for death, to death; whoever is marked for the sword, to the sword; whoever is marked for famine, to famine; whoever is marked for captivity, to captivity.
3我必用四種刑罰來懲罰他們──上主的斷語──用刀劍來殺,用野狗來拖,用天空的飛鳥和地上的野獸來吞食,來消滅。 3Four kinds of scourge I have decreed against them, says the LORD: the sword to slay them; dogs to drag them about; the birds of the sky and the beasts of the earth to devour and destroy them.
4我為了猶大王希則克雅的兒子默納舍在耶路撒冷所行的事,必使他們成為地上萬國恐怖的對象。 4And I will make them an object of horror to all the kingdoms of the earth because of what Manasseh, son of Hezekiah, king of Judah, did in Jerusalem.
5耶路撒冷!誰還憐恤你,誰還同情你,誰還轉身向你問安? 5Who will pity you, Jerusalem, who will console you? Who will stop to ask about your welfare?
6你既離棄了我──上主的斷語──轉身背着我,我就只有對你伸出我的手,將你消滅;我對寬恕已感厭倦: 6You have disowned me, says the LORD, turned your back upon me; And so I stretched out my hand to destroy you, I was weary of sparing you.
7我要在這地的城門口,用簸箕將他們簸散,使他們喪失子女;我要消滅我的人民,因為他們不離開自己的行徑。 7I winnowed them with the fan in every city gate. I destroyed my people through bereavement; they returned not from their evil ways.
8他們的寡婦已多過海邊的沙粒;我要給他們招來午間的破壞者,襲擊英俊勇士的母親,使痛苦和恐怖突然降到她身上。 8Their widows were more numerous before me than the sands of the sea. I brought against the mother of youths the spoiler at midday; Suddenly I struck her with anguish and terror.
9生過七個子女的母親,現已身衰氣絕,還是白天,她的太陽已經西落,她只有絕望惆悵;至於他們的遺民,我必使他們在敵人面前死於刀下──上主的斷語。」 9The mother of seven swoons away, gasping out her life; Her sun sets in full day, she is disgraced, despairing. Their survivors I will give to the sword before their enemies, says the LORD.
10我的母親!我真不幸,你竟生了我這個與普世對抗相爭的人。我沒有向人借貸,人也沒有向我借貸,人卻都辱罵我。 10Woe to me, mother, that you gave me birth! a man of strife and contention to all the land! I neither borrow nor lend, yet all curse me.
11實在,上主,我豈沒有盡力事奉你?我豈沒有在災難禍患時為仇人向你懇求? 11Tell me, LORD, have I not served you for their good? Have I not interceded with you in the time of misfortune and anguish?
12人豈能折斷北方的鐵和銅? 12
13【我必使你的財產和寶藏,任人搶劫,為賠補你在你全境內犯的罪惡, 13You know I have. Remember me, LORD, visit me, and avenge me on my persecutors. Because of your long-suffering banish me not; know that for you I have borne insult.
14叫你在你不認識的地方,給你的仇敵為奴,因為我的怒火已燃起,必對你們發作。】 14When I found your words, I devoured them; they became my joy and the happiness of my heart, Because I bore your name, O LORD, God of hosts.
15上主,你都知道,求你回念我,眷顧我,為我報復迫害我的人,不要因你太忍耐,就讓我死去;你該知道:正是為了你,我纔受人侮辱。 15I did not sit celebrating in the circle of merrymakers; Under the weight of your hand I sat alone because you filled me with indignation.
16你的話一來到,我就吞下去;你的話便成了我的喜悅,我心中的歡樂,上主,萬軍的天主!因為我是歸於你名下的, 16 Why is my pain continuous, my wound incurable, refusing to be healed? You have indeed become for me a treacherous brook, whose waters do not abide!
17我從沒有坐在歡笑者的集會中一同取樂;我卻依你的指示獨自靜坐,因為你使我忿怒填胸。 17Thus the LORD answered me: If you repent, so that I restore you, in my presence you shall stand; If you bring forth the precious without the vile, you shall be my mouthpiece. Then it shall be they who turn to you, and you shall not turn to them;
18為什麼我的痛苦如此久長,我的創傷不可醫治,痊癒無望?你於我好像是一條不常有水,而變化無常的溪流! 18And I will make you toward this people a solid wall of brass. Though they fight against you, they shall not prevail, For I am with you, to deliver and rescue you, says the LORD.
19為此上主這樣說:「你若回來,我必讓你回來,使你能再立在我面前;你若能發表高尚而非荒謬的思想,你就可作我的口舌,使他們轉向你,而不是你轉向他們。 19I will free you from the hand of the wicked, and rescue you from the grasp of the violent.
20這樣,我必使你對這人民成為一設防的銅牆,他們能攻擊你,卻不能制勝你,因為有我與你同在,援助你,解救你──上主的斷語── 20
21我必解救你脫離惡人的手,由強暴人的掌握中將你贖回。」 21