耶肋米亞:Chapter 49



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耶肋米亞 Jeremiah
1關於阿孟子民:上主這樣說:「難道以色列沒有子孫,沒有後嗣?為什麼米耳公佔據了加得,而他的人民竟住在加得的城中? 1 Concerning the Ammonites, thus says the LORD: Has Israel no sons? has he no heir? Why then has Milcom disinherited Gad, why have his people settled in Gad's cities?
2為此,看,時日將到──上主的斷語──我必使阿孟子民的辣巴聽到戰爭的吶喊;她要成為一堆廢墟,她的附屬城市要為火燒盡;以色列終歸要繼承自己的產業──上主說。 2 But the days are coming, says the LORD, when against Rabbah of the Ammonites I will sound the battle alarm; She shall become a mound of ruins, and her daughter cities shall be destroyed by fire. Israel shall inherit those who disinherited her, says the LORD.
3赫市朋,哀號罷!因為破壞者已來近了;辣巴的女郎!你們該哭泣,穿上苦衣哀傷,割傷自己的身體,因為米耳公要與自己的司祭和公卿,同去充軍。 3Howl, Heshbon, for the ravager approaches, shriek, daughters of Rabbah! Put on sackcloth and mourn, run to and fro, gashing yourselves; For Milcom goes into exile along with his priests and captains.
4失節的女郎!你為什麼要誇耀你的山谷是富裕的山谷,仗恃你的寶藏說:「有誰敢來與我對抗? 4Why do you glory in your strength, your ebbing strength, rebellious daughter? You who trust in your treasures, saying, "Who can come against me?"
5看,我從各方給你召來恐怖──我主萬軍上主的斷語──你們必被驅逐,各自奔逃,再沒有人來聚集逃散的人。 5I am bringing terror upon you, says the Lord GOD of hosts, from all round about you; You shall be scattered, each man in headlong flight, with no one to rally the fugitives.
6雖然如此,日後我仍要轉變阿孟子民的命運──上主的斷語。」 6But afterward I will change the lot of the Ammonites, says the LORD.
7關於厄東,萬軍的上主這樣說:「難道在特曼已沒有智慧,聰敏的人已計窮才盡了嗎? 7 Concerning Edom, thus says the LORD of hosts: Is there no more wisdom in Teman, has counsel perished from the prudent, has their wisdom become corrupt?
8德丹的居民!你們該轉身逃遁,藏居深處,因為我要給厄撒烏招來災禍到了已懲罰他的時候。 8 Flee, retreat, hide in deep holes, you who live in Dedan: For I will bring destruction upon Esau when I come to punish him.
9如果收葡萄的人來到你這裏,決不會留下殘餘;如果盜賊夜間來襲,必要盡力搶取; 9If vintagers came upon you, they would leave no gleanings; If thieves by night, they would destroy as they pleased.
10我就要這樣暴露厄撒烏,揭發他的隱處,使他無法躲藏;他的後裔,必被消滅,不再存於自己的鄰邦中。 10So I myself will strip Esau; I will uncover his retreats so that he cannot hide. He is ruined: sons, and brothers, and neighbors, so that he is no more.
11請留下你的孤兒,我必使他們生存,你的寡婦也可託付給我。 11Leave your orphans behind, I will keep them alive; your widows, let them trust in me.
12因為上主這樣說:看,那原來不該飲苦爵的,一定要飲,你要想完全免罰嗎?你決不致於免罰,你也該痛飲! 12For thus says the LORD: Even those not sentenced to drink the cup must drink it! Shall you then go unpunished? You shall not go unpunished; you shall surely drink it.
13因為,我曾指自己起誓──上主的斷語──波責辣必成為一片荒涼,受人憎恨、侮辱和詛咒;她所有的城市,必要永遠變為荒野。 13 By my own self I have sworn, says the LORD: Bozrah shall become an object of horror and a disgrace, a desolation and a curse; she and all her cities shall become ruins forever.
14我從上主聽得了一個消息,在萬民間傳開了一個號令:「你們該聯盟向她進攻!你們該起來交戰!」 14I have heard a report from the LORD, a herald has been sent among the nations: Gather together, move against her, rise up for battle.
15因為,看,我已使你成為萬民中最小的,成為人間最可輕賤的。 15Small will I make you among the nations, despised among men!
16你高居在石縫的隱處,盤據在峻嶺的山巔。你自以為驚異,你心內的驕傲欺騙了你。即使你像老鷹一樣高結你的巢穴,我也要從那裏將你推下──上主的斷語。 16The terror you spread beguiled you, and your presumption of heart; You that live in rocky crags, that hold the heights of the hill: Though you build your nest high as the eagle, from there I will drag you down, says the LORD.
17厄東必變成荒野,凡由她那裏經過的人,見了她的種種慘狀,必要唏噓嗟嘆。 17Edom shall become an object of horror. Every passer-by shall be appalled and catch his breath at all her wounds.
18她必要像毀滅的索多瑪,哈摩辣及附近的城市一樣──上主說──再沒有人居住,再沒有人在那裏寄宿。 18As when Sodom, Gomorrah, and their neighbors were overthrown, says the LORD, not a man shall dwell there: no one shall visit there.
19看,好像一隻雄獅,從約但的叢林上來,走向常綠的牧場;同樣,我也要突然將他們趕走,派我選定的人民來統治。誠然,誰是我的對手?誰敢向我提出質問?誰是能對抗我的牧人? 19As when a lion comes up from the thicket of Jordan to the permanent feeding grounds, So I, in an instant, will drive men off; and whom I choose I will establish there! For who is like me? who can call me to account? What shepherd can stand against me?
20為此,請你們聽上主對厄東設計的計謀,對特曼居民策劃的策略:連最弱小的羊也要被人牽去,他們的牧場也必陷於戰慄中。 20Therefore, hear the counsel of the LORD, which he has taken against Edom; Hear the plans he has made against those that live in Teman: They shall be dragged away, even the smallest sheep, their own pasture shall be aghast because of them.
21他們倒塌的響聲,震撼大地;哀號之聲,直達紅海。 21At the noise of their fall the earth quakes, to the Red Sea the outcry is heard!
22看,他好像老鷹飛升翱翔,在波責辣上展開自己的翅膀;在那一日,厄東的勇士必心志頹喪,有如臨產的婦女。 22See! like an eagle he soars aloft, and spreads his wings over Bozrah; On that day the hearts of Edom's heroes shall be like the heart of a woman in travail.Concerning Damascus:
23關於大馬士革:哈瑪特和阿爾帕得聽到了不好的消息,大起恐慌,像海洋一樣動盪,愁苦得不能安寧。 23 Hamath and Arpad are covered with shame, they have heard bad news; Worried, they toss like the sea which cannot rest.
24大馬士革失去勇氣,轉身逃遁,極感戰慄,備受憂慮痛苦,好像一臨產的婦女。 24Damascus is weakened, she turns to flee, panic has seized her. Distress and pangs take hold of her, like those of a woman in travail.
25哀哉,有名的城邑,享樂的都市,已被摒棄! 25How can the city of glory be forsaken, the town of delight!
26她的少年將倒斃在廣場,她的戰士在那一日內要悉數滅亡──萬軍上主的斷語── 26But now her young men shall fall in her streets, and all her warriors shall be stilled. On that day, says the LORD of hosts,
27我必在大馬士革城牆上放火,吞滅本哈達得的宮闕。 27 I will set fire to the wall of Damascus, and it shall devour the palaces of Ben-hadad.
28關於刻達爾和巴比倫王拿步高克服了的哈祚爾諸國,上主這樣說:「起來!進攻刻達爾,蹂躝東方子民! 28Of Kedar and the kingdoms of Hazor, defeated by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, thus says the LORD: Rise up, attack Kedar, ravage the Easterners.
29奪取他們的帳幕和牲畜,惟幔和所有的器具;牽走他們的駱駝,向他們吶喊:四面恐怖。 29Their tents and herds shall be taken away, their tent curtains and all their goods; Their camels they shall carry off for themselves, and shout from upon them, "Terror on every side!"
30哈祚爾的居民!你們應逃遁遠去,藏匿深處──上主的斷語──因為巴比倫王拿步高已設計謀害你們,已策畫攻擊你們。 30Flee! leave your homes, hide in deep holes, you that live in Hazor, says the LORD; For counsel has been taken against you, a plan has been formed against you (Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon).
31起來,進攻優游閒居,不設門閂,孑然獨居的民族──上主的斷語── 31Rise up! set out against a nation that is at peace, that lives secure, says the LORD, That has no gates or bars, and dwells alone.
32搶奪他們的駱駝,劫掠他們成群的牲畜;凡剃去鬢髮的,我必叫他們隨風飄散,由四面八方給他們招來災禍──上主的斷語── 32Their camels shall be your booty, their many herds your spoil; I will scatter to the winds those who shave their temples, from all sides I will bring ruin upon them, says the LORD.
33哈祚爾要變為豺狼的巢穴,永遠荒涼,不會留下一人,不會再有人居住。」 33Hazor shall become a haunt of jackals, a desert forever, Where no man lives, no human being stays.
34猶大王漆德克雅初年,關於厄藍有上主的話傳給耶肋米亞先知說: 34 The following word of the LORD against Elam came to the prophet Jeremiah at the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah:
35「萬軍的上主這樣說:看,我要折斷厄藍的弓弩,稱雄的勢力; 35Thus says the LORD of hosts: Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might.
36我要從天下四面八方,給厄藍召來四方的風,使他們隨風飄散,以致沒有一個民族,沒有厄藍的難民。 36I will bring upon Elam the four winds from the four ends of the heavens: I will scatter them to all these winds, till there is no nation to which the outcasts of Elam shall not come.
37我必使厄藍在自己的仇敵,和圖謀自己性命的人前,驚惶失措;給他們招來災禍,我忿怒的火焰──上主的斷語──派出刀劍追迫他們,直至將他們完全消滅。 37I will break Elam before their foes, before those who seek their life; I will bring evil upon them, my burning wrath, says the LORD. I will send the sword to pursue them until I have completely made an end of them;
38我必在厄藍設立我的寶座,殲滅其中的君王將帥──上主的斷語── 38My throne I will set up in Elam and destroy from there king and princes, says the LORD.
39雖然如此,在末日我仍要轉變厄藍的命運──上主的斷語。」 39But in the days to come I will change the lot of Elam, says the LORD.