哀歌:Chapter 4


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哀歌 Lamentations
1怎麼!黃金竟暗淡無光,純金竟變了色!聖所的石頭都散亂在街頭! 1How tarnished is the gold, how changed the noble metal; How the sacred stones lie strewn at every street corner!
2熙雍的子女,原比純金尊貴,怎麼現在竟被看作瓦器,被看作陶人的出品! 2Zion's precious sons, fine gold their counterpart, Now worth no more than earthen jars made by the hands of a potter!
3豺狼尚且露出乳房,哺養自己的幼兒;我的女兒──人民,竟然殘暴不仁,好似曠野中的鴕鳥! 3 Even the jackals bare their breasts and suckle their young; The daughter of my people has become as cruel as the ostrich in the desert.
4嬰兒的舌頭,乾渴得緊貼上顎;幼童飢餓求食,卻無人分給他們。 4The tongue of the suckling cleaves to the roof of its mouth in thirst; The babes cry for food, but there is no one to give it to them.
5昔日飽享山珍海錯,今日竟餓死街頭;一向衣飾華麗,而今卻滿身糞土。 5Those accustomed to dainty food perish in the streets; Those brought up in purple now cling to the ash heaps.
6我的女兒──人民的罪罰,比索多瑪的還重,索多瑪頃刻間傾覆了,並非假手於人。 6The punishment of the daughter of my people is greater than the penalty of Sodom, Which was overthrown in an instant without the turning of a hand.
7昔日,她的少年,比雪還潔白,比乳還皎潔;他們的皮膚,比珊瑚還紅潤,他們的身體好似一片青玉。 7Brighter than snow were her princes, whiter than milk, More ruddy than coral, more precious than sapphire.
8而今,他們的容貌,比炭還黑,在街上已辨認不出,皮包骨頭,枯瘦如柴; 8Now their appearance is blacker than soot, they are unrecognized on the streets; Their skin shrinks on their bones, as dry as wood.
9死於刀下的,比死於饑餓的,即因缺乏田產,日漸衰弱而死的,更為幸運。 9Better for those who perish by the sword than for those who die of hunger, Who waste away, as though pierced through, lacking the fruits of the field!
10柔情的婦女竟要親手烹食自己的子女;在我的女兒──人民遭受浩劫時,子女竟成了母親的食物。 10The hands of compassionate women boiled their own children, To serve them as mourners' food in the downfall of the daughter of my people.
11上主大發震怒,傾洩了他的怒火,火燒熙雍,焚毀了他的基礎。 11The LORD has spent his anger, poured out his blazing wrath; He has kindled a fire in Zion that has consumed her foundations.
12地上的君王和世上的居民,誰也不相信:仇敵能進入耶路撒冷的城門。 12The kings of the earth did not believe, nor any of the world's inhabitants, That enemy or foe could enter the gates of Jerusalem.
13這是由於她先知們的罪惡,和她司祭們的過犯:他們在城中心,傾流了義人的血; 13 Because of the sins of her prophets and the crimes of her priests, Who shed in her midst the blood of the just!--
14他們身染血污,像瞎子一樣,徘徊街頭,叫人不能觸摸他們的衣服。 14They staggered blindly in the streets, soiled with blood, So that people could not touch even their garments:
15「不潔!退避!」人們喊說:「退避!不可接近!」如果他們逃亡,漂流異邦,異邦人又說:「不要讓他們留居此地。」 15"Away you unclean!" they cried to them, "Away, away, do not draw near!" If they left and wandered among the nations, nowhere could they remain.
16上主的怒容驅散他們,不再垂顧他們;人也不再尊敬司祭,不再敬重長老。 16The LORD himself has dispersed them, he regards them no more; He does not receive the priests with favor, nor show kindness to the elders.
17我們還在望眼欲穿,幻想着我們的救援;我們仍在瞭望台上,期望着那不能施救的異邦。 17 Our eyes ever wasted away, looking in vain for aid; From our watchtower we watched for a nation that could not save us.
18敵人正在追蹤我們的足跡,阻止我們在街上行走;我們的結局已近,我們的日子已滿;的確,我們的終期已到。 18Men dogged our steps so that we could not walk in our streets; Our end drew near, and came; our time had expired.
19追捕我們的人,比凌空的飛鳥還要快速;他們在山上搜索我們,在曠野裏窺伺我們。 19Our pursuers were swifter than eagles in the air, They harassed us on the mountains and waylaid us in the desert.
20連我們的氣息──上主的受傅者,也落在他們的陷阱中:我們原希望在他的福蔭下,生活在異邦人中。 20 The anointed one of the LORD, our breath of life, was caught in their snares, He in whose shadow we thought we could live on among the nations.
21住在胡茲地的厄東女郎!你歡欣喜樂罷!苦爵也要輪到你喝;你將要醉倒,而赤身裸體。 21 Though you rejoice and are glad, O daughter Edom, you who dwell in the land of Uz, To you also shall the cup be passed; you shall become drunk and naked.
22熙雍女郎!你的罪債已經償還,上主不再使你流徙;厄東女郎!他必要懲罰你的過犯,揭露你的罪惡。 22Your chastisement is completed, O daughter Zion, he will not prolong your exile; But your wickedness, O daughter Edom, he will punish, he will lay bare your sins.