哀歌 |
Lamentations |
1上主,求你眷念我們的遭遇,垂顧憐視我們受的恥辱。 |
1Remember, O LORD, what has befallen us, look, and see our disgrace: |
2我們的產業,轉入外人手中;我們的房舍,歸屬了異邦人。 |
2Our inherited lands have been turned over to strangers, our homes to foreigners. |
3我們自己變成了無父的孤兒,我們的母親好像寡婦一樣。 |
3We have become orphans, fatherless; widowed are our mothers. |
4我們自己的水,必須用錢買來喝;我們自己的木柴,需要用款換來。 |
4The water we drink we must buy, for our own wood we must pay. |
5重軛加在我們的頸項上,受人折磨迫害;我們困憊疲乏,不得安息。 |
5On our necks is the yoke of those who drive us; we are worn out, but allowed no rest. |
6我們向埃及伸手,向亞述乞食充饑。 |
6 To Egypt we submitted, and to Assyria, to fill our need of bread. |
7我們的祖先犯了罪,已不存在;我們卻要承擔他們的罪債; |
7 Our fathers, who sinned, are no more; but we bear their guilt. |
8原是奴隸的人,竟然統治我們,但沒有人解救我們,脫離他們的手。 |
8 Slaves rule over us; there is no one to rescue us from their hands. |
9我們面臨曠野刀劍的威脅,該冒性命的危險,纔能得到食糧。 |
9At the peril of our lives we bring in our sustenance, in the face of the desert heat; |
10我們的皮膚因饑餓而發炎,發熱有如火爐。 |
10Our skin is shriveled up, as though by a furnace, with the searing blasts of famine. |
11婦女們在熙雍被人強姦,處女們在猶大遭人奸污。 |
11The wives in Zion were ravished by the enemy, the maidens in the cities of Judah; |
12王臣被人縛手吊起,長老的儀容受人凌辱, |
12Princes were gibbeted by them, elders shown no respect. |
13青年人應該服役推磨,幼童倒在柴捆之下。 |
13The youths carry the millstones, boys stagger under their loads of wood; |
14長老們不再安坐城門口,青年們不再奏樂高歌。 |
14 The old men have abandoned the gate, the young men their music. |
15我們心中已毫無樂趣,我們的歌舞反而變成悲愁。 |
15The joy of our hearts has ceased, our dance has turned into mourning; |
16我們頭上的花冠已經墮地。我們犯罪的人,確是有禍的! |
16The garlands have fallen from our heads: woe to us, for we have sinned! |
17我們的心神所以徬徨,我們的眼睛所以模糊: |
17Over this our hearts are sick, at this our eyes grow dim: |
18因為熙雍山已經荒蕪,狐狸成群出沒其間。 |
18That Mount Zion should be desolate, with jackals roaming there! |
19上主,至於你,你永遠常存,你的寶座萬世不替。 |
19You, O LORD, are enthroned forever; your throne stands from age to age. |
20為甚麼你常忘記我們?為甚麼你常拋棄我們? |
20Why, then, should you forget us, abandon us so long a time? |
21上主,求你叫我們歸向你,我們必定回心轉意;求你重整我們的時代,如同往昔一樣。 |
21Lead us back to you, O LORD, that we may be restored: give us anew such days as we had of old. |
22你豈能完全擯棄我們,豈能向我們憤怒到底? |
22For now you have indeed rejected us, and in full measure turned your wrath against us. |