巴路克:Chapter 1


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巴路克 Baruch
1以下是巴路克在巴比倫所寫的書上的言論:──巴路克是乃黎雅的兒子,是瑪阿色雅的孫子,是漆德克雅的曾孫,是哈撒狄雅的玄孫,是希耳克雅的四世孫。── 1Now these are the words of the scroll which Baruch, son of Neriah, son of Mahseiah, son of Zedekiah, son of Hasadiah, son of Hilkiah, wrote in Babylon,
2那時是加色丁人佔領和焚毀耶路撒冷五週年月之七日, 2 in the fifth year (on the seventh day of the month, at the time when the Chaldeans took Jerusalem and burnt it with fire).
3巴路克把這本書上的言論,朗誦給猶大王約雅金的兒子耶苛尼雅,及一切前來聽講的人: 3And Baruch read the words of this scroll for Jeconiah, son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, to hear it, as well as all the people who came to the reading:
4即貴族和王孫、長老和全體人民,不分老幼,他們都住在巴比倫穌得河畔。 4 the nobles, the kings' sons, the elders, and the whole people, small and great alike--all who lived in Babylon by the river Sud.
5他們聽了,便痛哭起來,在上主面前禁食祈禱; 5They wept and fasted and prayed before the LORD,
6又各按自己的力量募集了銀錢, 6and collected such funds as each could furnish.
7送到耶路撒冷,交給沙隆的孫子希耳克雅的兒子約雅金司祭,和與他同在耶路撒冷的其他司祭和全體人民。 7These they sent to Jerusalem, to Jehoiakim, son of Hilkiah, son of Shallum, the priest, and to the priests and the whole people who were with him in Jerusalem.
8同時巴路克在「息汪」月十日,取回了被人從聖殿中奪去的器皿,準備帶回猶大地去──這些銀器皿原是猶大王約史雅的兒子漆德克雅鑄造的; 8 (This was when he received the vessels of the house of the Lord that had been removed from the temple, to restore them to the land of Judah, on the tenth of Sivan. These silver vessels Zedekiah, son of Josiah, king of Judah, had had made
9那時,巴比倫王拿步高已由耶路撒冷將耶苛尼雅、政要、技工、貴族和當地的平民擄到巴比倫去了── 9after Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, carried off Jeconiah, and the princes, and the skilled workers, and the nobles, and the people of the land from Jerusalem, as captives, and brought them to Babylon.)
10他們致書說:「請看,我們給你們送來一批銀錢,要你們購買全燔祭及贖罪祭的犧牲和乳香,備辦祭品,獻在上主我們天主的祭壇上, 10Their message was: "We send you funds, with which you are to procure holocausts, sin offerings, and frankincense, and to prepare cereal offerings; offer these on the altar of the LORD our God,
11並為巴比倫王拿步高,和他的兒子巴耳塔撒的長壽祈禱,使他們在世壽與天齊; 11 and pray for the life of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and that of Belshazzar, his son, that their lifetimes may equal the duration of the heavens above the earth;
12並望上主賜與我們力量,光照我們的眼目,使我們能在巴比倫王拿步高,和他的兒子巴耳塔撒的福蔭下生活,長久事奉他們,在他們面前獲得寵遇。 12and that the LORD may give us strength, and light to our eyes, that we may live under the protective shadow of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and that of Belshazzar, his son, and serve them long, finding favor in their sight.
13此外,願你們也為我們祈求上主我們的天主,因為我們得罪了上主我們的天主,因此時至今日,上主的義怒和憤恨,仍未離開我們。 13"Pray for us also to the LORD, our God; for we have sinned against the LORD, our God, and the wrath and anger of the LORD have not yet been withdrawn from us at the present day.
14最後,願你們誦讀我們遙寄給你們的這封書信,好能在帳棚節和大集會那日,在上主的聖所裏自訟自承,說: 14And read out publicly this scroll which we send you, in the house of the LORD, on the feast day and during the days of assembly:
15正義屬於上主我們的天主,但是,像今日的恥辱,是我們所應得的,即猶大人和耶路撒冷的居民, 15"Justice is with the LORD, our God; and we today are flushed with shame, we men of Judah and citizens of Jerusalem,
16我們的君王和政要,我們的司祭和先知,以及我們的祖先,所應得的, 16that we, with our kings and rulers and priests and prophets, and with our fathers,
17因為我們都在上主面前犯了罪, 17have sinned in the LORD'S sight
18且背叛了他,沒有聽從上主我們天主的聲音,沒有隨從上主給我們頒賜的法令。 18and disobeyed him. We have neither heeded the voice of the LORD, our God, nor followed the precepts which the LORD set before us.
19從上主領我們的祖先出離埃及地那一天,直到今日,我們常背叛上主我們的天主,固執不聽他的聲音, 19From the time the LORD led our fathers out of the land of Egypt until the present day, we have been disobedient to the LORD, our God, and only too ready to disregard his voice.
20因此正如今日一樣,諸多災難纏繞着我們,而上主在領我們的祖先出離埃及地為賜與我們流奶流蜜之地的那天,藉他的僕人梅瑟預告的詛咒,都降到我們身上。 20And the evils and the curse which the LORD enjoined upon Moses, his servant, at the time he led our fathers forth from the land of Egypt to give us the land flowing with milk and honey, cling to us even today.
21我們不但沒有依照上主給我們派來的先知的種種教訓,聽從上主我們天主的聲音, 21For we did not heed the voice of the LORD, our God, in all the words of the prophets whom he sent us,
22反而各隨自己邪心惡念行事,供奉外邦的神祇,行了上主我們天主所憎惡的事。 22but each one of us went off after the devices of our own wicked hearts, served other gods, and did evil in the sight of the LORD, our God.