厄則克耳 |
Ezekiel |
1上主的話傳給我說: |
1Thus the word of the LORD came to me: |
2「人子,你轉面向南,向南方發言,講預言攻斥乃革布地方的樹林, |
2 Son of man, look southward, preach toward the south, and prophesy against the forest of the southern land. |
3向乃革布的樹林說:你聽上主的話罷!吾主上主這樣說:看,我要在你那裏點火,燒盡你那裏所有的綠樹和枯木;燃起的火焰決不熄滅,必由南方到北方燒盡一切。 |
3Hear the word of the LORD! you shall say to the southern forest. Thus says the Lord GOD: See! I am kindling a fire in you that shall devour all trees, the green as well as the dry. The blazing flame shall not be quenched, but from south to north every face shall be scorched by it. |
4凡有血肉的人都看到這火是我上主點燃的,決不能撲滅。」 |
4Everyone shall see that I, the LORD, have kindled it, and it shall not be quenched. |
5我遂喊說:「哎,吾主上主啊!他們評論我說:這人只會說寓言!」 |
5But I said, "Alas! Lord GOD, they say to me, 'Is not this the one who is forever spinning parables?'" |
6上主的話傳給我說: |
6Then the word of the LORD came to me: |
7「人子,你轉面向耶路撒冷,發言攻斥聖所,講預言攻斥以色列地域, |
7Son of man, look toward Jerusalem, preach against their sanctuary, and prophesy against the land of Israel, |
8向以色列地域說:吾主上主這樣說:看,我要攻擊你,我要拔劍出鞘,剷除你境內的義人和惡人, |
8 saying to the land of Israel: Thus says the LORD: See! I am coming at you; I will draw my sword from its sheath and cut off from you the virtuous and the wicked. |
9因為我要剷除你境內的義人和惡人,為此,我的劍從鞘內抽出,攻擊由南至北一切有血肉的人; |
9Thus my sword shall leave its sheath against everyone from south to north, |
10這樣,凡有血肉的人都知道:是我,上主拔劍出鞘,決不再放回。 |
10and everyone shall know that I, the LORD, have drawn my sword from its sheath, and it shall not be sheathed again. |
11人子,你應哀歎!應在他們眼前傷心痛苦哀歎。 |
11As for you, son of man, groan! with shattered strength groan bitterly while they look on. |
12假使有人問你說:你為什麼哀歎?你就說:是為了一個凶信,當這事來到,所有的心靈必要沮喪,手臂必要無力,精神必要頹唐,膝蓋必要軟弱如水。看,災禍來到時,必將如此──吾主上主的斷語。」 |
12 And when they ask you, "Why are you groaning?", you shall say: Because of a report; when it comes every heart shall fail, every hand shall fall helpless, every spirit shall be daunted, and every knee shall run with water. See, it is coming, it is here! says the Lord GOD. |
13上主的話傳給我說: |
13Thus the word of the LORD came to me: |
14「人子,講預言罷!吾主這樣說:你要說:有一把劍:是一把磨快而擦亮的劍。 |
14Son of man, prophesy! say: Thus says the LORD: A sword, a sword has been sharpened, a sword, a sword has been burnished: |
15磨快了,是為大屠殺;擦亮了,是為閃爍發光。 |
15To work slaughter has it been sharpened, to flash lightning has it been burnished. Why should I now withdraw it? You have spurned the rod and every judgment! |
16把它拿去擦亮,好握在掌中;這把磨快的劍,這把擦亮的劍,是為交在屠殺者的手中。 |
16I have given it over to the burnisher that he might hold it in his hand, A sword sharpened and burnished to be put in the hand of a slayer. |
17人子,你要哀號痛哭,因為劍擊在我百姓身上,砍在以色列的一切首領身上。他們同我的百姓都喪身刀下。為此你應擊股示哀, |
17Cry out and wail, son of man, for it is destined for my people; It is for all the princes of Israel, victims of the sword with my people. Therefore, slap your thigh, |
18因為已試過一次,這要怎麼辦?它連權杖都輕視了,以致不叫它存在──吾主上主的斷語── |
18for the sword has been tested; and why should it not be so? says the Lord GOD, since you have spurned the rod. |
19人子,你講預言,且鼓掌罷!那劍將是雙刃的是屠殺的劍;那把大屠殺的劍向他們揮起, |
19As for you, son of man, prophesy, brushing one hand against the other: While the sword is doubled and tripled, this sword of slaughter, This great sword of slaughter which threatens all around, |
20叫他們膽顫心驚,死亡的人加多。我將屠殺的劍尖指向他們所有的門戶上:劍擦亮了,是為閃爍;磨快了,是為屠殺。 |
20That every heart may tremble; for many will be the fallen. At all their gates I have appointed the sword for slaughter, Fashioned to flash lightning, burnished for slaughter. |
21你的刀鋒無論轉向何方,或向左,或向右,都應是鋒利的。 |
21Cleave to the right! destroy! to the left! wherever your edge is turned. |
22我也要親自鼓掌,以平息我的憤怒:這是我上主說的。」 |
22 Then I, too, shall brush one hand against the other and wreak my fury. I, the LORD, have spoken. |
23上主的話傳給我說: |
23Thus the word of the LORD came to me: |
24「人子,你應劃出兩條路,叫巴比倫王的劍沿路而來。這兩條路應由一地出發;又劃一隻手,置於通往城市的道路起點。 |
24Son of man, make for yourself two roads over which the sword of the king of Babylon can come. Both roads shall lead out from the same land. Then put a signpost at the head of each road, |
25你所劃的路,一條使劍至阿孟子民的辣巴特;一條使劍至猶大的堅城耶路撒冷。 |
25so that the sword can come to Rabbah of the Ammonites or to Judah's capital, Jerusalem. |
26因為巴比倫王站在岔路上,在兩條路口上占卜、搖籤、求問『忒辣芬』,窺察牲肝。 |
26 For at the fork where the two roads divide stands the king of Babylon, divining; he has shaken the arrows, inquired of the teraphim, inspected the liver. |
27在他右手中出現了指向耶路撒冷的籤,他便下令屠殺,吶喊衝鋒,架起攻城門機,堆起高台,建造雲梯。 |
27 In his right hand is the divining arrow marked "Jerusalem," bidding him to give the order for slaying, to raise his voice in the battle cry, to post battering rams at the gates, to cast up a ramp, to build a siege tower. |
28可是在曾經發過誓願的以色列子民看來,那籤是假的。但他卻想起了他們的罪過,為使他們俯首就擒。 |
28In their eyes this is but a lying oracle; yet they are bound by the oaths they have sworn, and the arrow taken in hand marks their guilt. |
29為此吾主上主這樣說:因為你們顯露了你們的過犯,在你們的行為上,現出你們的惡行,使我想起了你們的罪惡;你們既然使我想起你們的罪惡,你們必在他們手中俯首就擒。 |
29Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Because you have drawn attention to your guilt, with your crimes laid bare and your sinfulness in all your wicked deeds revealed (because attention has been drawn to you), you shall be taken in hand. |
30你這無恥而萬惡的以色列首領,你的日子到了,犯罪的時候完了。 |
30And as for you, depraved and wicked prince of Israel, whose day is coming when your life of crime will be ended, |
31吾主上主這樣說:取下頭巾,摘去冠冕,一切都要轉變:卑下的要高陞,崇高的要降低。 |
31thus says the Lord GOD: Off with the turban and away with the crown! Nothing shall be as it was! Up with the low and down with the high! |
32我必要使他的國澈底滅亡,再也不能存在,直到那掌權者來到,我再交給他。」 |
32Twisted, twisted, twisted will I leave it; it shall not be the same until he comes who has the claim against the city; and to him I will hand it over. |
33「人子,你應講預言說,吾主上主這樣攻斥阿孟子民和他們的侮辱說:你要說:有一把劍,拔出是為屠殺,磨快是為毀滅,擦亮是為閃爍── |
33 As for you, son of man, prophesy: Thus says the Lord GOD against the Ammonites and their insults: A sword, a sword is drawn for slaughter, burnished to consume and to flash lightning, |
34那時人所給予你的,是虛假的異像,欺騙的占卜──是為砍在作惡犯罪者的脖子上,他們的日子到了,犯罪的時候完了。 |
34because you planned with false visions and lying divinations to lay it on the necks of depraved and wicked men whose day has come when their crimes are at an end. |
35把劍插入鞘內,我要在你受造之地,在你生長之地裁判你。 |
35Return it to its sheath! In the place where you were created, in the land of your origin, I will judge you. |
36我要在你身上發洩我的怒氣,在你身上點起我的怒火,將你交在善於破壞的野蠻人手中。 |
36I will pour out my indignation upon you, breathing my fiery wrath upon you, I will hand you over to ravaging men, artisans of destruction. |
37你要成為烈火的燃料;你的血要傾流在國中,以後再沒有人記念你,因為我,上主說了。」 |
37You shall be fuel for the fire, your blood shall flow throughout the land. You shall not be remembered, for I, the LORD, have spoken. |