厄則克耳:Chapter 46


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厄則克耳 Ezekiel
1吾主上主這樣說:「內院朝東的大門,六天勞作的日子應關閉,安息日應敞開,月朔之日,也應敞開。 1Thus says the Lord GOD: The gate toward the east of the inner court shall remain closed throughout the six working days, but on the sabbath and on the day of the new moon it shall be open.
2元首應由外面經門廊進入,站在門框旁,此時司祭奉獻他的全燔祭與和平祭。他在門限上朝拜後,就出去。這門直到晚上不應關閉。 2The prince shall enter from outside by way of the vestibule of the gate and remain standing at the doorpost of the gate; then while the priests offer his holocausts and peace offerings, he shall worship at the threshold of the gate and then leave; the gate shall not be closed until evening.
3安息日和月朔,本國的人民也應在這門口,在上主前朝拜。 3The people of the land shall worship before the LORD at the door of this gate on the sabbaths and new moons.
4安息日,元首獻於上主的全燔祭,應是無瑕的羔羊六隻,無瑕的公羊一隻。 4The holocausts which the prince presents to the LORD on the sabbath shall consist of six unblemished lambs and an unblemished ram,
5至於同獻的素祭,為一隻公羊獻一『厄法』麵,為羔羊的素祭可隨意奉獻。為一『厄法』麵加一『辛』油。 5together with a cereal offering of one ephah for the ram, whatever he pleases for the lambs, and a hin of oil for each ephah.
6在月朔之日,應獻無瑕的公牛犢一頭,羔羊六隻,公羊一隻,都應是無瑕的。 6On the day of the new moon he shall provide an unblemished young bull, also six lambs and a ram without blemish,
7至於同獻的素祭,為一頭公牛犢獻一『厄法』麵,為一隻公羊獻一『厄法』麵,為羔羊的素祭隨意奉獻。為一『厄法』麵加一『辛』油。 7with a cereal offering of one ephah for the bull and one for the ram, for the lambs as much as he has at hand, and for each ephah a hin of oil.
8元首進入時,應從門廊進,並由原路出。 8The prince shall always enter and depart by the vestibule of the gate.
9每逢慶日,本國人民到上主面前時,凡由北門進來朝拜的,應由南門出去;由南門進來的,應由北門出去。誰也不可從他進來的門出去,但該從對面的門出去。 9When the people of the land enter the presence of the LORD to worship on the festivals, if they enter by the north gate they shall leave by the south gate, and if they enter by the south gate they shall leave by the north gate; no one shall return by the gate through which he has entered, but he shall leave by the opposite gate.
10元首常應在百姓中,幾時百姓進來,他也進來;幾時百姓出去;他也出去。 10The prince shall be in their midst when they enter, and he shall also leave with them.
11每逢節日和慶典,同獻的素祭,為每頭公牛犢,獻一『厄法』麵,為每隻公羊獻一『厄法』麵,為羔羊可隨意奉獻;為一『厄法』麵加一『辛』油。 11On the feasts and festivals the cereal offering shall be an ephah for a bull, an ephah for a ram, but for the lambs as much as one pleases, and a hin of oil with each ephah.
12幾時元首自願獻全燔祭或和平祭,作為獻於上主的自願祭,就給他敞開朝東的門,他獻的全燔祭或和平祭,像安息日所行的一樣,以後就出去;他出去後,即關上大門。 12When the prince makes a freewill offering to the LORD, whether holocausts or peace offerings, the eastern gate shall be opened for him, and he shall offer his holocausts or his peace offerings as on the sabbath; then he shall leave, and the gate shall be closed after his departure.
13你應每日奉獻給上主一隻無瑕當年的羔羊為全燔祭,應每天早晨奉獻。 13He shall offer as a daily holocaust to the LORD an unblemished yearling lamb; this he shall offer every morning.
14每天早晨又應同時獻素祭,獻六分之一『厄法』及三分之一『辛』油調和的細麵,獻給上主作素祭:這是恆常全燔祭的規定。 14With it every morning he shall provide as a cereal offering one sixth of an ephah, with a third of a hin of oil to moisten the fine flour. This cereal offering to the LORD is mandatory with the established holocaust.
15為此每天早晨應奉獻羔羊、素祭和油:這是恆常的全燔祭。」 15The lamb, the cereal offering, and the oil are to be offered every morning as an established holocaust.
16吾主上主這樣說:「如果元首將自己的一分產業賜給自己的兒子,這產業就歸他的兒子所有。他們可據為己有。 16Thus says the Lord GOD: If the prince makes a gift of part of his inheritance to any of his sons, it shall belong to his sons; that property is theirs by inheritance.
17但是,如果他將自己的一分產業賜給自己的一個臣僕,直到『釋放年』歸他所有;以後,仍歸元首。只有賜給兒子的產業,永歸兒子。 17 But if he makes a gift of part of his inheritance to one of his servants, it shall belong to the latter only until the year of release, when it shall revert to the prince. Only the inheritance given to his sons is permanent.
18元首不應強取人民的產業,奪取他們的土地,他應拿自己的土地給兒子作產業,免得我百姓中有人從自己的土地上被趕走。」 18The prince shall not seize any part of the inheritance of the people by evicting them from their property. He shall provide an inheritance for his sons from his own property, so that none of my people will be driven from their property.
19以後,他領我由大門旁的入口,到聖所北面的司祭樓房那裏。看,西邊的盡頭有塊地方。 19Then he brought me by the entrance which is on the side of the gate to the chambers (of the sanctuary, reserved to the priests) which face the north. There, at their west end, I saw a place,
20他對我說:「這是司祭煮贖過祭和贖罪祭祭牲並烤素祭的地方,免得帶到外院使百姓沾染聖潔。」 20concerning which he said to me, "Here the priests cook the guilt offerings and the sin offerings, and bake the cereal offerings, so that they do not have to take them into the outer court at the risk of transmitting holiness to the people."
21他引我到了外院,叫我走遍庭院的四角,在庭院的每個角上有個小庭院。 21Then he led me into the outer court and had me pass around the four corners of the court, and I saw that in each corner there was another court:
22庭院四角的小庭院,長四十肘,寬三十肘,都有一樣的尺寸。 22in the four corners of the court, minor courts, forty cubits long and thirty wide, all four of them the same size.
23四個小庭院的周圍有垣牆,周圍垣牆下邊設有爐竈。 23A wall of stones surrounded each of the four, and hearths were built beneath the stones all the way around.
24他對我說:「這些都是聖殿的侍役為百姓煮祭牲的竈房。」 24He said to me, "These are the kitchens where the temple ministers cook the sacrifices of the people."