創世紀:Chapter 20

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創世紀 Genesis
1亞巴郎從那裡遷往乃革布地,定居在卡德士和叔爾之間。當他住在革辣爾時,1 Abraham journeyed on to the region of the Negeb, where he settled between Kadesh and Shur. While he stayed in Gerar,
2亞巴郎一論到他的妻子撒辣就說:「她是我的妹妹。」革辣爾王阿彼默肋客於是派人來取了撒辣去。2he said of his wife Sarah, "She is my sister." So Abimelech, king of Gerar, sent and took Sarah.
3但是夜間,天主在夢中來對阿彼默肋客說:「為了你取來的那個女人你該死,因為她原是有夫之婦。」3But God came to Abimelech in a dream one night and said to him, "You are about to die because of the woman you have taken, for she has a husband."
4阿彼默肋客尚未接近她,於是說:「我主!連正義的人你也殺害嗎?4Abimelech, who had not approached her, said: "O Lord, would you slay a man even though he is innocent?
5那男人不是對我說過「她是我的妹妹」嗎?連她自己也說「他是我的哥哥。」我做了這事,是出於心正手潔呀!」5He himself told me, 'She is my sister,' and she herself also stated, 'He is my brother.' I did it in good faith and with clean hands."
6天主在夢中對他說:「我也知道,你是出於心正做了這事,所以我阻止了你犯罪得罪我,也沒有讓你接觸她。6God answered him in the dream: "Yes, I know you did it in good faith. In fact, it was I who kept you from sinning against me; that is why I did not let you touch her.
7現在你應將女人還給那人,因為他是一位先知,他要為你轉求,你才可生存;倘若你不歸還,你該知道:你以及凡屬於你的,必死無疑。」7 Therefore, return the man's wife--as a spokesman he will intercede for you--that your life may be saved. If you do not return her, you can be sure that you and all who are yours will certainly die."
8阿彼默肋客很早就起來召集了眾臣僕,將全部實情告訴給他們聽;這些人都很害怕。8Early the next morning Abimelech called all his court officials and informed them of everything that had happened, and the men were horrified.
9然後阿彼默肋客叫了亞巴郎來,對他說:「你對我們作的是什麼事?我在什麼事上得罪了你,竟給我和我的王國招來了這樣大的罪過?你對我作了不應該作的事。」9Then Abimelech summoned Abraham and said to him: "How could you do this to us! What wrong did I do to you that you should have brought such monstrous guilt on me and my kingdom? You have treated me in an intolerable way.
10阿彼默肋客繼而對亞巴郎說:「你作這事,究有什麼意思?」10What were you afraid of," he asked him, "that you should have done such a thing?"
11亞巴郎答說:「我以為在這地方一定沒有人敬畏天主,人會為了我妻子的緣故殺害我。11"I was afraid," answered Abraham, "because I thought there would surely be no fear of God in this place, and so they would kill me on account of my wife.
12何況她實在是我的妹妹,雖不是我母親的女兒,卻是我父親的女兒;後來做了我的妻子。12Besides, she is in truth my sister, but only my father's daughter, not my mother's; and so she became my wife.
13當天主叫我離開父家,在外飄流的時候,我對她說:我們無論到什麼地方,你要說我是你的哥哥,這就是你待我的大恩。」13When God sent me wandering from my father's house, I asked her: 'Would you do me this favor? In whatever place we come to, say that I am your brother.'"
14阿彼默肋客把些牛羊奴婢,送給了亞巴郎,也將他的妻子撒辣歸還了他;14Then Abimelech took flocks and herds and male and female slaves and gave them to Abraham; and after he restored his wife Sarah to him,
15然後對他說:「看,我的土地盡在你面前,你願住在那裡,就住在那裡。」15he said, "Here, my land lies at your disposal; settle wherever you please."
16繼而對撒辣說:「看,我給了你哥哥一千銀子,作為你在闔家人前的遮羞錢;這樣,各方面無可指摘。」16 To Sarah he said: "See, I have given your brother a thousand shekels of silver. Let that serve you as a vindication before all who are with you; your honor has been preserved with everyone."
17亞巴郎懇求了天主,天主就醫好了阿彼默肋客,他的妻子和他的眾婢女,使她們都能生育,17Abraham then interceded with God, and God restored health to Abimelech, that is, to his wife and his maidservants, so that they could bear children;
18因為上主為了亞巴郎妻子撒辣的事,關閉了阿彼默肋客家中所有婦女的子宮。18for God had tightly closed every womb in Abimelech's household on account of Abraham's wife Sarah.