納鴻:Chapter 3


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納鴻 Nahum
1禍哉!血債的城,滿城欺詐,處處劫掠,搶奪不息。 1Woe to the bloody city, all lies, full of plunder, whose looting never stops!
2聽,皮鞭颼颼,車輪隆隆,戰馬奔馳,戰車疾駛, 2The crack of the whip, the rumbling sounds of wheels; horses a-gallop, chariots bounding,
3騎士躍馬,刀劍晃亮,槍矛閃耀,被殺者眾,死者成堆,屍體無邊,人人為屍體絆倒: 3Cavalry charging, The flame of the sword, the flash of the spear, the many slain, the heaping corpses, the endless bodies to stumble upon!
4這都是因那嬌艷妖冶的淫婦,行妖術的女巫的許多淫行所致。她以淫蕩欺騙了列邦,用妖術迷惑了萬民。 4For the many debaucheries of the harlot, fair and charming, a mistress of witchcraft, Who enslaved nations with her harlotries, and peoples by her witchcraft:
5看,我必攻擊你──萬軍上主的斷語──我必將你的衣裙掀到你臉上,使萬民見到你的裸體,使列邦看見你的恥辱; 5 I am come against you, and I will strip your skirt from you; I will show your nakedness to the nations, to the kingdoms your shame!
6我要將糞溺拋在你身上侮辱你,使你成為鑑戒。 6I will cast filth upon you, disgrace you and put you to shame;
7凡看見你的,必逃避你說:「尼尼微終於毀滅了!」誰會向她表同情?我從那裏能找到安慰她的人? 7Till everyone who sees you runs from you, saying, "Nineveh is destroyed; who can pity her? Where can one find any to console her?"
8你那裏能勝過那位於尼羅河上,四面環水的諾阿孟?她有海為屏障,有水為垣牆; 8 Are you better than No-amon that was set among the streams, Surrounded by waters, with the flood for her rampart and water her wall?
9雇士和埃及是她的力量,力大無窮;普特和利比亞是她的助手; 9Ethiopia was her strength, and Egypt, and others without end; Put and the Libyans were her auxiliaries.
10但是她也被擄去,充當俘虜,她的嬰兒也在各街頭被摔死,人抽籤分配她的貴族,用鐵鏈縛住她的縉紳。 10Yet even she went captive into exile, even her little ones were dashed to pieces at the corner of every street; For her nobles they cast lots, and all her great men were put into chains.
11你也要這樣被攻破而消失,你也要找一個安全處為逃避仇敵。 11You too, shall drink of this till you faint away; you, too, shall seek a refuge from the foe.
12你的一切堡壘好像早熟的無花果樹,人一動搖,就落在食者的口裏。 12All your fortresses are but fig trees, bearing early figs That fall, when shaken, into the hungry mouth.
13看哪!在你中間的百姓都是婦女,你境內的門已為你的敵人敞開,火已燒毀了你的門閂。 13See, the troops are women in your midst; to your foes the gates of your land are open wide, fire has consumed their bars.
14你應吸水防備圍困,應鞏固你的堡壘,踏黏土,踩膠泥,緊握磚型。 14 Draw water for the siege, strengthen your fortresses; Go down into the mud and tread the clay, take hold of the brick mold!
15火要在那裏燒滅你,刀劍要殲滅你,【把你吞食有如蚱蜢】。你盡可增多你的人數有如蚱蜢,多如飛蝗; 15There the fire shall consume you, the sword shall cut you down. Multiply like the grasshoppers, multiply like the locusts!
16增加你的商賈,多過天上的星辰!──蚱蜢一脫殼就飛去了。 16Make your couriers more numerous than the stars,
17你的守衛正如蝗蟲,你的官吏正像一群蚱蜢;冷天蟄伏在牆上,但太陽一昇起,就飛去了,沒有人知道牠們究在何處。 17your garrisons as many as grasshoppers, And your scribes as locust swarms gathered on the rubble fences on a cold day! Yet when the sun warms them, the grasshoppers will spread their wings and fly, and vanish, no one knows where.
18亞述王!你的牧者已酣睡,你的貴族已永眠,你的人民已散在各山上,無人再能聚集。 18Alas! how your shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria, your nobles have gone to rest; Your people are scattered upon the mountains, with none to gather them.
19你的創痍無法治療,你的創傷是致命傷。凡聽到你這消息的,都朝你鼓掌,因為有誰沒有時常受過你的虐待? 19There is no healing for your hurt, your wound is mortal. All who hear this news of you clap their hands over you; For who has not been overwhelmed, steadily, by your malice?