肋未紀 |
Leviticus |
1你們不可製造神像,亦不可立雕像或石柱;在你們境內,亦不可安置石像,供人朝拜,因為我上主是你們的天主。 |
1"Do not make false gods for yourselves. You shall not erect an idol or a sacred pillar for yourselves, nor shall you set up a stone figure for worship in your land; for I, the LORD, am your God. |
2你們應遵守我的安息日,尊敬我的聖所:我是上主。 |
2Keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuary. I am the LORD. |
3如果你們履行我的法令,遵守我的命令,一一依照執行, |
3 "If you live in accordance with my precepts and are careful to observe my commandments, |
4我必按時給你們降下雨露,地必供給出產,田野的樹木必結出果實。 |
4I will give you rain in due season, so that the land will bear its crops, and the trees their fruit; |
5你們打禾必打到收葡萄的時期,收葡萄必收到播種的時期;你們必有食糧吃飽,在境內安居樂業。 |
5your threshing will last till vintage time, and your vintage till the time for sowing, and you will have food to eat in abundance, so that you may dwell securely in your land. |
6我必賜國內太平,你們睡下,沒有人驚擾;我必使境內的猛獸消滅,刀劍也不侵入你們境內。 |
6I will establish peace in the land, that you may lie down to rest without anxiety. I will rid the country of ravenous beasts, and keep the sword of war from sweeping across your land. |
7你們追擊仇敵時,他們必在你們面前喪身刀下。 |
7You will rout your enemies and lay them low with your sword. |
8你們五人要追擊一百,你們百人要追擊一萬;你們的仇敵必在你們面前喪身刀下。 |
8Five of you will put a hundred of your foes to flight, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand of them, till they are cut down by your sword. |
9我必眷顧你們,使你們繁殖增多;我必固守我與你們所立的盟約。 |
9I will look with favor upon you, and make you fruitful and numerous, as I carry out my covenant with you. |
10你們要吃久藏的陳糧,要清出陳糧,為貯藏新糧。 |
10So much of the old crops will you have stored up for food that you will have to discard them to make room for the new. |
11我必在你們中間安置我的住所,再不厭惡你們。 |
11I will set my Dwelling among you, and will not disdain you. |
12我必住在你們中間,做你們的天主,你們做我的百姓。 |
12Ever present in your midst, I will be your God, and you will be my people; |
13我上主是你們的天主,是我領你們出離了埃及地,不再做他們的奴隸;是我打斷了你們軛上的橫木,令你們昂首前行。 |
13for it is I, the LORD, your God, who brought you out of the land of the Egyptians and freed you from their slavery, breaking the yoke they had laid upon you and letting you walk erect. |
14但是,如果你們不聽從我,不執行這一切命令; |
14"But if you do not heed me and do not keep all these commandments, |
15如果你們棄絕我的法令,厭惡我的制度,不遵行我的一切命令,而破壞我的盟約, |
15if you reject my precepts and spurn my decrees, refusing to obey all my commandments and breaking my covenant, |
16我必要這樣與你們作對,使你們恐怖,患肺癆瘧疾,眼目昏花,心靈憔悴;你們的種子,白白播種,因為你們的仇敵要來吃盡。 |
16then I, in turn, will give you your deserts. I will punish you with terrible woes--with wasting and fever to dim the eyes and sap the life. You will sow your seed in vain, for your enemies will consume the crop. |
17我要板起臉來與你們作對,你們必為仇敵擊潰,那仇恨你們的要壓制你們;雖然沒有人追趕,你們也要望風而逃。 |
17I will turn against you, till you are beaten down before your enemies and lorded over by your foes. You will take to flight though no one pursues you. |
18如果這樣你們還不聽從我,為了你們的罪惡,我必要加重七倍懲罰你們, |
18"If even after this you do not obey me, I will increase the chastisement for your sins sevenfold, |
19粉碎你們矜誇的力量,使你們的蒼天如鐵,使你們的土地像銅, |
19to break your haughty confidence. I will make the sky above you as hard as iron, and your soil as hard as bronze, |
20使你們白費氣力,地不供給出產,田野的樹木也不結果實。 |
20so that your strength will be spent in vain; your land will bear no crops, and its trees no fruit. |
21如果你們還與我作對,不願聽從我,我必按照你們的罪惡,加重七倍打擊你們, |
21"If then you become defiant in your unwillingness to obey me, I will multiply my blows another sevenfold, as your sins deserve. |
22使野獸來傷害你們,奪去你們的子女,殘害你們的牲畜,減少你們的人口,使你們的街市變為廢墟。 |
22I will unleash the wild beasts against you, to rob you of your children and wipe out your livestock, till your population dwindles away and your roads become deserted. |
23如果我用這些事還不能懲戒你們,你們仍然與我作對, |
23"If, with all this, you still refuse to be chastened by me and continue to defy me, |
24我也要與你們作對,為了你們的罪惡,必要加重七倍打擊你們。 |
24I, too, will defy you and will smite you for your sins seven times harder than before. |
25我必令刀劍臨於你們,為報復違背盟約的罪;如果你們退入城市,我必使瘟疫來害你們,叫你們落在仇人手內。 |
25I will make the sword, the avenger of my covenant, sweep over you. Though you then huddle together in your walled cities, I will send in pestilence among you, till you are forced to surrender to the enemy. |
26當我給你們斷絕了糧源時,十個女人要在一口灶上烤餅,按定量給你們配給食糧;你們雖然吃,卻吃不飽。 |
26And as I cut off your supply of bread, ten women will need but one oven for baking all the bread they dole out to you in rations--not enough food to still your hunger. |
27如果這樣,你們還不聽從我,仍然與我作對, |
27"If, despite all this, you still persist in disobeying and defying me, |
28我必發怒來與你們作對,為了你們的罪惡,我必加重七倍懲罰你們。 |
28I, also, will meet you with fiery defiance and will chastise you with sevenfold fiercer punishment for your sins, |
29你們要吃你們兒子的肉,連你們女兒的肉也要吃。 |
29 till you begin to eat the flesh of your own sons and daughters. |
30我必破壞你們的丘壇,砍倒你們的香臺,將你們的屍首堆在你們的偶像的屍首上。我必厭惡你們, |
30I will demolish your high places, overthrow your incense stands, and cast your corpses on those of your idols. In my abhorrence of you, |
31使你們的城市變為曠野,聖所化為廢墟,不願再聞你們祭品的馨香。 |
31I will lay waste your cities and devastate your sanctuaries, refusing to accept your sweet-smelling offerings. |
32我必使你們的地化為廢墟,甚至你的仇人來居住時,還驚奇不已。 |
32So devastated will I leave the land that your very enemies who come to live there will stand aghast at the sight of it. |
33我必將你們分散在各民族中,我要拔劍追逐你們,使你們的地成為廢墟,城市變為曠野。 |
33You yourselves I will scatter among the nations at the point of my drawn sword, leaving your countryside desolate and your cities deserted. |
34當那地方變成荒野,而你們僑居在仇人的地方時,這整個的時期,那地才補上了安息的時候;那時地要休息,補享安息年。 |
34Then shall the land retrieve its lost sabbaths during all the time it lies waste, while you are in the land of your enemies; then shall the land have rest and make up for its sabbaths |
35那地方荒涼的整個時期內,才得到安息,補享你們居住時,在你們的安息年內,未享到的安息。 |
35during all the time that it lies desolate, enjoying the rest that you would not let it have on the sabbaths when you lived there. |
36至於你們中殘存的人,我必使他們在仇人的地方膽戰心驚,甚至風吹落葉聲也把他們嚇跑,逃跑有如逃避刀劍;雖然無人追趕,他們也跌倒在地。 |
36"Those of you who survive in the lands of their enemies I will make so fainthearted that, if leaves rustle behind them, they will flee headlong, as if from the sword, though no one pursues them; |
37雖然無人追趕,他們卻一人倒在另一人身上,如面臨刀劍。你們決不能抵擋你們的仇人, |
37stumbling over one another as if to escape a weapon, while no one is after them--so helpless will you be to take a stand against your foes! |
38只有在各民族中消滅;仇人的土地要把你們吞下。 |
38You will be lost among the Gentiles, swallowed up in your enemies' country. |
39你們中殘存的人,必為了自己的罪惡,在仇人的地方,日漸衰弱,還要為了祖先的罪惡,日漸衰弱。 |
39Those of you who survive in the lands of their enemies will waste away for their own and their fathers' guilt. |
40他們終必承認自己的罪惡,祖先的罪惡,對我不忠與我作對的叛逆之罪。 |
40"Thus they will have to confess that they and their fathers were guilty of having rebelled against me and of having defied me, |
41當我與他們作對,將他們遷送到他們仇人的地方以後,他們未受割損的心,必會謙卑自下,要心甘情願受罰贖罪, |
41so that I, too, had to defy them and bring them into their enemies' land. Then, when their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they make amends for their guilt, |
42我也要想起我同雅各伯所結的盟約,想起同依撒格,同亞巴郎所結的盟約,也想起那地方來。 |
42I will remember my covenant with Jacob, my covenant with Isaac, and my covenant with Abraham; and of the land, too, I will be mindful. |
43但那地方應為他們所放棄,好在他們離去,地方荒蕪時,才能補享安息年,同時他們也補贖自己的罪惡,這是因為他們棄絕了我的制度,厭惡了我的法令。 |
43But the land must first be rid of them, that in its desolation it may make up its lost sabbaths, and that they, too, may make good the debt of their guilt for having spurned my precepts and abhorred my statutes. |
44但是,即使這樣,當他們留在仇人的地方時,我仍不棄絕他們,也不厭惡他們,以致消滅他們,廢除我與他們結的盟約,因為我上主是他們的天主。 |
44Yet even so, even while they are in their enemies' land, I will not reject or spurn them, lest, by wiping them out, I make void my covenant with them; for I, the LORD, am their God. |
45我顧念他們,我還要想起我與他們的祖先所結的盟約;我在各民族的眼前,由埃及地領出他們的祖先來,為做他們的天主:我是上主。」 |
45I will remember them because of the covenant I made with their forefathers, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt under the very eyes of the Gentiles, that I, the LORD, might be their God." |
46這是上主在西乃山,於自己和以色列子民間,藉梅瑟所立定的法令、制度和法律。 |
46 These are the precepts, decrees and laws which the LORD had Moses promulgate on Mount Sinai in the pact between himself and the Israelites. |