格林多前書 |
1 Corinthians |
1這樣說來,人當以我們為基督的服務員和天主奧秘的管理人。 |
1Thus should one regard us: as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. |
2說到管理人,另外要求於他的,就是要他表現忠信。 |
2Now it is of course required of stewards that they be found trustworthy. |
3至於我,或受你們的審斷,或受人間法庭的審斷,為我都是極小的事,就連我自己也不審斷自己, |
3It does not concern me in the least that I be judged by you or any human tribunal; I do not even pass judgment on myself; |
4因為我雖然自覺良心無愧,但我決不因此就自斷為義人;那審斷我的只是主。 |
4I am not conscious of anything against me, but I do not thereby stand acquitted; the one who judges me is the Lord. |
5所以,時候未到,你們什麼也不要判斷,只等主來,他要揭發暗中的隱情,且要顯露人心的計謀:那時,各人纔可由天主那裏獲得稱譽。 |
5Therefore, do not make any judgment before the appointed time, until the Lord comes, for he will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will manifest the motives of our hearts, and then everyone will receive praise from God. |
6弟兄們,我為了你們的緣故,把這些事貼在我自己和阿頗羅身上,好叫你們跟我們學習「不可越過所記載的」,免得有人自大,高看這個,鄙視那個。 |
6 I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers, so that you may learn from us not to go beyond what is written, so that none of you will be inflated with pride in favor of one person over against another. |
7誰使你異於別人呢?你有什麼不是領受的呢?既然是領受的,為什麼你還誇耀,好像不是領受的呢? |
7Who confers distinction upon you? What do you possess that you have not received? But if you have received it, why are you boasting as if you did not receive it? |
8你們己經飽滿了,已經富足了,已無需我們,自己可為王了;恨不得你們真為了王,好叫我們與你們一同為王! |
8You are already satisfied; you have already grown rich; you have become kings without us! Indeed, I wish that you had become kings, so that we also might become kings with you. |
9我以為天主把我們作宗徒的列在最後的一等,好像被判死刑的人,因為我們成了供世界、天使和世人觀賞的一場戲劇。 |
9 For as I see it, God has exhibited us apostles as the last of all, like people sentenced to death, since we have become a spectacle to the world, to angels and human beings alike. |
10我們為了基督成了愚妄的人,你們在基督內卻成了聰明的人;我們軟弱,你們卻強壯;你們受尊敬,我們受羞辱。 |
10We are fools on Christ's account, but you are wise in Christ; we are weak, but you are strong; you are held in honor, but we in disrepute. |
11直到此時此刻,我們仍是忍饑受渴,衣不蔽體,受人拳打,居無定所, |
11To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty, we are poorly clad and roughly treated, we wander about homeless |
12並且親手勞碌操作。被人咒罵,我們就祝福;被人迫害,我們就忍受; |
12and we toil, working with our own hands. When ridiculed, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; |
13被人誹謗,我們就勸戒;直到現在,我們仍被視為世上的垃圾和人間的廢物。 |
13when slandered, we respond gently. We have become like the world's rubbish, the scum of all, to this very moment. |
14我寫這些話,並不是為叫你們羞愧,而是為勸告你們,就如同勸告我所親愛的孩子一樣, |
14I am writing you this not to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved children. |
15因為你們縱然在基督內有上萬的教師,但為父親的卻不多,因為是我在基督耶穌內藉福音生了你們。 |
15Even if you should have countless guides to Christ, yet you do not have many fathers, for I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel. |
16所以我求你們:你們要效法我! |
16Therefore, I urge you, be imitators of me. |
17為了這個緣故,我打發弟茂德到你們那裏去,他在主內是我親愛和忠信的孩子,他要使你們想起我在基督內怎樣行事,和我到處在各教會內所教導的。 |
17For this reason I am sending you Timothy, who is my beloved and faithful son in the Lord; he will remind you of my ways in Christ (Jesus), just as I teach them everywhere in every church. |
18有些人以為我不會到你們那裏去,就傲慢自大; |
18 Some have become inflated with pride, as if I were not coming to you. |
19其實,主若願意,我必很快就要到你們那裏去;並且我所要知道的,並不是那些傲慢自大者的言辭,而是他們的能力, |
19But I will come to you soon, if the Lord is willing, and I shall ascertain not the talk of these inflated people but their power. |
20因為天主的國並不在於言辭,而是在於德能。 |
20For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. |
21你們願意怎樣呢?願意我帶着棍棒到你們那裏去呢?還是懷着慈愛和溫柔的心情到你們那裏去呢? |
21Which do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a rod, or with love and a gentle spirit? |