戶籍紀:Chapter 35


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1上主在耶里哥對面,約但河邊,摩阿布曠野內,訓示梅瑟說: 1The LORD gave these instructions to Moses on the plains of Moab beside the Jericho stretch of the Jordan:
2「你命令以色列子民,應由他們分得的產業內,指定一些城給肋未人居住,將城四周的牧場,也分給肋未人。 2"Tell the Israelites that out of their hereditary property they shall give the Levites cities for homes, as well as pasture lands around the cities.
3這些城歸他們居住,城郊的牧場為牧放他們所有的牛羊和一切牲畜。 3The cities shall serve them to dwell in, and the pasture lands shall serve their herds and flocks and other animals.
4你們劃給肋未城郊的牧場,應由城牆起,周圍向外伸展至二千肘, 4The pasture lands of the cities to be assigned the Levites shall extend a thousand cubits from the city walls in each direction.
5即由城外向東方量二千肘,向南方量二千肘,向西方量二千肘,向北方量二千肘,城在中央;這些土地為作他們城郊的牧場。 5Thus you shall measure out two thousand cubits outside the city along each side-east, south, west and north-with the city lying in the center. This shall serve them as the pasture lands of their cities.
6分給肋未人的城中,應指定六座為避難城,殺人者可逃入城中。此外還應給他們四十二座城。 6"Now these are the cities you shall give to the Levites: the six cities of asylum which you must establish as places where a homicide can take refuge, and in addition forty-two other cities--
7這樣,劃給肋未人的城,共計四十八座,連城郊的牧場在內。 7a total of forty-eight cities with their pasture lands to be assigned the Levites.
8當你們由以色列子民的產業中,劃分給肋未人城邑時,由大支派應多取,由小支派應少取;每支派應依照自己分得的產業,將城邑劃給肋未人。」 8 In assigning the cities from the property of the Israelites, take more from a larger group and fewer from a smaller one, so that each group will cede cities to the Levites in proportion to its own heritage."
9上主訓示梅瑟說: 9The LORD said to Moses,
10「你告訴以色列子民說:幾時你們過約但河進入了客納罕地, 10"Tell the Israelites: When you go across the Jordan into the land of Canaan,
11應選定幾座城作你們的避難城,凡誤殺人的,可逃到那裏。 11select for yourselves cities to serve as cities of asylum, where a homicide who has killed someone unintentionally may take refuge.
12這些城可作為你們脫免復仇者的避難所,好使殺人者不致在未立於會眾前受審判以前,便遭人殺害。 12 These cities shall serve you as places of asylum from the avenger of blood, so that a homicide shall not be put to death unless he is first tried before the community.
13你們應指定六座城作為你們的避難城。 13Six cities of asylum shall you assign:
14在約但河東指定三座,在客納罕地指定三座,作為避難城。 14three beyond the Jordan, and three in the land of Canaan.
15這六座城為以色列子民和外方人,以及住在你們中間的人,作為避難所;凡誤殺人的,都可逃到那裏去。 15These six cities of asylum shall serve not only the Israelites but all the resident or transient aliens among them, so that anyone who has killed another unintentionally may take refuge there.
16人若用鐵器打人,將人打死,他就是兇手,兇手應處死刑。 16 "If a man strikes another with an iron instrument and causes his death, he is a murderer and shall be put to death.
17人若用手中可砸死人的石頭打人,將人砸死;他就是兇手,兇手應處死刑。 17If a man strikes another with a death-dealing stone in his hand and causes his death, he is a murderer and shall be put to death.
18或者人若用手中可打死人的木器打人,將人打死,他就是兇手,兇手應處死刑。 18If a man strikes another with a death-dealing club in his hand and causes his death, he is a murderer and shall be put to death.
19報血仇的,可將兇手殺死;幾時遇見他,可將他殺死。 19The avenger of blood may execute the murderer, putting him to death on sight.
20人若因懷恨撞倒了人,或故意拋物打人,致使那人死了; 20"If a man pushes another out of hatred, or after lying in wait for him throws something at him, and causes his death,
21或者因仇恨用手打人,將人打死;打人的應處死刑,因他是兇手;報血仇的人,幾時遇着兇手,可將他殺死。 21or if he strikes another out of enmity and causes his death, he shall be put to death as a murderer. The avenger of blood may execute the murderer on sight.
22但是,若人並無怨仇,偶然撞倒人,或無意中拋物傷人, 22"However, if a man pushes another accidentally and not out of enmity, or if without lying in wait for him he throws some object at him,
23或因沒有看見,使任何能打死人的石頭落在人身上,致使那人死了,彼此並沒有怨仇,也沒有意思害人, 23or without seeing him throws a death-dealing stone which strikes him and causes his death, although he was not his enemy nor seeking to harm him:
24對這樣的案件,應在打死人的和要報血仇者之間進行裁判。 24then the community, deciding the case between the slayer and the avenger of blood in accordance with these norms,
25會眾要把殺人者由報血仇者手內救出,使他回到他曾逃入的避難城內,叫他住在那裏,直到傅過聖油的大司祭去世。 25shall free the homicide from the avenger of blood and shall remand him to the city of asylum where he took refuge; and he shall stay there until the death of the high priest who has been anointed with sacred oil.
26但殺人者如果離開他逃入避難城的邊界以外, 26If the homicide of his own accord leaves the bounds of the city of asylum where he has taken refuge,
27報血仇者若在避難城邊界以外遇見了他,將殺人者殺死,他並不犯流血的罪, 27and the avenger of blood finds him beyond these bounds and kills him, the avenger incurs no bloodguilt;
28因為那人該留在避難城內,直到大司祭去世;大司祭死後,殺人者方可回到屬自己產業的地方: 28the homicide was bound to stay in his city of asylum until the death of the high priest. Only after the death of the high priest may the homicide return to his own district.
29這是你們世世代代,在你們任何住處,應遵守的法令。 29"These shall be norms for you and all your descendants, wherever you live, for rendering judgment.
30凡殺人的案件,應依據幾個證人的口供,纔可處決殺人犯;惟獨一人作證,不足以將人宣判死刑。 30"Whenever someone kills another, the evidence of witnesses is required for the execution of the murderer. The evidence of a single witness is not sufficient for putting a person to death.
31對於被判死刑的殺人犯,你們不可取贖命金,因為他應該死。 31"You shall not accept indemnity in place of the life of a murderer who deserves the death penalty; he must be put to death.
32同樣,你們對逃入避難城的人,亦不可取贖金,准他在大司祭死以前回到本鄉居住。 32Nor shall you accept indemnity to allow a refugee to leave his city of asylum and again dwell elsewhere in the land before the death of the high priest.
33你們不可玷污你們所居之地,因為血能玷污地;在那裏流了血,除非流那殺人者的血,為那地沒有其他取潔的方法。 33You shall not desecrate the land where you live. Since bloodshed desecrates the land, the land can have no atonement for the blood shed on it except through the blood of him who shed it.
34你們不可褻瀆你們所居之地,這地也是我居留之地,因為我上主是住在以色列子民中間。」 34Do not defile the land in which you live and in the midst of which I dwell; for I am the LORD who dwells in the midst of the Israelites."