弟茂德後書:Chapter 2


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弟茂德後書 2 Timothy
1所以,我兒!你應因那在基督耶穌內的恩寵堅強起來, 1 So you, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
2應把你在許多證人前由我所聽的,傳授給忠信可靠的人,使他們也能夠教導別人。 2And what you heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will have the ability to teach others as well.
3應如同基督耶穌的精兵,與我共受勞苦。 3Bear your share of hardship along with me like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
4沒有一個當兵的為叫他的元帥喜歡,而讓日常的俗務纏身的。 4To satisfy the one who recruited him, a soldier does not become entangled in the business affairs of life.
5若有人競賽,除非按規矩競賽,是得不到花冠的。 5Similarly, an athlete cannot receive the winner's crown except by competing according to the rules.
6勞苦的農夫,理當先享受產物。 6The hardworking farmer ought to have the first share of the crop.
7你要了解我所說的話;其實主必要賜你了解一切。 7Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything.
8你務要記住:根據我所傳的福音,達味的後裔耶穌基督從死者中復活了。 8 Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, a descendant of David: such is my gospel,
9為了這福音,我受苦以至帶鎖鏈,如同兇犯一樣;但是天主的道,決束縛不住。 9for which I am suffering, even to the point of chains, like a criminal. But the word of God is not chained.
10為此,我為蒙選的人忍受一切,為使他們也獲得那在基督耶穌內的救恩和永遠的光榮。 10Therefore, I bear with everything for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, together with eternal glory.
11這話是確實的:如果我們與他同死,也必與他同生; 11This saying is trustworthy: If we have died with him we shall also live with him;
12如果我們堅忍到底,也必與他一同為王;如果我們否認他,他也必要否認我們; 12if we persevere we shall also reign with him. But if we deny him he will deny us.
13如果我們不忠信,他仍然是忠信的,因為他不能否認自己。 13If we are unfaithful he remains faithful, for he cannot deny himself.
14你要提醒人這些事:在天主前懇切勸戒他們,不要在言詞上爭辯,因為爭辯除能顛覆聽眾外,絲毫沒有益處。 14 Remind people of these things and charge them before God to stop disputing about words. This serves no useful purpose since it harms those who listen.
15你要努力在天主前,顯示自己是經得起考驗的,是無愧的工人,正確地講授真理之言。 15Be eager to present yourself as acceptable to God, a workman who causes no disgrace, imparting the word of truth without deviation.
16至於那凡俗的空談,務要躲避,因為這些空談,多使人趨於不敬。 16Avoid profane, idle talk, for such people will become more and more godless,
17這些人的言論如同毒癌,愈爛愈大;其中就有依默納約和非肋托, 17and their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus,
18他們離開了真理,說復活已是過去的事,顛覆了一些人的信仰。 18who have deviated from the truth by saying that (the) resurrection has already taken place and are upsetting the faith of some.
19但是天主堅固的基礎,屹立不動,且有這樣的刻文說:「主認識那些屬於他的人。」又說:「凡呼號主名的人,應遠離邪惡。」 19Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands, bearing this inscription, "The Lord knows those who are his"; and, "Let everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord avoid evil."
20在大戶家庭中,不但有金器和銀器,而且也有木器和瓦器;有作貴重之用的,也有作卑賤之用的; 20In a large household there are vessels not only of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for lofty and others for humble use.
21所以人若自潔,離開卑賤的,必然成為貴重的,聖潔的,有益於主人,便利行各種善工的器皿。 21If anyone cleanses himself of these things, he will be a vessel for lofty use, dedicated, beneficial to the master of the house, ready for every good work.
22你要躲避青年的貪慾,但要同那些以純潔之心呼號主的人們,追求正義、信德、愛德與平安。 22So turn from youthful desires and pursue righteousness, faith,love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord with purity of heart.
23至於那些愚昧和粗野的辯論,務要躲避,因為你知道辯論只會產生爭吵。 23Avoid foolish and ignorant debates, for you know that they breed quarrels.
24主的僕人不應當爭吵,但要和氣對待眾人,善於教導;凡事忍耐, 24A slave of the Lord should not quarrel, but should be gentle with everyone, able to teach, tolerant,
25以溫和開導反抗的人,或許天主會賜他們悔改而認識真理, 25correcting opponents with kindness. It may be that God will grant them repentance that leads to knowledge of the truth,
26使這些被魔鬼活捉去順從他心意的人,能覺悟過來,擺脫魔鬼的羅網。 26 and that they may return to their senses out of the devil's snare, where they are entrapped by him, for his will.