猶達書 |
Jude |
1耶穌基督的僕人,雅各伯的兄弟猶達,致書給在天主父內蒙愛,為耶穌基督而保存的蒙召者。 |
1 Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ and brother of James, to those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept safe for Jesus Christ: |
2願仁慈、平安、愛情豐富地賜予你們。 |
2may mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance. |
3親愛的,我早已切望給你們寫信,討論我們共享的救恩;但現在不得不給你們寫信,勸勉你們應奮鬥,維護從前一次而永遠傳與聖徒的信仰。 |
3Beloved, although I was making every effort to write to you about our common salvation, I now feel a need to write to encourage you to contend for the faith that was once for all handed down to the holy ones. |
4因為有些早已被注定要受審判的人,潛入你們中間;他們是邪惡的人,竟把我們天主的恩寵,變為放縱情慾的機會,並否認我們獨一的主宰和主耶穌基督。 |
4For there have been some intruders, who long ago were designated for this condemnation, godless persons, who pervert the grace of our God into licentiousness and who deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. |
5雖然你們一次而永遠知道這一切,但我仍願提醒你們:主固然由埃及地救出了百姓,隨後卻把那些不信的人消滅了; |
5I wish to remind you, although you know all things, that (the) Lord who once saved a people from the land of Egypt later destroyed those who did not believe. |
6至於那些沒有保持自己尊位,而離棄自己居所的天使,主也用永遠的鎖鏈,把他們拘留在幽暗中,以等候那偉大日子的審判; |
6The angels too, who did not keep to their own domain but deserted their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains, in gloom, for the judgment of the great day. |
7同樣,索多瑪和哈摩辣及其附近的城市,因為也和他們一樣恣意行淫,隨從逆性的肉慾,至今受着永火的刑罰,作為鑑戒。 |
7Likewise, Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual promiscuity and practiced unnatural vice, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. |
8可是這些作夢的人照樣玷污肉身,拒絕主權者,褻瀆眾尊榮者。 |
8Similarly, these dreamers nevertheless also defile the flesh, scorn lordship, and revile glorious beings. |
9當總領天使彌額爾,為了梅瑟的屍體和魔鬼激烈爭辯時,尚且不敢以侮辱的言詞下判決,而只說:「願主叱責你!」 |
9Yet the archangel Michael, when he argued with the devil in a dispute over the body of Moses, did not venture to pronounce a reviling judgment upon him but said, "May the Lord rebuke you!" |
10這些人卻不然,凡他們所不明白的事就褻瀆,而他們按本性所體驗的事,卻像無理性的畜牲一樣,就在這些事上敗壞自己。 |
10But these people revile what they do not understand and are destroyed by what they know by nature like irrational animals. |
11這些人是有禍的!因為他們走了加音的路,為圖利而自陷於巴郎的錯誤,並因科辣黑一樣的叛逆,而自取滅亡。 |
11Woe to them! They followed the way of Cain, abandoned themselves to Balaam's error for the sake of gain, and perished in the rebellion of Korah. |
12這些人是你們愛宴上的污點,他們同人宴樂,毫無廉恥,只顧自肥;他們像無水的浮雲,隨風飄盪;又像晚秋不結果實,死了又死,該連根拔出來的樹木; |
12These are blemishes on your love feasts, as they carouse fearlessly and look after themselves. They are waterless clouds blown about by winds, fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead and uprooted. |
13像海裏的怒濤,四下飛濺他們無恥的白沬;又像出軌的行星,為他們所存留的,乃是直到永遠的黑暗的幽冥。 |
13They are like wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shameless deeds, wandering stars for whom the gloom of darkness has been reserved forever. |
14針對這些人,亞當後第七代聖祖哈諾客也曾預言說:「看,主帶着他千萬的聖者降來, |
14 Enoch, of the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied also about them when he said, "Behold, the Lord has come with his countless holy ones |
15要審判眾人,指證一切惡人所行的一切惡事,和邪辟的人所說的一切褻瀆他的言語。」 |
15to execute judgment on all and to convict everyone for all the godless deeds that they committed and for all the harsh words godless sinners have uttered against him." |
16這些人好出怨言,不滿命運;按照自己的私慾行事,他們的口好說大話,為了利益而奉承他人。 |
16These people are complainers, disgruntled ones who live by their desires; their mouths utter bombast as they fawn over people to gain advantage. |
17但是你們,親愛的,你們要記得我們的主耶穌基督的宗徒所預言過的話, |
17But you, beloved, remember the words spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, |
18他們曾向你們說過:「到末期,必有一些好嘲弄人的人,按照他們個人邪惡的私慾行事。」 |
18for they told you, "In (the) last time there will be scoffers who will live according to their own godless desires." |
19這就是那些好分黨分派,屬於血肉,沒有聖神的人。 |
19These are the ones who cause divisions; they live on the natural plane, devoid of the Spirit. |
20可是你們,親愛的,你們要把自己建築在你們至聖的信德上,在聖神內祈禱; |
20But you, beloved, build yourselves up in your most holy faith; pray in the holy Spirit. |
21這樣保存你們自己常在天主的愛內,期望賴我們的主耶穌基督的仁慈,入於永生。 |
21Keep yourselves in the love of God and wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. |
22對那些懷疑不信的人,你們要說服; |
22On those who waver, have mercy; |
23對另一些人,你們要拯救,把他們從火裏拉出來;但對另一些人,你們固然要憐憫,可是應存戒懼的心,甚至連他們肉身所玷污了的內衣,也要憎惡。 |
23save others by snatching them out of the fire; on others have mercy with fear, abhorring even the outer garment stained by the flesh. |
24願那能保護你們不失足,並能叫你們無瑕地,在歡躍中立在他光榮面前的, |
24 To the one who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you unblemished and exultant, in the presence of his glory, |
25惟一的天主,我們的救主,藉我們的主耶穌基督,獲享光榮、尊威、主權和能力,於萬世之前,現在,至於無窮之世。阿們。 |
25to the only God, our savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord be glory, majesty, power, and authority from ages past, now, and for ages to come. Amen. |